Educational program 6B01402 «Physical education and sports management»

Direction: "Pedagogical Sciences»

Group of educational programs: "Training of teachers with subject specialization of General Development»

Degree awarded: bachelor of education

The purpose of the educational program is to provide educational services for the formation of the personality of a specialist with professional competencies for the management of the sphere of physical culture and sports and the organization of pedagogical, sports and mass, sports and recreational activities.

The sphere of professional activity of bachelors of education in the educational program 6B01402 - «Physical education and sports management» are: 


- secondary schools: secondary schools, boarding schools;

- primary and secondary vocational schools;

- children's and youth sports schools, schools of higher sportsmanship, schools of Olympic reserve;

- administrative bodies of education.

Physical education and sport:

- bodies of management of physical culture and sports;

- public and private commercial organizations in the field of sports: agencies, firms, clubs, teams;

- sports (mass sports, youth sports, Paralympic sports);

- sports and recreation rehabilitation, medical and biological, rehabilitation centers;

- research centers and laboratories that study the problems of physical and mental health.

A graduate who has completed our program will have knowledge and skills in the following areas: modern sports and health technologies, pedagogy of physical culture and sports, management and marketing of professional sports, public administration in sports, sports law and legislation, planning and organization of sports events, business management in this area and much more.


Address: 9 Akademicheskaya Street, Karaganda 100000

Phone: 8 (7212) 44 15 72 – admission Committee

             8 (7212) 44 15 58 – Dean of the faculty of business and law

Электронный университет
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