In honor of the Day of Thanks March 1, 2017 the dean's office of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, headed by the Deputy Dean for educational work Musipovoy LK and activists of the Student Council of the Faculty visited the KSU "Medico-social institution elderly and disabled number 2" of Karaganda.
Older people are very pleased by this attention; in conversation with the guests, they noted a tangible concern on the part of employees of the institution. Students and teachers UFPh, in turn, expressed their deep gratitude to the representatives of the older generation for the wisdom and experience of good works, for work invested in the prosperity of the country.
For older people, tea party was organized.
Boarding Houses Administration thanked the university administration, the rector Aymagambetova EB, Nakipov Dean GE and associate dean Musipovu LK for attention and care, underlined the importance of such meetings and expressed the hope that they will become traditional.
February 28 was held a visiting session with the RD-21k groups RD-23c \ k, DD-13c \ k and Tour-31k in the disciplines "Tourism infrastructure" on "base power" and distsiline "Culture of restaurant and hotel service" for the subject "Fundamentals of the provision of services in the hotel and restaurant business" based on the "Palermo" restaurant. During the retreat classes chef makes a pizza cooking techniques. On the work of the company and particularly the activities of the staff of the restaurant manager told Zhibak Zarina.
February 28 Department of "Ecology and Assessment" held a round table on the theme: "Environmental obrazavanie as a basis of ecological culture" dedicated to the message of the head of state, "the third modernization of Kazakhstan - glabalnaya competitiveness", which was invited to: RSU "Department of Ecology in Karaganda region Committee of ecological regulation, control and state inspection" - Ibraeva Maroua Bazilkarimovna; MSPE "Station yunnyh naturalists" - Musataeva Aisulu Bolatbekovna; MSPE "Station yunnyh naturalists" - Nadezhda Olishevets; Public association "Ecomuseum" - Sadybek Nurbolat; Public association "EcoObraz" Pliskacheva Elena
February 27, 2017 teachers of the department of world economy and international relations Abeuova S.T., Arystan M.I., Syzdykbekov E.S., Talimova G.U., Baygozhina G.M., as well as students of 3rd year specialty "international relations" and "world economy" took part in the international kazakh-south korean forum "Business partnership: the development of international economic relations", with the participation of Karaganda oblast akim Abdibekov N.K. The forum was attended by representatives of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken", the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region, as well as a delegation from the city of Daegu (South Korea), headed by the Deputy Mayor of Daegu Kim Young Chan.
Students witnessed the signing ceremony of two cooperation agreements: Agreement between the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Daegu.
On 24th February, 2017 on the basis of the KarSU named after E.A. Buketov was held an annual competition of social projects "Innovative Approach to Social Sphere" among university students of Karaganda (Karaganda State University, Bolashak, KEUK). A total of 16 projects were submitted to the contest, in the main qualifying round took place 9 projects. Faculty and students of the group OPEC-21k, Sw-31k Department of SW and SPD KEUK prepared and submitted to the protection of the jury of the contest 2 social projects. According to the results of the contest of social projects group OPEC-21k, as part Kanatuly Zh., Berіkbay A., Yerzhan M took 2nd prize, a group of SW-31k, participants Askhatқyzy N. Karіmhan A., Ybyray A. received a diploma for active participation in the competition.
22 Feb 2017 13: 00 hours the Department organized a visiting session in Karaganda Regional Museum of Local History, for the specialty "Tourism" the following groups of Tur-24s, Tour-31k, Tour-21K, Tour-22, on the subject "Museology". The topic of the program is devoted to EXPO-2017 opening, which will be held in Astana. Representatives of museums were presented project-presentation: "the Museum as a phenomenon of socio-cultural environment in tourism" in the framework of EXPO-2017. The event was attended by Egimbaev E. J. – head of the Department of culture, archives and documentation of the Karaganda region, as well as our graduate of the specialty "Tourism" Alzhanov, D. B. who is the head of the Department of tourism and foreign economic relations "Department for enterprise" Karaganda region. Then the representatives of the museums showed their presentations, trails museums of the Karaganda region. Were also invited representatives of different travel agencies.
Overall the field trip was very interesting, the students acquired a lot of knowledge, experience and skills, as well as the representatives of these museums are very interested in our students of the specialty "Tourism" and I hope that we will have further cooperation with the representatives of these museums with the internship of our students.
February 25, 2017 the departments of the “Russian and Foreign languages” and “World Economy and International relations” conducted an intellectual game “EXPERTS OF LANGUAGES” for the pupils of 11 classes of Karaganda secondary schools .
23.02.2017 group of the specialty "Tourism" Tour 12 and Tour 14C, the lecturer of the Department "Tourism and catering" Garipova A. A. held a retreat session on the subject "Technique and tactics of active tourism". Lesson theme: "Physical preparation for active tourism activities.
" The aim of the lesson was to familiarize students with principles and methods of physical training of tourists for the active tourist travel. The students were provided detailed guidelines, familiarized with the safety precautions and conduct during climbing, what equipment and what is necessary. Before conquer the top, were warm. Students experienced the importance of physical fitness, as well as successfully conquered the top of the climbing wall.
23.02.2017 a platinum lecture was held for students of the specialty "World Economy" and "International Relations" by the department of IR and WE. Visiting specialist - KulmagambetovaZh who is the head of project management department of the chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region. The theme of the lecture was "Cross-cultural management in the business environment."
Cross-cultural management is essential for building effective business relationships with representatives of foreign companies, enterprises, organizations. It is an essential element of the program of preparation of future international relations to the practice. Lecture was rich with many examples from practice and evidence, aroused great interest among the students and a desire to further explore this aspect of international relations.
February 11 at the base of the Karaganda University of Economics Department of "Ecology and Assessment" organized Olympiad in Biology "Zatoka biology - 2017", which was attended by 125 secondary school students of Karaganda.
As a result of the Olympic Games have revealed the winners with the highest scores:
Rank 1 - Alpysbaeva Ilana 11 cl - KSU OR №1 Saran
2nd place - Karpushina Alina 10 cl - School №48
2nd place - Rahman Әlіsher 11 cl - OKSHDS №77
3rd place - Aslan Olzhabaev 11kl - OKSHIDS №68
3rd place - Tokin Sabina 11 cl - OKSHIDS №77
The award ceremony will take place on mart 10 at a solemn ceremony at the Department of "Ecology and evaluation."