November 24, 2016 as part of the "Week of ecology and economy in KEUK" the department "Ecology and evaluation" was held a round table "Problems of efficiency environmental and economic processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan."
November 23, 2016 as part of the "Week of ecology and economy in KEUK" the department "Ecology and evaluation" competition craft "news from the wastebasket" was held. At the end of the contest 1st place was taken by:
Among 1-3 classes
Allahberdiev Bayram- KSU School № 83 named after Mustafina
Among 4-7 classes
Abdukalikov Sayan - KSU School № 77
Among the classes 8-10
Rashkyavichute Alexis - KSU "School № 82"
November 23, 2016 as part of the "Week of ecology and economy in KEUK" the department "Ecology and evaluation" was held a competition of scientific projects "granite science" among students in grades 9-11 and students. At the end of the contest 1st place was taken by: Margaret O. Konyukhov - KSU School №63 in Karaganda and Kairat Erlan - KSU School №48 in Karaganda.
In the framework of celebrations "25 star days" dedicated to the anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was organized ecological evening. It was held in 103 university audience and dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Semipalatinsk test site closing. At the evening program the Faculty students read the works of Kazakh writers and poets, watch movies on the subject, discussing the effects of nuclear testing in Kazakhstan and world.
November 22, 2016 as part of the "Week of ecology and economy in KEUK" the department "Ecology and evaluation" intellectual game "Leader evaluators" was held. At the end of the game 1st place was taken by the Karaganda College of Economics and Statistics.
November 29, 2016 the Department of the legal regulation of economic relations of the Faculty of Business and Law KEUK round table was organized dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic on the topic participated teachers of the department and students of "Jurisprudence" specialty "Tourism", "Restaurant business and hotel business", "International relations".
The program includes a round table attended student groups Yu-11k Akhmetova Diana author's version of a poem dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Kazakhstan Independence. Presentations were made by a student of Yu-11k Kapiyat Diana, and a senior lecturer in Kopbulov Rakhmet Aynabekovich.
2016 - This year, symbolizing a special period in the life of every citizen of Kazakhstan. We are witnessing the solemn celebration of the 25th anniversary of the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For 25 years, having made an incredible leap in the historical development of Kazakhstan jointly working on the creation of a strong, dynamic, modern state under the leadership of Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, who is considered to be the founder of the independent state.
November 28, 2016. Round table to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on “The unity of the people of the country as a key to successful development of modern Kazakhstan” was held.
Organizer of the round table – the Research Institute of Economics and Legal Studies and the Research Institute of New Economics and Systems Analysis.
The moderator of the round table: Dmitriy Nikolaevich Ulybyshev – acting vice-rector for research, strategic and Innovative development KEU
The presentations at the round table was made by:
Alexander Urmashev – head of department on work with the structures of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan KSU “Khogamdykh kelisim”
Omirzakh khazy Khazkenuly Bekkhozha – Commissioner Imam of Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan in Karaganda region, the imam of Karaganda region
Archpriest Vladimir (Freigang) – Secretary of Karaganda and Shakhtinsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church
Marina Vasilevna Klishina – Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Socio-Political Council of KEU.
From November 21 to November 30, 2016 doctoral candidates of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz passed a foreign scientific training to Spain (Santiago De Compostela)
The scientific training had consulting and concord character and has been constructed at close work of doctoral candidates and the foreign scientific consultant - the doctor of PHD Manuel Fernandeza of Grella: results of the research work which is carried out by doctoral candidates were presented, questions on dissertation researches were discussed, purposes and recommendations about carrying out further works have been received.
Together with the foreign scientific consultant on a constant basis consultations on subjects of scientific research of doctoral candidates were held. Works on scientific research Santiago de Compostela was carried out on the basis of library stock of University. In parallel doctoral candidates of university conducted work with foreign scientific literature in libraries and scientific centers of Spain.
By results of a scientific training doctoral candidates have been given positive reviews of the scientific consultant M. Grella
November 25, 2016 the senior teacher, Master of the chair “World Economy and International Relations” Musaeva E.A. and teacher, Master Atabaeva D.T. organized intellectual game “BATTLE OF MINDS” among the 1st course students of “International Relations” dedicated to the development of trilingualism.
November 26, 2016 on the basis of the Karaganda University of Economics, "World Economy and International Relations" department held a comprehensive intellectual Olympiads (World History, Geography, English), dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan among the 11th classes of secondary schools in Karaganda.