Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz expands the geography of academic partnership

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz expands the geography of academic partnership

In the framework of implementation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s program to attract foreign experts for teaching activities, Associate Professor of the University of Punjab Dr. Rab Nawaz Lodhi visited the University which, in turn, marked the beginning of cooperation with universities in Pakistan. The scientist conducted lectures and workshops on the topic “Research Methodology and Data Analysis” for master’s students, PhD students and teaching staff of the University between September 27th to October 19th, 2023.
Dr. Rab Nawaz Lodhi is a visiting research fellow at the University of South Florida (USA), guest editor of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology and an International Certified Trainer with QSR International (Australia).
It is worth noting that the use of modern technologies in data analytics is an integral element of effective research activities and academic development.
Also, as part of the visit, the promising areas for further bilateral cooperation were discussed during the meetings with top management of the University.

Scientific seminar "Cost planning for scientific research"

Scientific seminar "Cost planning for scientific research"

On October 16, 2023, a scientific seminar was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the topic "Cost planning for scientific research (within the framework of the competition for grant funding for scientific projects of Zhas Galym)".
The goal of the motivational project "Zhas Galym" is to attract at least a thousand people to scientific organizations every year who have or are planning an academic degree, to form highly qualified and competitive researchers, to attract and consolidate talented youth in science, to increase the proportion of young researchers. The project is intended for graduates of the grant doctoral program who have defended their doctoral degree.
The cost planning process is an important step that allows you to estimate the full amount of resources needed to achieve the main end goal of the work. The scientific seminar was attended by teachers, doctoral students and undergraduates of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. In the course of the scientific seminar, the requirements for the tender documentation were considered, examples of cost estimates for scientific research were given. The moderator of the seminar was PhD, member of the Council of Young Scientists Tyngisheva A.M.

Workshop on green economy and sustainable developmen

We are pleased to share with you the news about one important event - a workshop  realized withing the Jean Monnet project “European practice of sustainable development management towards green transformation” 101082914 — EPOS — ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH financed by the European Union and dedicated to the issues of green economy, sustainable development, lean production and social responsibility of business.  This event brought together experts, activists, business and public representatives interested in developing an environmentally responsible approach in various fields.

The main goal of the workshop was to summarize the experience of the European Union, as well as Kazakhstani practice in the field of processing secondary raw materials, aimed at achieving sustainable development goals both in our region and in the country as a whole.

During the workshop the following tasks were solved:

- analysis of the environmental situation in the region: The participants discussed the current state of environmental problems in the region and identified the key challenges that we face with.

- study of international and local experience: A detailed analysis of the European Union’s experience in processing secondary raw materials was carried out, and Kazakhstan’s practice in this area was also reviewed.

- development of proposals to improve processing: Participants proposed specific measures to optimize the processes of secondary raw materials’ processing in Kazakhstan, taking into account the best world practices.

We are confident that the results of this workshop will help raise awareness and intensify efforts to develop a sustainable ecological economy and socially responsible business in our region, promoting the experience of the European Union. All participants expressed hope for the continuation of such events and readiness for further cooperation in this important area.

We thank all participants for their active participation and contribution to the development of a sustainable future for our country!


Working group of the EPOS project

Round table dedicated to the Day of Spiritual Harmony

Round table dedicated to the Day of Spiritual Harmony

There are many holidays in our republic that are connected with the unity of the peoples living in the country. One of them is the Day of Spiritual Harmony. On October 18, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Spiritual Harmony. This is a day of unity and forgiveness, mercy and mutual understanding.

A round table was dedicated to this day, which was held at our university on October 16 on the theme "Day of Spiritual Harmony of the People of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

The round table was held in order to clarify the constitutional foundations of statehood, propaganda and explanation of secularism in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the formation of spiritual morality of youth on the example of traditional religions and the formation of tolerance of consciousness among the population.

The round table was attended by: member of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Nurov Nazar-Mahmud Nuryuly, Head of the Publishing Department of the Karaganda and Shakhty Diocese Ugolkov Alexander, teachers of the departments of "Socio-political disciplines and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan", "Finance" and students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The moderator of the round table was the head of the Department of "Socio-political Disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan", PhD, Professor Minzhanov Nurlan Adilbaevich.

During the round table, an interesting exchange of views took place on the problems and prospects of spiritual and moral education of young people.


A meeting of the student scientific society "Zerde" was held

A meeting of the student scientific society "Zerde" was held

The research work of students is one of the most important means of improving the quality of training and education of specialists who are able to creatively apply the achievements of scientific, technical and cultural progress in practical activities. Attracting students to science allows them to use their creative potential to solve urgent research tasks.

On October 12, 2023, there was a meeting of the student scientific society “Zerde” at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

At the meeting, the issues of improving work of the student scientific society were discussed and goals were set for the academic year. One of the main goals is to actively promote science among first-year students and involve them in writing articles, scientific papers and projects. As well as attracting more students and awakening their interest in science.

The teaching staff, together with the chairman of the student scientific society, 2nd year student of group MO-22-2, Ertman Victoria, are ready for active work and promotion of science.


Guest lectures of the visiting professor

Guest lectures of the visiting professor

In the framework of international academic mobility a course of lectures was held by Dr. Sc., Associate Professor of the Baltic International Academy (Riga, Latvia) Marina Sumbarova on the topic “EU Criminal Law” between September 19th – September 29th, 2023. The guest lectures were attended by students of all levels and teaching staff of the University.
Marina Sumbarova has more than 30 years of work experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Latvia; published 32 scientific articles, 3 monographs and 2 textbooks. The professor is a participant in more than 24 international conferences, as well as a member of the council for the defense of doctoral dissertations of the Baltic International in the program “Jurisprudence”.
The promising areas for further bilateral cooperation were discussed during the meetings with top management of the University.


Improving career guidance - the most important factor of professional self-determination of the individual

Improving career guidance - the most important factor of professional self-determination of the individual

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is in constant search of new forms, methods, content of career guidance, interaction and cooperation with colleges and secondary schools. To assist students in choosing the further trajectory of education, partners and potential employers are involved in the career guidance work of the department.
The staff of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work continuously interacts with members of the Educational, Scientific and Production complex "Damu". So, on October 10, on the basis of the Karaganda Banking College, a meeting was held with students of the educational program "Social Work", teachers of special disciplines, employees of the department of career guidance, employment and monitoring, social partners of the college on the topic "Trends in the development of socio-psychological service". During the meeting, the head of the department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences M.K. Abdakimova a "guest" lecture was given on the topic "The role of social work and psychology in modern society", and a member of the UNPC "Damu", a partner of the department, deputy director of the socio-psychological service of the MF "Hippocrates" LLP, Nesterova V.A. made a report on the topic "Activities of youth health centers: socio-psychological aspects".
During the meeting, a lively dialogue, exchange of opinions and proposals took place.
Following the meeting, a trilateral Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda Banking College and MF "Hippocrates" LLP.
We will make every effort to continue fruitful cooperation in order to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance in updating the professional and psychological potential of students.



The National Scientific, Practical, Educational and Health Foundation "Bobek" in April 2023 held a contest "The Best Student of the CIS-2023", which highlighted the outstanding achievements of young people in education and science.
According to the results of the competition, a 3rd-year student of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz OP "Design and Innovation Management" Kim Ksenia Andreevna was awarded a diploma of the 2nd degree and a medal for outstanding achievements in her academic and scientific activities. The student's scientific achievements will be published in an international book publication among scientific and educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, organized by the Association of Legal Entities in the form of the association "National Movement "Bobek". Scientific supervisor – D.M. Salauatova, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Innovation.
The competition for the title of "Best Student-2023" is a highly competitive event, during which outstanding academic achievements, leadership qualities and contributions to the university community are celebrated.
We congratulate you and wish you further scientific and creative achievements!


Students met with a well-known entrepreneur

Students met with a well-known entrepreneur

On October 03, 2023, Aizat Alkenov, an entrepreneur, co-owner of the Belady chain of stores, visited our university. Belady is a large chain of women's clothing and accessories stores, has 6 stores in Kazakhstan.

Aizat Alkenov shared with the audience of students the history of his formation as an entrepreneur, the experience of forming initial capital, the features of implemented business projects, examples of entrepreneurial risks that he had to face.

Also attended an open class of PhD doctor, associate professor Salauatova D.M. in the discipline "Entrepreneurship". Since the final work of the students in the discipline "Entrepreneurship" is the development and protection of a business project in the chosen direction, they were active and asked practical questions and consulted on their topics, as well as interested in the current trends in the field of entrepreneurship.

It was useful for students to listen to a speaker who spoke about his business experience.

Visit according to the plan of realization of the grant project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Visit according to the plan of realization of the grant project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

On September 24-30 the director of NIIEPI Khanov T.A. and the head of the grant project AP 19676691 of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of RK Bashirov A.V. visited St. Petersburg State University of Economics. During the visit meetings with the faculty of the university were held, questionnaires and interviewing of experts were conducted.

Meetings were organized with the head of the Department for the development of youth scientific research SPbSEU Androsenko N.V., the head of the department of organizing competitions and Olympiads of students Kolbina A.D., the head of the department of coordination of scientific activities of students. A.A. Tryapitsina, head of the department of coordination of scientific activity of students, discussed problematic issues of the organization of research and development activities

We would like to emphasize the importance of the meeting with the Director of the Institute of Economic Security, Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Law, Head of the Department of Economic Security of SPbSEU Dronov R.V., Associate Professor Grafov A.A., staff of the above-mentioned Institute and faculty of the Department.

Russian colleagues published information about our visit.


Happy Teacher's Day!

Happy Teacher's Day!

Dear colleagues!

You create the future of our students, inspire them to pursue knowledge and development, give them skills that will help them to become successful and valuable members of our society. Your work and dedication leave an indelible mark on their lives.
May this day be filled with pleasant surprises, joy and gratitude from your students. We wish you health, boundless energy and many more years of successful teaching!
Thank you for your important contribution to the future of our country!

Yours faithfully,

University Administration


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