Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan

Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan

On February 25, 2023, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz held an Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan among students of schools in Karaganda region. 37 students from 10 schools took part in the Olympiad.
The purpose of the Olympiad is to identify and develop interest in the history of Kazakhstan, as well as to involve school students in the study of the history of Kazakhstan.
The Olympiad was held in 2 rounds. The first round was the writing of an essay on the topic "My Motherland Kazakhstan", during which students who scored the most points were identified. The second round consisted of two tasks: the first – the quiz "Historical figures", the second – "Erudite". The jury determined the winners. Become them:
I-place: Abdimutalip Abilkhayyr (school №1 , the city of Priozersk) and Angelina Salikhova (school №88)
II-place: Tanat Nursultan (school "Daryn") and Kenzhebai Nurzhan (school №88)
III-place: Duysebekov Nurlan (school №74) and Oleinik Darya (school “named after G.N. Potanin").
The participants were awarded with diplomas and certificates, teachers were given letters of thanks.
Congratulations to the winners and wish them further success!

New partners and prospects for cooperation

New partners and prospects for cooperation

On February 24, 2023, the Public Administration Academy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a ceremony of signing a memorandum of cooperation with Kazakhstani universities that train PhD students and undergraduates in the areas of "Public Management", "State and Local Government" and "Human Resource Management".
Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek and Deputy Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs Azamat Zholmanov delivered a welcoming speech at the signing ceremony.
The cooperation agreement was signed by 32 domestic universities, including the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
After signing the memorandum, the parties discussed the Roadmap for the implementation of the main activities as part of this document. Joint research, development and implementation of educational programs, creation of a pool of experts in the field of public administration, public service and HR are highlighted as the main areas of cooperation. PhD students and undergraduates of higher education institutions will have the opportunity to have practical training and undertake internships in government agencies.

Regional Olympiad in Economics

Regional Olympiad in Economics

February 25, 2023 On the basis of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, the Regional Olympiad in Economics was held for students in grades 9-11 of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, and students of colleges in Karaganda and the Karaganda region.
The purpose of the annual intellectual competition among schoolchildren is the formation of economic thinking skills, the popularization of economic knowledge and assistance to students in professional orientation and continuing education.
The general methodological, organizational and information support of the event was carried out by the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship and Management and Innovations of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The jury was formed from among the representatives of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The event was attended by 70 students from different schools and colleges of the city of Karaganda and the Karaganda region. According to the results of the game, the participants were awarded diplomas of 1,2,3 degrees, certificates that give the right to discounts on tuition fees at our university, memorable gifts. The teachers of the winners received letters of thanks from the Rector of the University.

Prevention of bullying, trolling, methods of dealing with them

Prevention of bullying, trolling, methods of dealing with them

On February 16, 2023, a practical lesson was held by the University psychologist Temirkhanova G.U. on the topic "Prevention of bullying, trolling, methods of dealing with them" for students of hostels No. 1, 3.
The purpose of the lesson: knowledge and development of management techniques during trolling, bullying, cyberbullying; find out who the persecutors (bullyers), the victims of bullying, their behavior when bullying are; methods of victim behavior in bullying.
During the lesson, the psychologist noted the nature, causes of bullying, showed on a practical example the methods of behavior in group bullying, the techniques for managing behavior, the psycho-emotional health of bullying victims. Together with the students, they dismantled behavior patterns in various situations of bullying. Students asked questions, participated in the discussion of bullying prevention methods.

International intellectual quiz online quiz "Roads of historical memory"

International intellectual quiz online quiz "Roads of historical memory"

On February 2, 2023, within the framework of the Council of Rectors of the Gomel Region, the Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives (Gomel) hosted the international intellectual QUIZ online quiz “On the Roads of Historical Memory”. The quiz was dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War. The teams had to answer three blocks of questions: 1) choose the correct answer from several options; 2) indicate the name of the object, event presented in the illustration; 3) give the most complete information about the historical event, personalities. Participants had to answer the questions as quickly and correctly as possible.
Students from 15 higher educational institutions of Belarus, Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan took part in the quiz.
Students of our university
Aitzhanov Sanzhar (gr. MO-42);
Kobzeva Victoria (gr. MO-22-2);
Satdarova Karina (gr. MO-22-2);
Cherkashina Elizaveta (gr. MO-22-2)
Gryadunov Yaroslav (gr. Yu-22-2)
took part in this quiz.
The event was organized at a high level. The team of our university managed to show good knowledge. As a result of the intellectual struggle, the students of our university were awarded certificates and a diploma in the nomination "For the Will to Win".

"Fundamentals of Law" in the form of a quest game

"Fundamentals of Law" in the form of a quest game

On February 17, 2023, the Department of General Legal and Special Disciplines of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, together with the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda region, held the Olympiad "Fundamentals of Law" in the form of a quest game among schoolchildren of 10-11 grades in Karaganda and Karaganda region .
The purpose of this event: the formation of anti-corruption consciousness and anti-corruption culture, values and the development of abilities necessary for the formation of integrity and citizenship among young people, strengthening knowledge and skills in the basics of law.
19 teams participated in the Olympiad. The participants of the Olympiad, applying their knowledge, performed a variety of individual and team tasks, thereby gaining invaluable experience for further professional orientation.
As a result of the Olympiad, all the winners and team members were awarded diplomas of I, II and III degrees, certificates of participation, team leaders were awarded letters of thanks.
Holders of diplomas of I, II and III degrees (each participant) were provided with discounts for admission to the EP "Judicial and Law Enforcement Activities" for the 2023-2024 academic year in the amount of:
1st place - 15%
II place - 10%
III place - 5%.


Master class on the topic: «Fundamentals of entrepreneurship»

Master class on the topic: «Fundamentals of entrepreneurship»

Technological business incubator «Coworking Center «Dostyk» and the EPI Research Institute of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on February 20, 2023 organized a meeting of students with the director of «Synergy life» LLP, international SALES coach ICF, chairman of the Regional Council of Businesswomen at NCE Atameken of Temirtau Shiller Marina Vasilyevna on the topic: «Fundamentals of entrepreneurship».
During the Master class, Marina Vasilyevna shared her personal experience of becoming from a simple entrepreneur to the CEO of a large enterprise and the knowledge gained not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. During the meeting, the issues of how any future entrepreneur can build his business, prepare for applying for investments, understand how investors evaluate projects, and identify weaknesses of their startups were considered.
The students expressed their gratitude for the information provided during the meeting, which turned out to be very informative and fascinating, and expressed their wishes for further cooperation.

Regional Accounting Forum

Regional Accounting Forum

On February 16, 2023, a regional accounting forum was held, organized by the Department of Accounting and Audit together with «VIP» LLP.
The forum addressed issues on the tax and related legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan related to strengthening the accounting profession were considered, new challenges of business, science and education were studied, new approaches to accounting and reporting were identified, since the implementation of business depends on the accounting decision, reducing financial and tax risks.

Field training on the basis of "MF "Hippocrates" LLP

Field training on the basis of "MF "Hippocrates" LLP

Partners of the university are always ready to host teachers and students of our university to share their practical experience and show the subtleties of work in their fields. So, on February 15, 2023, a field lesson was held for students of the educational programs "Psychology and Management in Education" and "Social Work", which was attended by the groups PiMO-21-2, PiMO-21-1K, SR-21-2.
The field lesson was held on the basis of the UNPC "Damu" in the "Medical Firm "Hippocrates" LLP, where we were received by the director of the socio-psychological service, Galina E. Baikhmukhanova and her team of psychologists and social workers.
Specialists of the social work center of the socio-psychological service, represented by Natalia Palagina and Natalia Zolotykh, shared their experience in conducting an in-depth assessment of clients' needs in working with a specific case, focusing on the competencies necessary for a social worker in interdepartmental interaction and work in multi-teams. Also, during the excussion, they were introduced to the work of the palliative service.
Psychologists of the socio-psychological service of "MF "Hippocrates" LLP, represented by Valentina Nesterova and Alyona Zakharova, stressed the importance of working not only with patients, but also with staff, since the quality of services provided depends primarily on the specialists of the medical organization whose employees are most susceptible to burnout. Psychologists showed and told about the psychodiagnostic techniques used by them, and also demonstrated simulators for working with patients, the office of a speech therapist, salt mines.
The students were delighted with the field lesson and are ready to continue their studies with even greater zeal in order to become professionals in their field.

UNPC «DAMU»: strategic partnership in improving the socio-psychological training of students

UNPC «DAMU»: strategic partnership in improving the socio-psychological training of students

Primary health care is the basis of a system of medical care based on a biopsychosocial model and includes measures for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of diseases and conditions, social and medical rehabilitation, healthy lifestyle formation and sanitary and hygienic education of the population. The provision of affordable and high-quality primary health care depends on the professionalism of specialists, including social workers and psychologists of the healthcare system.
The Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work interacts on an ongoing basis with the partners of the UNPC from medical institutions. Employees of MF “Hippocrates“ LLP held a ”platinum“ lecture on ”Socio-psychological work at the level of primary health care” for students of the educational programs ”Psychology and Management in Education“ and ”Social work". Speaker of the lecture: Deputy Director of the Socio-psychological Service for Social Issues of MF “Hippocrates" LLP Nesterova V.A., Zakharova Alyona Denisovna - clinical psychologist, Palagina Natalia, Zolotykh Natalia - social work specialists, Kindzerskaya Victoria Yuryevna - obstetrician-gynecologist. There was a discussion of socio-psychological methods and technologies for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the reproductive health of young people, stress management and stress resistance.



On February 7, 2023, the Department of the Kazakh Language and Culture of Kazakhstan of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship organized a subject Olympiad among schoolchildren "Til bilgiri".

More than 50 11th grade students from 16 city schools took part in the Olympiad. During the subject Olympiad, students answered questions on the text and wrote essays on the given topics. Also, the students were presented with the information of the UNT, about the specialties of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

The awarding ceremony for the Olympiad will take place on February 10 at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. According to the results of the Olympiad, students who took 1-3 places are awarded with special diplomas. During the awarding, students of Kazakh and Russian classes are considered individually. When the rector of the university enters the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz in the 2023-2024 academic year, 15%, 10%, 5%, preferential certificates will be awarded to 6 students who showed the best results (Kazakh class 3, Russian class 3). The participants who did not receive a place, but showed good results, will be awarded letters of thanks.

Awarding of winners:

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ