Department of commodity and certification in the person of senior lecturer Ph. D. Isabaeva, G. M. in the period 04.04. – G. 15.04.2016 on high standards, conducted training for examination of non-food products for experts "the Center of judicial expertise of Ministry of justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
The experts were thanked for interesting lectures, extensive teaching materials, and for laboratory work.
They have a desire to come back again on the expertise of other groups of goods.
15.04.2016 Department of Commodity and certification conducted subject Olympiad on physics and chemistry among the participants of graduation classes of schools of Karaganda№
The aim of the week of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers in KARAGANDA
ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY: popularization of specialty "Restaurant business and hotel business", professional orientation of college students on a specialty "Restaurant business and hotel business" for admission to KEUK
Participants: University and college students on a specialty "Restaurant business and hotel business", the representatives of the restaurant business and hospitality industry Karaganda, representatives of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region.
Results of the week tourism KEUK: Enhancing relations with the department and college practitioners hospitality industry, shaping the future of a set of entrants in KEUK
The Faculty of Business and Law in collaboration with the Physical Education chair organized the basketball tournament for Rector's Cup on April 8-9, 2016 which was devoted to the 50th anniversary of KEUK.
The tournament was attended by student teams (boys and girls) of Nazarbayev University, Medical University from Astana, Karaganda State Industrial University from Temirtau and our students teams of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The tournament was held at the highest organizational level on the basis of the university sports center.
The tournament results:
Girls' teams
1st place - Medical University, Astana
2nd place - KEUK
3d place - Nazarbayev University
Boys' teams
1st place - KEUK
2nd place - Karaganda State Industrial University, Temirtau
3d place - The Medical University, Astana
At the closing ceremony of the tournament all the winners and the prize-winners were awarded with diplomas of corresponding degrees, Rector's Cups, medals, letters of appreciation and valuable gifts.
April 26, 2016 marks the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy, participated in the aftermath of which was attended by about 34 thousand Kazakhstan, including about 2 thousand Karaganda. Currently, according to incomplete data, live 5-7 thousand liquidators of Chernobyl in the country.
April 13, 2016 a meeting of members of the public association "Karaganda regional union of veterans of Chernobyl-Semipalatinsk" with university students and students KEBP dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy. The meeting was attended by: Duda Janis Boleslavovich - Major General, retired, Kid Nikolai Nikolaevich - member of the Board, Baekenov Meyrambek Karimovich - Deputy Chairman of the Public Association, Minin Viktor Mikhailovich - a journalist.
The purpose of the event - the patriotic education of the youth by the example of those who are risking their lives and health has gone through a nuclear inferno, eliminating the consequences of the accident.
The audience in the hall of the students were shown a film about the Chernobyl tragedy, then the guests, participants of those memorable days told firsthand about how the elimination of the consequences of the accident.
Grateful students presented the guests with souvenirs with the symbols of the university and flowers.
April 8, 2016 at the university on the eve of 50 - anniversary of the university held an Open Day "Innovative university - students creative thinking!" For graduates of schools and colleges of Karaganda and Karaganda region.
A meeting with the head of the Youth Resource Centre "Astana - Zhastary", the famous Kazakh actor, musician, producer Anuar Nurpeisov held in motivational training format, "11 elements of success", which aroused particular interest among the participants.
Prior to the beginning of the program have been organized: 2 flashmob quiz on information KEUK, a tour of the university.
In the organization of the Open Day employees SDD and CEFDL responsible for career guidance teachers work departments were involved, student volunteers faculties.
At this event Dean of the faculty, teachers and student volunteers KEU to provide information and invite them for face-to-face and distance learning in the ESCO EBL College and spoke to the graduates of schools of Abay district.
The graduates were shown a video clip about the KEUK and booklets.
April 7-8, 2016 on the basis of Taldykorgan Zhetysu State University them. I.Zhansugurov passed VIII Republican student subject Olympiad among students of 1-4 courses of full-time enrolled in 5V011500- "Basics of Law and Economics", which, under the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of the department SWandSPD Abdakimovа M.K., received a group of students participating "OPEC-11K", "OPEC-41K." Of the 8 teams participating in the Olympic Games, our team of Isayeva Aituar, Қanatuly Zhanaidarov, Kuandykova Syrymbet took 2nd place.
The team were awarded the Cup winner, diplomas, certificates and a letter of thanks to the rector KEUK PhD, professor E.B. Aymagambetov.
On behalf of the staff of the department Congratulations to winners of the Olympic Games and wish them further success in research!
Chairs "Ecology and evaluation" and "Economics and Management" held a forum dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz "EXPO-2017: Opportunities for business and" green "investments" in the online VDVS and Bashkiria. The forum was attended by Head of the Department of Ecology in Karaganda region Zh.I. Aliyev, an expert on the ecology department of Karaganda region Ibraeva MB, director of waste processing plant LLP TTC Mukaev EK, teachers and students KEUK.
April 6-8, 2016 Buketov Karaganda State University was held International Scientific Forum "Language education in terms of social and cultural transformation of modern society", which was attended by representatives of 8 countries and 26 universities.
As part of this forum KSU organized International Student Foreign Languages Olympiad. The aim of the Olympiad - the development of personal potential of students as one of the indicators of competitiveness of the future professionals, promoting educational - research activity of students. The following students from our university took part at this contest: Shevchenko Oksana (IR-32), Smagulova Zhanara (IR-32), Abdakimova Assel (UA-41к), Orazbekova Aygerim (IR-41) and Madina Maydabekova (IR-42). According 3 rounds student of the group UA-41к Abdakimova Asel won the 3rd place in the English language. (Supervisor: Master, Senior Teacher Zhunussova A.K)