Students and Resource center - new meetings, new plans

Students and Resource center - new meetings, new plansOn October 8, 2020, at 15:10h and 16:10h, an online meeting was held with students of the final courses of FEME and FBLT on the ZOOM platform. A presentation of the Resource center was held, and issues related to the center's activities were highlighted: organization of internships, employment, job search, resume preparation, etc. Students were particularly interested in questions about employment under the state program "Youth practice" and the distribution of graduates who studied under the state educational order.

Students and teachers of the faculty of Economics, management and entrepreneurship took part in the”Open Space " meeting organized by the Department of the Agency for protection of competition in the Karaganda region

Students and teachers of the faculty of Economics, management and entrepreneurship took part in the”Open Space " meeting organized by the Department of the Agency for protection of competition in the Karaganda regionChanges in the public administration system and the transformation of society's consciousness arouse keen interest in venues where representatives of business, government agencies, and education meet. At such meetings, opinions are expressed and discussed regarding the acute economic issues of the region and the country. On October 2, 2020, the departments of world economy and international relations, economic theory and GMU, management and innovation, Economics and entrepreneurship of the faculty of Economics, management and entrepreneurship took part in the “Open space” platform organized by the Department Of the Agency for protection of competition in the Karaganda region. The meeting was Attended by the head Of The Department of the Agency for protection of competition in the Karaganda region kenzhebekov R. A., Director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Kulpeisov E. D., representatives of firms and companies in the coal industry of the Karaganda region. he discussion on the hot topic of pricing in the regional coal market aroused great interest. Students gained experience and skills in building relationships between entrepreneurs and the state, received first-hand information about the opportunities for entrepreneurs to protect their competitive rights. The Department of the Antimonopoly regulation Committee of the Ministry of national economy of the Karaganda region, the Department of the competition protection Agency of the Karaganda region, the chamber of entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region actively cooperate with the Karaganda economic University, participating in the discussion of educational programs, are employers for our graduates

First aid training for volunteers

First aid training for volunteers

On October 08, 2020, as part of the Year of volunteers, training was held for volunteers to gain knowledge and practical skills to provide first aid and save the life of an accident victim.
This event is supported by the public Foundation "League of volunteers of Kazakhstan" under the grant "implementation of the project "ASHYK ZHUREK" to promote the brand of volunteerism among young people" NAO "Center for support of civil initiatives" with the support of the Ministry of information and public development of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Department of emergency situations.



CONGRATULATIONS!The staff of the Faculty of Economics, management and entrepreneurship sincerely congratulates senior lecturer, master of the Department of economic theory and SLM Stavbunik Elena Anatolyevna with the award of the PhD degree according to the educational program "State and local administration»!

Congratulate Bakhytzhan Erikovich!

Congratulate Bakhytzhan Erikovich!Voting in the primaries for the Nur Otan party has ended in Kazakhstan. And 06 October 2020 in Karaganda, summing up the first phase of intraparty selection of candidates to the maslikhats of all levels, participants in the primaries congratulated akim, Yermaganbet bulekpayev. The mayor handed them letters of thanks.
Among the participants of the primaries was senior lecturer of the Department of management and innovation Blyalov Bakhytzhan Serikovich. He received a letter of thanks from the Governor of the region for his active participation in the primaries, as well as in the development of the city and the life of the Nur Otan party. He worked on programs, participated in debates, and met with the public.
We sincerely congratulate Bakhytzhan Erikovich on this success and wish him to achieve his goals and work productively!

Technological business incubator "Dostyk coworking center "organized an online master class on the topic "Features of creating a successful IT business»

Technological business incubator "Dostyk coworking center "organized an online master class on the topic "Features of creating a successful IT business»

October 8, 2020 The technological business incubator "Dostyk coworking center" organized an online master class on the ZOOM platform from the head of the IT company "PIXEL" A. Otarbayev on the topic "Features of creating a successful IT business".
The speaker shared his experience in creating his own it business and revealed the secrets of its promotion. He introduced students to the theoretical features of developing an IT project, told them about its structure, and shared step-by-step instructions for writing a correct and structured startup project. Otarbayev Abay also told how to correctly justify the significance of the project, the problem statement and answered the questions that arose during the meeting.

Lecture "Corruption as a social phenomenon".

 Lecture "Corruption as a social phenomenon".

07.10.2020 for first year students of the Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz a discussion was organized on the topic: "Corruption as a social phenomenon". As part of the work plan of the student community "Sanaly urpaq", the lecture was delivered by the head of the student community "Sanaly urpaq" Orynbekov A.S. and the Chairman of the Community Rakhtayeva I. E.
The purpose of the discussion is to give a General idea of various forms of corruption, its manifestation as a social phenomenon; features of its manifestation in various spheres of life, causes, harmful consequences of this phenomenon; to form skills of adequate analysis and personal assessment of this social phenomenon; to form a set of knowledge that ensures behavior in accordance with legal and moral and ethical standards in corruption situations; to stimulate motivation of anti — corruption behavior among students.
During the speech, the lecturer told the audience about the history of corruption, measures to punish corrupt officials, as well as methods to combat this crime. Special attention was paid to the causes and consequences of corruption in modern society. Economic, institutional, and socio-cultural reasons were identified as the main reasons. The negative consequences of corruption in the economic, political, social and spiritual spheres of society are also noted and listed.
Summing up, it was noted that the fight against corruption is really our common duty. Only by joint efforts of both state and public authorities can any significant results be achieved. If today young people do not join the ranks of corrupt officials, then in a generation there will be no trace of corruption without any struggle.

Contribution and model of hard work to the formation of unity of the people of Kazakhstan

Contribution and model of hard work to the formation of unity of the people of Kazakhstan

In July 2020, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tokayev Kassym-Zhomart Kemelevich, the head of the department of SW and Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan KEUK, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Abdakimova Madina Kochkarovna was nominated for a medal in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan! The medal was awarded signed by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev.

This is a high award and assessment of the activities of M.K. Abdakimova. at the republican level for the contribution to the preservation and development of social stability in Kazakhstani society!

The staff of the Department of SW and Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan congratulates Abdakimova M.K. highly appreciated and awarded, and is proud of our colleague!


Online conference on the topic "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and questions of spiritual conflict prevention in modern conditions"

Online conference on the topic "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and questions of spiritual conflict prevention in modern conditions"

On September 30, KEUK hosted an online conference "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and questions of spiritual conflict prevention in modern conditions" as part of the implementation of the Rukhani Zhangyru Program, organized by the Department of SW and KPA, in which 1st and 2nd year KEUK students took an active participation. The conference was held within the framework of the Educational Program and the initiative theme "Philosophical analysis of the theory and practice of modern education." The reports were discussed that are significant both within the framework of research activities and within the framework of the formation of a worldview, a culture of thinking and the modernization of public consciousness of student youth: "KNOWLEDGE AND CREATIVITY" SHABUSOV D. Yu-19-4, "CREATIVITY AND CREATIVITY: SIMILARITY AND DIFFERENCES" MUSINA O. MO-19-2, "MENTALITY AS A BASIS FOR FORMING A RELIGIOUS MENTALITY" A. KOGTEV SPD-20-2, "PROBLEMS OF MODERNIZATION OF PUBLIC CONSCIOUSNESS" GERDA N. YU-19-4, "VALUE ORIENTATIONS VALUE VALUE ORDERAGE PROBLEMS OF PREVENTION OF SPIRITUAL CONFRONTATION IN THE MODERN WORLD "Zhumanova M. Yu-19-3," Formation of spiritual values in the family "Zhukenova L. Yu-19-3," Components of the value orientation 19-2 " SPIRITUALITY "BABICH YU. YU-19-3," RELIGIOUS SPIRITUALITY "BISLINGER MO-20-2," PROBLEMS OF SECRETAL AND RELIGIOUS SPIRITUALITY IN MODERN KAZAKHSTAN AND ISSUES OF PREVENTION OF SPIRITUAL CONFRONTATION IN " FRAMES "RUKHANI ZHANGYRU" T. ISKALIEV, R. Zhumataeva MO-20-2, "THE MEANING OF RELIGION IN A SECULAR COUNTRY" T. BALTASHEVA MO-19-1k.
The conference was attended by Duman Bazarkeevich, executive, who made a welcoming speech, head of Department of SW and KPA, Abdakimova M.K., who emphasized the relevance of the discussed problems, Mulikova S.A., responsible for the Research work in the department and moderators of the event M.V. Klishina, N.E. Tutinova.


Seminar on the topic "Legal Regulation of trade unions and ways to improve it»

Seminar on the topic "Legal Regulation of trade unions and ways to improve it»

On September 29, 2020, in accordance with the agreement on public procurement of services concluded between Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and the Department of internal policy of the Karaganda region, a seminar was held on the topic "On legal regulation of trade unions and ways to improve it" with the heads and members of trade Union organizations of the Karaganda region. In connection with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the event was held online on the ZOOM platform.
The General Director of the Republican state enterprise on the right of economic management "Republican research Institute for labor protection of the Ministry of labor and social protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (g. Nur-Sultan) Professor Bisakajev S.G. on the topic "The role and problems of certification of production objects on working conditions" and head of the laboratory of economic and legal research of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, D.l.s., Professor Bakishev Kairat Alihanovich on the topic: "About the labor protection in the Republic of Kazakhstan»
Moderator of the seminar, Director of the research Institute of economic and legal research of KEUK, doctor of law, Professor Talgat Akhmatzievich Khanov outlined the main points related to the legal regulation of trade unions and issues of compliance with labor legislation.
We express our gratitude to the Chairman of the territorial Association of trade unions "Trade Union center of Karaganda region" Zhumabekov Bolat Kamzinovich and Shatokhina Tatyana Nikolaevna – Deputy Chairman of the Trade Union Center of Karaganda region for their assistance in organizing events.

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