On October 20, 2020, the winners of the online competition "Window to Europe with Erasmus +" were awarded among Erasmus programs participants, teachers and students of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
Vice-rector for research, strategic and innovative development of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Gulmira Yermekovna Nakipova awarded the winners valuable prizes and diplomas in the following nominations:
In the nomination "Best video feedback" for PhD student of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz - Lemeshchenko Olesya.
In the nomination "The best post" to senior lecturer of the department "World economy and international relations" - MS Dinara Talgatovna Atabayeva.
In the nomination "Best video" for the senior teacher of the department of "General legal and special disciplines" - Orynbekov Almas Sabitovich.
In the nomination "Best photography (series of photographs)" - student Olga Korpan.
Congratulations to our winners of the "Window to Europe with Erasmus +" online competition!
On October 23, 2020, at 10.00, the Department of ecology and assessment of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz conducts an intellectual online game "I am an ecologist" in the ZOOM platform for students of grades 9-11 of secondary schools in Karaganda
We invite you to participate!
Student scientific society "Amanat" of the faculty of business,law and technology of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz organized a round table on the topic "Science and its role in society". Moderator of the round Table senior lecturer of the Department of PREO magdatova K. Zh. told about the activities of the SSS "Amanat", the main purpose of which is is to promote disclosure of research potential residents Amanat, integration of research results into scientific and educational space, wide popularization of research work among students, improving the quality of professional training of students, able to creatively apply in practice the achievements of modern science.
The Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz announces the results of the online competition "Window to Europe with Erasmus +" among the university community, aimed at popularizing the European Union Erasmus + program, getting to know the possibilities of this program, demonstrating the results and experience of Erasmus + project participants and attracting them to participate.
On October 12, 2020, the Resource Center held an online meeting at the ZOOM platform with graduates of the master's and doctoral studies of the next year. During the meeting, the center provided information on its activities, highlighted all issues of further employment. The center also told what help they can provide in helping to find a job.
On October 14, 2020, at 15:10h, the Resource Center held a meeting with graduate students of all full-time departments of students under the state educational order. The topic of the meeting was the distribution of students and the obligatory processing of the grant. All the moments and stages of distribution were explained to the graduates, they were told about the terms and situations that are exempted from working off. Graduates asked interesting questions. On the same day, at 16:10h, an online meeting was held with undergraduates and doctoral students of graduate courses of students on a state educational order to discuss their distribution and mandatory processing of the grant.
On October 14, 2020, for second-year undergraduates, the staff of the research Institute of ELR held an online seminar on the topic: "The Procedure for preparing questionnaires and questionnaires of respondents on the research topic" as part of their research practice.
During the seminar, a number of issues were considered: types and procedure for drawing up questionnaires; selection of respondents; calculation of the sample size; solving problems that arise during the survey and survey of respondents; processing the results of the survey; effective application of the results of empirical research. Sample questionnaires are shown.
Undergraduates were interested in obtaining such information for use in their research activities.
08.10.2020 at 11: 00 doctor of Economics, Professor Dinara Sikhimbayeva held an online scientific seminar on the Zoom platform For undergraduates and doctoral students of KEUK on the topic "organization of scientific research". In the work of the scientific seminar was attended by undergraduates, doctoral students and scientific employees are invited.
In the course of the seminar, the organization of scientific research, the structure of scientific papers, including dissertations, as well as practical issues of writing research papers were considered. During the discussion, questions were asked about the structure of scientific papers, mandatory components of scientific work, and the search for sources of scientific and statistical information.
In October 2020 there was held a seminar on the topic "Internal quality assurance system of KEUK" by the senior coordinator of the Strategic Development Department L.T. Balmagambetova. The teachers and staff of the university who got a job at the beginning of the academic year were familiarized with the components of IQAS: mission, quality assurance policy, development program of KEUK, ESG standards, quality assurance guidelines. The information received on the functioning of the internal quality assurance system will allow them to successfully adapt to a new place and ensure compliance with the established work regulations.
From September 3 to September 17, 2020, advanced training courses were held for the teaching staff on the topic "Distance learning technologies". The training was conducted by Ph. D. in Economics, associate Professor of the Department of Digital engineering and IT Analytics Tazhbaev N. M. in an online format. The listeners highly appreciated this course. They noted classroom lectures and practical classroom.google.com a new path was set for them and allowed them to conduct classes at a high-quality level.