
The Faculty of Business, right and nechnology announces a competition for the award of a vacant educational grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the group of educational programs of higher education B076 - Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry), year of admission to the university is 2019, the language of instruction is russian.
Students applying for a vacant educational grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan must submit the following documents to the dean's office by December 29, 2020:
1) application for participation in the competition (before December 20)
2) a copy of the identity card
3) transcript
4) characteristic
5) dean's letter of recommendation


Dean's office of FBRiT



Introductory lecture - instruction for 1st year master students on working with the library fund

Introductory lecture - instruction for 1st year master students on working with the library fund

On the 28th of September, director of the library Satemirova K.K. was held an introductory lecture on working with the database of the KEUK library, issues on acquainting undergraduates with the world's library resources and their databases were highlighted. In this regard, in the context of coronavirus infection, each undergraduate has the opportunity to remotely use domestic and foreign literature.

Seminar-meeting with 3rd year doctoral students

Seminar-meeting with 3rd year doctoral students

On the 25th of September at 11:15 p.m., a seminar was held in conjunction with the Vice-rector on scientific work, strategic and innovative development of the Nakipova G. E. with doctoral students of the 3rd year EP "State and local management", "Management", "Economics", which highlighted the issues SRWD, issue 7 publications in accordance with the Rules of awarding degrees, the preparation for the publication of foreign articles by Scopus along with this, participants discussed the results of the final versions of doctoral studies.


Introductory lecture with 1st year doctoral students

Introductory lecture with 1st year doctoral students

On September 11, at 11:00 a.m., an introductory lecture was held together with the Vice-rector for research, strategic and innovative development Nakipova G. E. with 1st-year doctoral students of the OP "State and local management" and "Economics", during which the issues of approval of scientific directions and scientific supervisors were highlighted.

Congratulations to the winners of the debate tournament «Ozin sen...»!

Congratulations to the winners of the debate tournament «Ozin sen...»!

September 25, 2020 PI "Management on development of languages Karaganda region" in distance format on a platform of "ZOOM" among the universities of Karaganda region held a debate tournament «Ozin sen...», dedicated to the 175-th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev and the 1150 anniversary of Abu-Nasyr al-Farabi. Shadet Nursultan, a student of the WE-18-1k group, and Indira Kusainova, a student of the J-18-1k group, took part in the tournament from the KEUK "Birlik" debate club.
According to the results of the tournament, they were awarded the 1-st place diploma "Best team" and a cash prize. Congratulations to the winners!

ECO-run "Birgemiz: Taza Alem»

ECO-run "Birgemiz: Taza Alem»On September 27, 2020, KEUK "Bonum" volunteers took part in an eco-run under the project "Birgemiz: Taza Alem". A clean-up day in the plogging format, which involves cleaning on the run, was held in the Triathlon Park in Karaganda. The volunteers noted that residents do not appreciate nature and do not clean up their garbage, thus harming the surrounding world. After all, cleanliness begins with us, if we come to our senses in time, the amount of garbage from tons will turn into grams.
While in the Park, the volunteers did not pass by the sports grounds, where they were able to train on simulators after the clean-up day.

Charity project «Ardagym-Ardagerim»

Charity project «Ardagym-Ardagerim»

On September 23-24, 2020, KEUK "Bonum" volunteers participated in the charity project "Ardagym-Ardagerim" — assistance to veterans and home front workers within the framework of the project "Social student loan". Volunteers helped rehabilitated victims of political repression Maria Belousova and Alexandra Papova with household chores.
Veterans are a shining example for young people. The main purpose of the event on the example of veterans is to educate and attract young people to the spirit of patriotism, as well as their hard work and kindness to veterans.

First steps in science

First steps in science

From September 21 to 25, 2020, the faculty of business, law and technology invites 1st-year students to a series of webinars "First steps in science". You will learn how to write a scientific article, create a competitive project, and perform various types of training tasks with high quality and excellent results.

World cleanliness day

World cleanliness dayOn September 19, 2020, activists and volunteers of the EC KEUK "Bonum" together with the headquarters of "Saryarqa Jastary" took part in the regional subbotnik, as part of the world cleanliness day. During the subbotnik, volunteers cleared the shore of the Fedorovsky reservoir of garbage on the principle of "separate garbage collection" and 50 seedlings were planted along the coastal zone.
Let's save the nature together!

A competition of FBLT for the vacant educational grant

The Faculty of Business, Law and Technology announces a competition for the vacant educational grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the educational program 6B11102 "Restaurant and hotel business", year of admission to the university is 2019, the language of instruction is Russian.
Students applying for vacant educational grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan must submit the following documents to the dean's office by December 30, 2020:

1) application for participation in the competition
2) a copy of the identity card
3) transcript
4) characteristic
5) dean's letter of recommendation

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