Университет және бизнес диалогы

Университет және бизнес диалогы

On December 11, 2024, a friendly meeting was held between Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Gulmira Yermekovna Nakipova and Aydin Altaevich Akparov, Managing Director of the Karagandatranstelecom branch. On the agenda is the coordination of an action plan within the framework of the signed memorandum of cooperation and joint work on important tasks of regional development.

At the meeting, questions were considered about the possibility of professional development of the company's employees both through master's degree in scientific, pedagogical and specialized areas; through double-degree programs under the USHOS project and in the MBA master's degree, as well as advanced training through courses on modern business process management technologies using digital transformation of the enterprise and artificial intelligence systems.

In turn, the company "Karagandatranstelecom" offered students of various educational programs of our university an internship with their further employment in a branch of the company.

The meeting was held in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and agreement. In the future, the partners will have to implement a large number of joint initiatives and projects.

Joint projects and cooperation with big business help the university and the region move forward!



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