One day in the life of KEU students

One day in the life of KEU studentsOn November 3, 2018, the faculty of business and law held a career-oriented event "One day in the life of KEU students." The event was attended by 117 students from 15 schools.
According to the schedule, the students attended a lecture lesson at which the dean of the faculty delivered a welcoming speech; Creative teams and sports sections of the university were presented. Faculty activists and representatives of the student parliament told about the features of their student life and the conditions created at the university for the free development of young people in various spheres of public life.
The second lesson was conducted in accordance with the chosen direction of training in specialized classrooms by leading teachers of the university. In these classrooms, school students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with some of the features of their future profession. Special interest among the children was caused by such specialties as Finance, IT-Entrepreneurship, Management, International Relations, Law, Restaurants and Hospitality, Tourism.
The event ended at the university gym. For the guys who took with them sports uniforms, the teachers of the department of physical culture held a lesson in the gym.


One day in the life of KEU students One day in the life of KEU students One day in the life of KEU students
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