"Open Day on the topic" Available UNPF for all investors. " ENPF opened the doors to young visitors

ЕНПФ доступен для всехNovember 20, 2018 in the Karaganda regional branch of JSC "UAPF" was held "Open Day on the theme" Available UAPF for all investors. More than 300 people became its visitors. For the first time, along with depositors and recipients, the foundation invited colleges and students of higher educational institutions to the event: Karaganda Economic University of Kazakhstan; Academician E.A. Buketova, Karaganda State Medical University, As the director of the branch Mordvintsev Andrei Valentinovich explained, the foundation pays special attention to the formation of financial literacy and a culture of retirement planning for the younger generation.

“Now retirees receive the bulk of their pensions from the state budget, while the pensions of current schoolchildren and students will depend mainly on themselves. Therefore, it is important from school to teach them the skills of retirement planning, ”the interlocutor told us.
Foundation staff told visitors about how to obtain services and communication channels of the pension fund with the population. Today, UAPF services are available to almost all residents of the country. In all regions of the republic, there are 216 personal service centers, a field service service is organized, mobile agents are working that provide services to people with disabilities. Also this year, mobile offices have been launched in Almaty, Atyrau and Kostanay oblasts, which travel to remote locations and consult them locally. Next year, “offices on wheels” will appear in 12 more regions of the country. Terminals were installed in all regional branches for the development of the self-service system, and information kiosks were installed in 10 branches of the foundation. Also, most of the services can be obtained through the UAPF website, the e-government website egov.kz and the telegram-bot launched this year. Contact center 1418 works for consultation of investors. Answers to questions of interest can also be obtained through the blog of the chairman and the UAPF page on social networks.
As fund staff told, 80 percent of services are available electronically. Among them, the conclusion of an agreement on opening an individual retirement account for accounting for mandatory and voluntary pension contributions, obtaining an extract on the status of an individual retirement account, changing details or the method of obtaining an extract on the status of an IPA, and many others. The Fund’s website also has a pension calculator with which you can calculate the approximate amount of your future savings and benefits. The foundation staff consulted visitors on individual issues, and also clearly showed how to independently use the fund’s services, open a personal account, download a mobile application, etc.
To consolidate the knowledge of young visitors about the pension system, obtained during the event, a quiz was organized. Her victories were awarded certificates.
Open Day is held at the UAPF quarterly for the second year in a row. Participants of the event will not only learn about innovations in the pension system, but also can receive individual advice on issues of interest to them. During this time, he was visited by about 30 thousand people.

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