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Development of spiritual and moral values among students

Development of spiritual and moral values among students

The current situation in the globalizing world draws our attention to the problem of preserving the unique spirituality and culture of our country. The change of political and economic systems has led to the destruction of the traditional system of values. Mastering the culture of interpersonal communication involves the assimilation of social, moral norms, principles and values. Only through the processes of socialization is it possible to transform social relations.

So, on November 15 of this year, an event called "Meeting of Generations" was held at our university, the purpose of which is to educate the spiritual culture of students, the formation of their sustained interest in aesthetic values.

The following people were invited to the event:

Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of Karaganda region, Professor of Karaganda Medical University Molotov-Luchansky Vilen Borisovich;

Director of the Institute of Conflict Resolution and Mediation Alshimbayeva Gulnara Amankulovna;

Head of the Department of scientific and expert support and methodological support of "Kogamdyk kelisim" Department of Internal Policy of the Karaganda region Malaev Duman Bazarkeevich.

The event began with a solemn speech by Vice-Rector for Social Affairs Almas Sabitula Orynbekov.

During the event, invited guests, the head of the Department of Socio-Political Disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, teachers of the Department, undergraduates made presentations on issues of spirituality and moral principles of man, maintaining stability and tolerance in modern society.

Meeting with grant graduates to clarify the working out

Meeting with grant graduates to clarify the working out

On November 2, 3 and 15, 2023, a meeting with graduates of 2024 studying under the state educational order was organized at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
At the meeting, the issues of sending young specialists (graduates) to work, the implementation of their personal distribution were discussed.
The university annually creates a commission for the distribution of young specialists and PhD doctors studying on the basis of a state educational order.
The director of the Career and Professional Development Center of the Department of Strategic Development Sagitova Zh.E. told the graduates that the distribution is carried out on the basis of the employer's application for upcoming employment and the retention of a vacant place until the arrival of a young specialist at the place of work. If there are no vacant jobs at the time of distribution, young specialists are sent by the distribution commissions to register as a job seeker at the Labor Mobility Center, directly to career centers at the place of residence, with the time spent on the register as unemployed in the period of working out. Young specialists who have completed their training this year arrive at the place of work in the direction no later than September 1.
Also, the students were given explanations in which cases it is possible to release, delay from working out.
During the meeting, the graduates had the opportunity to get answers to all their questions.


В университете прошла «Неделя менеджмента»

В университете прошла «Неделя менеджмента»С 31 октября по 3 ноября в Карагандинском университете Казпотребсоюза прошла «Неделя менеджмента». Это традиционное мероприятие кафедры Менеджмента и инноваций приурочено к «Международному дню менеджера» и ориентировано на развитие управленческих компетенций у студентов.

В мероприятиях приняли участие студенты университета, колледжа Экономики, бизнеса и права, а также учащихся школ города Караганды и города Темиртау.

В рамках Недели менеджмента были проведены:

- мероприятия в форме «KoperTalks»;

- обучающие мастер-классы и тренинги;

- квест игра «Тайна пирамиды Маслоу»;

- «День самоуправления».

«Неделя менеджмента» стала хорошей площадкой для коллаборации школьников, студентов, профессорско-преподавательского состава, а также представителей бизнеса региона. Состоявшиеся мероприятия были нацелены на раскрытие научного и творческого потенциала студентов.

По завершении недели менеджмента организаторы мероприятия получили только положительные отклики участников.

The "Management Week" was held at the University

The "Management Week" was held at the University

From October 31 to November 3, the "Management Week" was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. This traditional event of the Department of Management and Innovation is timed to the "International Manager's Day" and is focused on the development of managerial competencies among students.

The events were attended by students of the University, College of Economics, Business and Law, as well as students of schools in the city of Karaganda and the city of Temirtau.

As part of the Management Week , the following events were held:

- events in the form of "KoperTalks";

- educational workshops and trainings;

- The Maslow Pyramid Mystery quest game;

- "Self-Government Day".

"Management Week" has become a good platform for the collaboration of schoolchildren, students, faculty, as well as representatives of the region's business. The events that took place were aimed at revealing the scientific and creative potential of students.

At the end of the management week, the organizers of the event received only positive feedback from the participants.

Tandem seminar for teaching staff of partner universities

Tandem seminar for teaching staff of partner universities

As part of the work program of the GIZ interregional project “Professional education for economic growth sectors in Central Asia” (PECA), from November 6 to 10, 2023, a tandem seminar was held for teaching staff of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and the Tajik Technical University after academician M.S. Osimi (Dushanbe).
The PECA project contributes to the modernization of professional education in Central Asia using the example of the food industry and logistics, drawing on nine years of experience in the region, including trained teachers and specialists, as well as developed and improved training programs.
Conducted under the guidance of ICON-INSTITUTE Higher Education Coordinator, Mr. Frank Neumann, the workshop aimed to prepare the teaching staff of the partner universities for new responsibilities and challenges within the co-operative undergraduate program “Logistics in the Food Industry”. During the work, general, special and professional didactic and methodological approaches were presented to provide an overview of the requirements for teaching and training of bachelors.

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