November 7, 2016 assistant professor of legal regulation of economic relations Dubrova Natalia Bogdanovna and teacher Sarbasov Begzat Atarkulovich the purpose of career guidance KSU visited secondary school №86 Karaganda. Teachers presented a video on the achievements KEUK and answered questions from the audience. Most high school students interested in questions about benefits and specialties at university. The meeting was conducted rapid survey through questionnaires to determine the profile of the subject of the fifth to UNT. For a visual reference to the university students they were distributed booklets about the university specialties. Also awarded certificates to the winners and participants of the contest essay devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
On the 5th of November, 2016 in the frameworks of professional-oriented work there was the competition focused on «IT expert» within the framework « Day for specialists » between students of technical and professional educational Institutions of Karaganda region, conducted by the Information system department. Also Future applicants performed tasks and entertaining opportunity to get acquainted with the university during the game-quest.
November 5, 2016 at the University of the Department of ET and SLG was organized and held the intellectual Olympiad "Erudite-2016" among pupils of 11 classes of secondary schools in the city of Karaganda. The competition was attended by more than 100 students from 17 secondary schools: №81, №77, №36, №45, №17, №13, №48, №38, №57, №27, №76, №16, №92, №63, №10, №82, №66. Olympics took place in the state and Russian languages. In the first stage (selection), the participants were tested on subjects: geography, biology, world history. In the first round of 8 participants passed to the second round (intellectual quiz). In the second round, participants responded to the intellectual quiz. At the end of the competition, participants became the winners listed below: 1st place: Hurmetbekuly Bauyrzhan SS №57 2nd place: Amanzhol Asylkhan SS №76 3rd place: Ashirbekova Anel SS №41 3rd place Amirov Asiya SS №92 We obtain a certificate: Ilesheva Diana SS of Kokpektі, Қiyanbeova Rysgүl SS of Kokpektі, Zhimpylova Aidan SS №92 In Russian: 1st place: Styopkin Arthur SS №17 2nd place: Levanovich Bogdan SS №63 3rd place: Bilyalov Asset SS №86 3rd place: Mary Biserova SS №13 We obtain a certificate:Pozdyakov Paul SS №63, Kucherova Maria SS №27, Lydia Kim SS №13, Vitaly Abramov SS №3. Prize competitions were awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes.
11.04.2016 the department of "Economics and Management" within the SSS FEM "Zerde" at 15.10 hours in the classroom 305 was a competition of student research projects, conducted in three languages. Presentations were made by representatives of the departments' IE and IR "," Economics and Management "," Kazakh language and culture of Kazakhstan, "" estimates, statistics and economic - environmental problems "," Foreign and Russian languages. " The main event of the day was the first session of the "brainstorming" on the development of strategic projects, theses. As a result of the work agenda was established to further the practical work of students and joint theoretical research.
8 November 2016. at 11:00 in 206 audiences in groups E and E-23c-32 senior teacher, Master of the Department of Economics and Management Idrisova AK on discipline "Economics of Enterprise" held an open session with the conduct of the business game on "Marketing - an effective tool for sales promotion" with the use of interactive department.