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Round table on «25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: achievements and prospects»

Round table on «25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: achievements and prospects»October 28 this year from 14.00 to 15.00 in the auditorium. №103 Department of Economic Theory and SMM Provo roundtable discussion among students majoring SMM (1-4 year) «25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: achievements and prospects» dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Goals and objectives:
- The formation and education of patriotic feelings of today's youth in Kazakhstan;
- Attracting talented young people to the solution of topical scientific issues;
- Determination of the best research work, the authors of the award;
- Formation of students' skills in teaching and research activities.
According to preliminary results of the selection committee to participate in the round table of 10 scientific papers have been admitted. As a result of performances at the round table took prizes: First place - Zhenіs Daurhan GMU-11k, second place - Қunanbaev Sayhat, GMU-11K, the third place - Tursyn Aidos GMU-32k. Students Data Works awarded with diplomas and recommended for publication in the collection of articles KEUK student conference.

Duty at the hostels №1, № 3, № 4

Duty at the hostels №1, № 3, № 4November 2, 2016 the senior teachers of «World Economy and International Relations" chair - Baygozhina G.M., Talimova G.U., Shukusheva E.V. lead an intellectual game
in the framework of duty dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the hostels number 1, 3, 4, and professional work among the students of the university.

Career Guidance in KEBL

Career Guidance in KEBLNovember 3, 2016 senior teacher, master of the department "World Economy and international relations" Shukusheva E.V. conducted an explanatory talk about the specialties of the department with the students of the 3 courses of KEBL college.

Flashmob "We are 25" in honor of Independence Day !!!

Flashmob "We are 25" in honor of Independence Day !!!November 4, 2016 the senior teachers, masters of the department "World Economy and international relations" Musayeva E.A. and Nazarov E.Zh held a flashmob "We are 25" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence with MO-11k and MO-21k groups.

Energosintez in games. Organization and methodology of inclusive game

Energosintez in games. Organization and methodology of inclusive gameOctober 29, 2016 based on the branch of the Department of SW and SPD in №27 school was held a practical training "Energosintez in games. Organization and methodology of inclusive games", organized by the Public Fund "Voluntary society "Mercy" together with a non-profit organization "Charitable investment Fund "The Innovative Educational Centre".
The event was attended by the students of the groups of SW-21, SW-23s, SW-31k, SW-32 and teachers of the Department the SW and SPD, after the training were given certificates.

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