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Visit of the Belgorod State National Research University teachers at KEU

Visit of the Belgorod State National Research University teachers at KEUFrom 24th through 27th of March, 2016 by representatives of the Belgorod State National Research University (Russia) associate professor Natalia Shevchenko gave a lecture on specific issues of State regulation of the economy, as well as associate professor Ivan Gulyaev with a course of lectures on the theme: "the Eurasian space as a unique region of the modern socio-political system" have visited our University.

Global Problems and Multilateral Diplomacy

Global Problems and Multilateral DiplomacyApril 14, 2016 master, teacher of the chair "World Economy and International Relations" Shukusheva E.V. held an open session on the subject "Multilateral diplomacy" on the theme "Global Problems and Multilateral Diplomacy" in the groups – MO-24c, MO-32, MO-33, ME-32

International economic integration

International economic integrationApril 12, 2016, senior lecturer of the
chair «World Economy and International Relations" Talimova G.U. held open session in the groups Ф-11ск, УА-21ск, ГМУ-22к and МО-31к in the form of intellectual games on the theme: "International economic integration" in the course "International Economics".

Open lesson

Open lesson2016 жылы 13 сәуірде № 206 аудиторияда аға оқытушы Г.М. Байгожина Smart трибунасын пайдаланып «Foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan» пәні бойынша «Kazakhstan and the European Union» тақырыбында МО-24с, МО-32, МО-33 топтарында лекциясын өткізді.

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