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Happy Psychologist's Day!

Happy Psychologist's Day!

Psychologists celebrate their professional holiday in Kazakhstan on December 25. The profession of a psychologist, which is actively developing and in demand in our society, is designed to help a person find their own resources in solving vital problems. In September 2021, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz began training students in the educational program "Psychology and management in education". Today, more than a hundred students are studying at our university - future psychologists. Among them are excellent students, activists, athletes - talented and creative youth.
Scientific, educational, social achievements of students are the result of active and fruitful work of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work and the entire teaching staff of the university. As part of the celebration of the Psychologist's Day, 2nd year students of the PiMO-21-2 group prepared and conducted a quiz for first–year students at an open curatorial hour "Psychology is interesting!" Congratulations to teachers, students, psychologists with whom the department cooperates within the framework of the activities of the UNPC "DAMU", our employers on a professional holiday!

The victory of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz in the competition "Eco friendly university"

The victory of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz in the competition "Eco friendly university"The Youth Resource Center of the city of Karaganda held a competition "Eco friendly university" within the framework of the purity cups of the XVIII labor season of the youth labor detachment "Zhasyl El" in the city of Karaganda.
The competition was held among the universities of our city.
The purpose of this competition is to form a modern ecological worldview, increase environmental knowledge and environmental culture of the population.
For the competition, the deputies of the student parliament prepared a video about the university's contribution to the ecology of the city. According to the results of the competition, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took the honorary first place and the university was awarded the title "ECO FRIENDLY UNIVERSITY QARAGANDY".

Russian-Kazakh Youth Forum "Innovative Entrepreneurship: Trends, Challenges, solutions"

Russian-Kazakh Youth Forum "Innovative Entrepreneurship: Trends, Challenges, solutions"From December 12-15, Astrakhan State University hosted the Russian-Kazakh Youth Forum "Innovative Entrepreneurship: Trends, Challenges, Solutions".
Master classes, lectures, workshops were held within the framework of the forum. Among the topics discussed are: the new economy and the potential for youth entrepreneurship; digitalization and digital technologies in education and entrepreneurship; personal success strategy, etc.
Among the honored guests and speakers of the forum were representatives of the Administration of the Governor of the Astrakhan Region, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan and their subordinate organizations, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo), Embassies of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Consulates of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Astrakhan, as well as representatives of educational and other organizations of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan responsible for the implementation of youth innovative entrepreneurship.
One of the key platforms was the plenary session "Modern challenges and prospects for the development of youth innovative entrepreneurship in Russia and Kazakhstan", the discussion platform "Technological platforms of youth entrepreneurial initiatives" and the session "New Economy: the potential of youth entrepreneurship".
Teachers of Karaganda University were invited to this forum as a speaker: Idirisova A.T. senior lecturer of the Department of Finance and Khasenova M.E. Director of the Center for Youth Initiatives.
Idirisova A.T. made a report "The experience of the Technological business incubator "Dostyk" of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz at the session "New Economy: the potential of youth entrepreneurship".
M.E. Khasenova made a presentation on "The experience of the Youth Initiatives Center in the development of startup projects" at the discussion platform "Technological platforms of youth entrepreneurial initiatives".
During the forum, the rector of Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishchev invited every guest from Kazakhstan to a personal meeting.

Scientific seminar on the topic "Peculiarities of writing a scientific article"

Scientific seminar on the topic "Peculiarities of writing a scientific article"On December 9, 2022, on the ZOOM platform, the senior lecturer of the Department of Finance, a member of the CYMS KarUK Tyngisheva A.M. held a scientific seminar on the topic "Features of writing a scientific article." The scientific seminar was attended by students, undergraduates of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. During the seminar, the methodology of working on a section of a scientific article, the criteria for writing it were considered. We hope that the knowledge gained at the seminar will help students to successfully write a scientific article in domestic and foreign publications.

Career guidance: new challenges and prospects for cooperation

Career guidance: new challenges and prospects for cooperation

On December 19, 2022, a seminar "Career guidance work with students: organization, diagnostics, innovative technologies" was held for career guidance teachers, organized by the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz together with the State Institution "Department of Education of Karaganda".
Since the beginning of the 2022/2023 academic year, the position of a career guidance teacher has been introduced in secondary schools, designed to carry out organizational and methodological guidance of career guidance work, coordinate and manage the process of informing and advising schoolchildren for an informed choice of profession.
In the speeches of the teachers of the Chair of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work, PhD, associate professor Kenzhebayeva S.K., senior lecturer, master Musabekova A.S., teachers, masters Grossul N.S. and Isaeva A.A., the issues of the content and functions of the activity of a teacher-career guidance counselor, diagnostics of the professional orientation of students were considered and actively discussed. The effective experience and achievements of teachers–career guidance specialists of K.Satpayev KSU Gymnasium, M.Mamyraev boarding school, OSH No. 85 KSU were also presented.
The seminar was attended by representatives of the State Institution "Department of Education of Karaganda": head of Ashim E.M., head of the sector of coordination of educational and educational work Aulbekova Sh.D., methodologist Gavrish A.S., 95 teachers-career guidance teachers of schools of the city of Karaganda.
The seminar participants noted that the effectiveness of career guidance work with students depends on the quality of joint work of all parties interested in professional self-determination of schoolchildren and expressed gratitude to the university administration, Director of the Center for Career Guidance and Public Relations Ivadilinova L.H., Chair of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work for the high level of organization and conduct of the seminar.
At the end of the seminar, the participants were awarded certificates.

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