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Meetup "What you need to do to become a successful businessman"

Meetup "What you need to do to become a successful businessman"

On April 11, 2022, the Technological business incubator "Dostyk Coworking Center" organized a meetup on the topic "What you need to do to become a successful businessman" with the participation of the technical director of BI STROY LLP, entrepreneur Daniyaruly Miras.
Miras shared the popular misconceptions that start-up entrepreneurs have, and gave the following tips to students who want to build their own business:
1. Find an idea that will be really useful to the client, and therefore in demand in the market: only then will it be profitable. However, you do not need to take up a case that you do not like, no matter how tempting it may be. The activity should be exciting for the business owner, should motivate, bring satisfaction.
2. Eliminate the lack of confidence in their abilities, perceive the level of profits as an indicator of their skills, entrepreneurial talents, responsibility. Profits are growing, so you are developing, despite the inevitable mistakes.
3. Learn how to quickly analyze changes in conditions and make a forecast for the required period.
4. Understand that profits are not a goal, but a means. Otherwise, you will inevitably slide into aimless hoarding. But at the same time, it is necessary to learn how to invest money with minimal risk, having a backup plan in case of an unsuccessful investment.
5. Do not try to avoid mistakes by all means, it is impossible. It is much more productive to consider each failure as a necessary experience, discuss failures with the team, and draw conclusions.
6. Develop communication skills, build relationships with partners, subordinates, clients.
At the end of the meeting, Daniyaruly Miras thanked the participants and answered their questions.

Open Republican debate tournament "Erkin urpaq"

Open Republican debate tournament "Erkin urpaq"

On April 09-10, 2022, an Open republican debate tournament "Erkin Urpaq" with a prize fund of 300,000 tenge was held on the basis of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The format of the tournament was for the Kazakh league – British Parliamentary and Lincoln-Douglas formats, the Russian League – American Parliamentary format. The tournament was held jointly with the KSU "Youth Resource Center" of the city of Karaganda, the NGO "Citizens of Kazakhstan", the Representative Office of the NGO "Assembly of Zhastary" in the Karaganda region.
More than 120 participants from universities and colleges of Kazakhstan took part in the tournament. According to the results of the tournament , the prizes were taken:
Kazakh League:
1st place - Yerkebulan Aripbai (Nazarbayev University) and Zholdasbek Laura (L.Gumilyov ENU)
2nd place - Nurken Daulet and Duysengali Akylzhan (L.Gumilyov ENU)
3rd place - Shakhzadaev Rahim and Sholibai Aliaskar (L.Gumilev ENU)
Russian League:
1st place - Nikita Manoilov and Alina Krasnik (Karaganda Medical University)
2nd place - Us Mark and Simbat Ibraimova (Temirtau Higher Polytechnic College)
3rd place - Zubkova Alexandra and Abildinova Aitalyn (Karaganda Medical University)
At the closing ceremony of the tournament and the awarding ceremony were attended by the secretary of the city maslikhat Beksultanov K.B. and the chairman of the "Jas Ulan" of the Karaganda region Abdrakhmanova M.T.



Chief researcher of the laboratory of the ELS Research Institute of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Doctor of Law, Professor Shaimukhanov Akhmetkali Dyusetaevich. conducted a scientific seminar for the teaching staff, undergraduates and doctoral students on the topic "The role of legal science in modern society". The scientific seminar was held on April 12, 2022 at the Technological Business Incubator "Dostyk Coworking Center".
The scientific seminar is dedicated to the development of legal science, as well as to increasing its role in public life. The issues of interaction of economic and legal sciences, their interrelation and interdependence were considered. The modern content of legal science, its practical, theoretical and methodological foundations are considered.


Open - Binary lecture

Open - Binary lecture

Today, April 12, 2022 year an employee of the Civil Service Office of the Department
Zhanar Kaiyr, at the invitation of Guldana Karzhasova, Associate Professor of the OLSD Department of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, gave a lecture for 2nd year students of the “Juristprudence” group.
During the lecture, students were explained about the concepts, features and legal status of the civil service and entry into the civil service, and also shared her practical experience in the civil service.
The meeting was held in the form of an interactive meeting. Students received answers to all their questions.

Prevention and warning of stress

Prevention and warning of stress

In order to prevent stress and develop a person's stress resistance, on April 7, 2022, a university psychologist Temirkhanova G.U. a practical lesson on the topic "Technologies of resistance to stress" was held for students and university staff. The purpose of the lesson was to identify the stage of stress, causes and types of stress, practical methods for the elimination and prevention of stress, prevention of psycho-emotional health of the individual.
At the end of the lesson, students asked questions about the topic. Discussed methods of ecological way out of stress.


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