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Career guidance: a conscious choice of profession

Career guidance: a conscious choice of profession

Everyone who is faced with the choice of their professional path asks questions: what profession is prestigious, what profession is highly paid, is there an opportunity for employment, does my choice match my personality, at which university do I study? There is an answer to all these questions: to study at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education".
In the modern world, the prestige of the profession of a psychologist is quite high, and, consequently, the demand for personnel will ensure employment. There is an opportunity to work in organizations or engage in individual psychological practice. This and other features of the profession obtained under the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" were discussed at a meeting of teachers of the department "Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work" with graduates of the specialty "Primary Education" of Temirtau College "Miras" on February 14, 2020. The main thing is to make a conscious choice, motivated by the desire to help people, constantly develop and improve.

"My beloved city is 88 years old"

"My beloved city is 88 years old"

On February 11, 2022, as part of the celebration of the city Day, a round table was held with the participation of a member of the Veterans Council of the imeni Kazybek bi district of Karaganda Kabdueva Akzhol Aesetovich and Chairman of the Veterans Council of the University of Suindikov Zhenisbek Suindikovich.
Moderator of the round table, Vice-Rector for Social Affairs Abilov K.Zh. told a brief history of the emergence and formation of the city of Karaganda, highlighted the contribution of Karaganda residents to the victory over Nazi Germany, touched upon the development of the city during the Soviet period and in the conditions of independence.
Giving the floor to veterans of labor, Abilov K.Zh. noted - "The most important wealth of the city is its people, participants and witnesses of the heroic era of the formation and growth of the city." The guests of the round table shared their memories, great life experience with the youth and wished them to carry the baton of the previous generations of Karaganda residents with honor.
The participants of the round table were shown retro photos with views of old Karaganda, videos shot by cinematographers of the Almaty Studio of Feature and Chronicle films in 1953, as well as video clips about Karaganda mounted in the studio of educational television of the university.
In conclusion, the participants were offered a mini-quiz on the knowledge of famous residents of Karaganda.

Development of professional connections of logisticians

Development of professional connections of logisticians

On February 11, 2022, the Joint Final Meeting of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of the NCE RK "Atameken" and the Annual General Meeting (Congress) of the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan "KAZLOGISTICS" were held
From the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (a member of the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan "KAZLOGISTICS"), the head of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, Ph.D. Mazhitova S.K.
At the meeting, the results of the work of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of the NCE RK "Atameken" and the Union of Transport Workers of Kazakhstan "KAZLOGISTICS" for 2021 were considered. (Speech by Lavrinenko Yu.I.).
Information was heard from the chairmen of the subcommittees on modes of transport of the Committee for Logistics and Transportation of the Presidium of the NCE RK "Atameken" on problematic issues and necessary support measures in 2022, on the implementation of the Roadmap for the development of the transport and logistics industry of Kazakhstan of the Committee for Logistics and Transportation of the Presidium of the NCE RK "Atameken" for 2021 year:
- for railway transport - Segal I.P.;
- for road transport - Amanbaev S.Sh.;
- in transport logistics - Iskaliyev E.S., Saktaganov M.A.;
- for water transport - Yudin I.P.;
- for civil aviation - D.G. Khamzina;
The head of TLK Media - Isingarina Zh.S. spoke about the need to inform the population on issues of the transport industry.
At the general meeting, organizational issues were also considered on making changes to the composition of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of the NCE RK "Atameken" and to the composition of the subcommittees by modes of transport; the Work Plans of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" for 2022 were approved.

Развитие профессиональных связей логистов

Развитие профессиональных связей логистов11 февраля 2022 года состоялось Совместное итоговое заседание Комитета логистики и перевозок Президиума НПП РК «Атамекен» и Годовое Общее собрания (Съезда) Союза транспортников Казахстана «KAZLOGISTICS»
От Карагандинского университета Казпотребсоюза (члена Союза транспортников Казахстана «KAZLOGISTICS») принимала участие зав.кафедрой Маркетинга и логистики-к.э.н. Мажитова С.К.
На заседании были рассмотрены итоги работы Комитета логистики и перевозок Президиума НПП РК «Атамекен» и Союза транспортников Казахстана «KAZLOGISTICS» за 2021 год. (Выступление Лавриненко Ю.И.).
Заслушена информация председателей подкомитетов по видам транспорта Комитета логистики и перевозок Президиума НПП РК «Атамекен» о проблемных вопросах и необходимых мерах поддержки в 2022 году, об исполнении Дорожной карты развития транспортно-логистической отрасли Казахстана Комитета логистики и перевозок Президиума НПП РК «Атамекен» за 2021 год:
- по железнодорожному транспорту - Сегал И.П.;
- по автомобильному транспорту- Аманбаев С.Ш.;
- по транспортной логистике- Искалиев Е.С., Сактаганов М.А.;
- по водному транспорту- Юдин И.П;
- по гражданской авиации -Хамзина Д.Г,;
О необходимости информирования населения по вопросам транспортной отрасли выступила руководитель ТLK Media–Исингарина Ж.С.
На общем собрании были также рассмотрены организационные вопросы о внесении изменений в состав Комитета логистики и перевозок Президиума НПП РК «Атамекен» и в составы подкомитетов по видам транспорта; утверждались Планы работ Комитета логистики и перевозок Президиума Национальной палаты предпринимателей Республики Казахстан «Атамекен» на 2022 год.

Career guidance events within the framework of the week of mathematical literacy

Career guidance events within the framework of the week of mathematical literacy

On the basis of the University of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, the teaching staff of the Department of Higher Mathematics together with the specialists of the OGPRC within the framework of the week of mathematical literacy in secondary schools held the following events:
* February 1, 2022 Round table “The role of mathematical culture in the formation of professionalism and competitiveness" with students of secondary schools №32, №53 of Karaganda and students of schools №2, №10 of Temirtau.
* On February 8, 2022, the event "Mathematical Battle" (quiz) with schoolchildren of the Shet district.
At the Round table, a conversation was held about the role of mathematics in the intellectual development of the individual, about the importance of mathematics in the life and future professional activities of students.
The mathematical battle was held in the format of a quiz consisting of 5 rounds: "Tasks for ingenuity", "Tasks with numbers", "Transcription of the record", "Logic problem", "Charade Contest". The purpose of this event was to consolidate mathematical abilities, skills and abilities, expand the mathematical horizons of students. School students actively participated, demonstrating their mathematical knowledge. The number of students of the Round Table was 41, and the number of students of the "Mathematical Battle" -15.

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