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«Сәкен - дала перзенті».

«Сәкен - дала перзенті».Teachers and students of the Department "General Legal and special disciplines" November 20, 2019 hour of poetry "Saken-Dala perzenti", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the poet and writer, founder of modern Kazakh literature, statesman Saken Seifullin. The audience learned about the significant contribution of S. Seifullin to the development of Kazakh literature. Participants watched a documentary film dedicated to the life and work of Saken Seifullin. Rahat A., Tuspaeva L., Izbasar A., Kurbanova D., Alken T. recited the poet's poems that educate and enrich the spiritual world of man.
In the literary evening "Saken - Dala perzenti" slides devoted to the life and work of the poet were presented to the attention of students. Students made expressive reading of "Korkem Soz sheberleri" and the quiz "Syrly Surak, sir Oh." At the end of the event, students performed a song on the words from the poem "Kokshetau".

Inter-University youth conference

Inter-University youth conference

On 22 nd of November was held in 104 auditorium the Interuniversity youth conference "Actual problems of modern science: the view of young scientists". The conference was actively attended by undergraduates and doctoral students, along with their reports were made by doctoral students of the 2nd course of the EP "State and local government" and EP "Economy" Bitenova Bagdat and Bukatov Erik, as well as master's student of the 1st course of the EP "Jurisprudence" Kanatuly Zhanaidar.

Forum "Great Steppers of the Steppe"

Forum "Great Steppers of the Steppe"On November 16, 2019 at the secondary school № 23 hosted the forum "Great Steppe Successors", which was attended by children and school teachers, pedagogical labor veterans, parents' community and representatives of higher education institutions. The Karaganda Economic University was presented by the Department of Information Systems and the Occupational guidance and Public Relations center.
Within the framework of the Forum were held master classes on the content of updated educational content for the fair, exhibition of scientific projects and robotics, demonstration of social projects of students, training workshop, sports games, open lessons and guest and parent community.
During the forum, the students of the 9-11 grades talked to their parents about career guidance, as well as the choice of a future graduate specialty.
Participants of the forum "Great Steppe heirs" expressed their gratitude and noted that they have a great practical significance.

«Notariate as a system of regulation of civil relations»

«Notariate as a system of regulation of civil relations»The Department of General legal and special disciplines of the faculty of business and law organized master classes with private notary Taranov D. A. for the development of practical skills of students of the specialty "Jurisprudence".
From November 13 to November 15, 2019, students discussed issues of notarization as a system of regulation of civil relations, peculiarities of notarial acts in international circulation, the rules of notarial acts.
An important issue in the formation of a future specialist is his interest and confidence in further employment. Therefore, during the lecture, the procedure and rules for obtaining a notary license, the possibility of practical training directly from the notary I. O. Taranov were discussed.

«Ұлы халықтың – Ұлы Абайы»

«Ұлы халықтың – Ұлы Абайы»Teachers and students of the Department "General Legal and special disciplines" on November 15, 2019 held an evening of poetry "Uly halyktyn-Uly Abayy", dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet, composer, educator, philosopher, public figure Abay Kunanbayev.
In opening remarks, head of Department AU T. I. emphasized the importance of the personality of Abai, who became the founder of the new Kazakh national written literature and Kazakh literary language, has done much to help his people, to reconcile it with the Russian, to attach to the world Treasury of culture.
His poems, musical works do not lose their relevance and now, which was confirmed by the performances of students who sang songs and read poems and words of edification of the great Abai.

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