5В073200 «Standardization and certification»

The mission of the educational program 5B073200 - Standardization and Certification (by fields) is to provide quality training of innovative-oriented, competitive personnel in the field of standardization and certification that meet the modern requirements of the labor market, as the basis for their professional growth and personal development.

Academic degree: Bachelor of Standardization and Certification
The scope of the graduate's professional activity is the establishment, implementation and control of the implementation of norms, rules and requirements for products, the technological process of its development, production, use (consumption) and metrological support, aimed at high quality and safety of products, economic efficiency for the producer and consumer.
Objects of professional activity of graduates are management bodies, enterprises, organizations directly related to products (services), processes, equipment of enterprises and testing laboratories, methods and means of measurement, testing and control, regulatory documentation, standardization systems, certification and quality management.
Types of professional activity:
- organizational and managerial;
- industrial and technological;
- calculation and design;
- experimental - research;
Holders of a university diploma in the specialty - "Standardization and certification" - can work:
- in the bodies for the confirmation of compliance;
- in testing laboratories
- at the enterprises of industry of all forms of ownership;
- in research centers;
- in the bodies of commodity expertise;
- in consumer protection organizations;
- in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
- in the centers of quality management of enterprises;
- in the customs service.
Possible positions: from the manager and the quality specialist to the head of the conformity assessment body, the testing laboratory, the chief specialist of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Graduates who successfully mastered the educational programs of higher education of the specialty "Standardization and certification" and demonstrated a high level of knowledge, a propensity for creative work can be recommended for further training in magistracy or for teaching activities.

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