«Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan»

Project coordinator: Karaganda State Medical University


European partners: European University Association, Lund University (se), University of Ljubljana (si), Lublin University of Technology (pl), Savonia University of Applied Sciences (fi), Aga Khan University - Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilizations (uk), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (it)
Kazakhstan partners: Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (kz), Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (kz), Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (kz), M. Kozybaev North Kazakhstan State University. (kz), West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University. (kz), Astana Medical University (kz) Karaganda State Medical University (kz) Kh.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University (kz)
Period of implementation: 2017-2020
Objective of the project:
providing a basis for consensus around the self-government model of Kazakhstan universities which will help to make decisions about what level of budgetary and academic self-government is desirable. The project increases knowledge of the diversity of university autonomy models used in European countries. It provides a survey of Kazakhstan universities in order to identify the need for self-government.
Interim objectives of the project:
1. Development of a basic model (including alternative models for special areas of higher education, for example, medicine) of university autonomy.
2. Implementation at partner universities.
3. Development of information strategies for communication with universities and participants in proposed reforms, drafting a schedule for implementing the reform.
4. Establishment of a Consultative Group on the implementation of self-government, which will be located in one of the educational institutions and assist other Kazakh universities.
Efficiency and effectiveness:
- a partnership agreement was signed (2017)
- a kick-off meeting was held in Karaganda on the basis of the Medical State University (November 2017)
- A working group was established, the functions of key persons were defined (December 2017).
- The first quality plan was submitted (January 2018);
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Implementation of the project:

Date :


November 13-17, 2017

The first meeting of project participants on the basis of the Karaganda State Medical University took place. During the meeting, the project members got acquainted with each other and the state of autonomy in Kazakhstan.

March 5, 2018

The KSMU underwent monitoring of the project “Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan” (TRUNAK) of the Erasmus + program. The project results were presented to Shaizade Tasbulatova, Director of the Erasmus + National Office in Kazakhstan and Deputy Director Zhanara Kazbekova. During the meeting, existing problems, operational and financial difficulties were discussed, and ways to solve them were identified.

During the meeting, the project partners discussed the progress of the project. Members of the working group prepared presentations on work packages to familiarize the audience with the progress of work. The reports indicated the goals and objectives of the project, the relevance of the project goals, effectiveness, prevalence and potential for sustainable development.

March 19-20,  2018

On March 19-20, a training seminar on the study and assessment of university autonomy within the framework of the Erasmus + project “TRUNAK Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan” was held on the basis of the European University Association (EUA) in Brussels. The staff of the European Association of Universities provided information on the definition of university autonomy, its advantages and structural conditions on the basis of European benchmarking.

The TRUNAK consortium partners were trained in the methodology for collecting and analyzing information on the current state of autonomy in accordance with the autonomy assessment system developed by the European University Association. This approach is based on the analysis of indicators for four areas of autonomy: organizational, financial, personnel and academic.

February 4-8, 2019

Within the framework of the TRUNAK project, from February 4 to 8, 2019, the seminar was attended by representatives of the Medical University of Karaganda, European University Association, Lund University, University of Ljubljana, Aga Khan University - Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilization, Lublin University of Technology, University of Applied Sciences of Savonia, Catholic University del Sacro Cuore, Medical University of Astana, West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after M. Ospanova, North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybaev;
Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedova,
Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (Kusainova L.K. and Garipova A.A.).

A report was presented by the European University Association on the current situation in university management and recommendations on the process of reforming higher education. To develop recommendations, all participants were divided into two teams for the formation and presentation of proposals and recommendations in 4 areas - financial autonomy, personnel autonomy, financial and academic autonomy. All results were presented in the form of presentations and presented to the participants of the next seminar, which was held at the Lublin University of Technology, Poland.

February 12,  2019

Members of the working group of the ERASMUS+ project "Transition to university autonomy TRUNAK" - Kusainova L. K., Garipova A.A. participated in the first of seminars series on the development of recommendations and the subsequent development of a model of university autonomy, held at Lund University (Lund, Sweden). Upon arrival, the members of the working group held a training seminar, which presented preliminary results obtained as part of the ongoing analysis of the state of university autonomy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as presented the first results for discussion within the university and presentation of their proposals.

February 24 – March 3, 2019

Tarpanov G.J., the chief specialist of the Center of International Programs and Projects and Academic Mobility took part in the seminar within implementation of the ERASMUS+ project "Transition to university autonomy in Kazakhstan" (TRUNAK).

Within the project TRUNAK Tarpanov G.J. participated in seminars and organized trainings. Various aspects of the project implementation were considered within the monitoring:

  • Organizational autonomy: challenges/directions for reform;
  • Financial autonomy: challenges/directions for reform;
  • Academic autonomy: challenges/directions for reform;
  • Personnel autonomy: challenges/directions for reform.

March 3-9, 2019

The Head of Department of strategic development Mulikova S.A. took part in work of the seminar which held within the work on the "Transition to University Autonomy of TRUNAK" project at the Technological university Lublin (Lublin, Poland). The seminar was a logical continuation of master classes aimed at developing a model of university autonomy in the conditions of Kazakhstan.

May 15-16, 2019

Based on Atyrau State University. H. Dosmukhamedova in the framework of the project "Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan" (TRUNAK) held a seminar on the development of a basic model of autonomy.

The seminars presented the results of work package

2. Development, proposals to expand on 4 types of autonomy, which were discussed at seminars in Slovenia, Poland, Sweden and mechanisms for introducing autonomy in universities of European partners.

Kazakhstan partners together with the Ministry of Health, European partners, the Association of European Universities during the course of the seminar developed the basic principles for building a basic model of university autonomy, and further steps.

May 25, 2019

At the meeting of the Academic Council of KEU, the presentation of the results of the work within the framework of the ERASMUS + project “Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan TRUNAK” was held, where the heads of departments, structural divisions of KEU were presented the main findings and recommendations developed by the working group of the ERASMUS + project “Transition to university autonomy in Kazakhstan TRUNAK” during seminars at the Lublin University of Technology, the University of Ljubljana, the University of Lund. During the discussion, to disseminate the results of the project among the academic environment, it was decided to hold a conference on the problems of university autonomy.

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