Name of the project’s topic: Institutional status of science in Kazakhstan: assessment of problems and elaboration of concepts for development of the prestige of science.

Estimated start and end date of the project, its duration in months: start of the project 01.01.2021 and completion of the project on 31.12.2023, duration 36 months.

The introductory part:

The general idea of the project is to conduct a detailed analysis of social ideas about the institutional status of science in modern Kazakhstan’s society using the methods of empirical and applied sociological research. It is supposed to develop the concept of popularization the results of research in order to improve the status of science in society, but not at the expense of simplification of scientific knowledge, and through its translation into format of social needs’ language. As basic agents are determined: the state and business sector as a group of investors; Media and education as institutions, forming and sustaining public opinion about the role and status of science; the population as representatives of public opinion; scientists as carriers of status needs for the implementation of the idea of “pure science”.

The goal of the project

The purpose of the project - based on research of existing in the modern Kazakhstan’s society notions about the place and the role of science in society to identify the main problem areas that impede the transformation of social representations about the status of science in line with the increase of the level of its social significance.

Project’s tasks

  1. to develop theoretical and methodological concept and methodical research toolkit;
  2. to analyze international experience in forming and maintaining the institutional status of science in society;
  3. to identify the key positions of stakeholders on the status of science in modern Kazakhstan’s society
  4. to identify key positions on the status of science in modern Kazakhstan’s society on the basis of organizing a survey of media subjects of education and the population (other categories of citizens);
  5. holding a ranking survey result with the release of problem areas, determine the institutional status of science in Kazakhstan society
  6. to develop a set of primary recommendations for authorized state organizations, scientific organizations, institutes and the scientific community aimed at increasing the institutional status of science in Kazakhstan’s society.

Expected results:

The key result of the project is a set of recommendations for authorized government organizations, scientific organizations, institutes and the scientific community aimed at improving the institutional status of science in Kazakhstan’s society through the implementation of a program to popularize the results of scientific research, developed on the basis of a critical analysis of the genesis and evolution of the existing policy in the field of formation and maintaining the status of science in society, assessing its effectiveness and determining its strengths and weaknesses, identifying its effective and ineffective relationships with other elements.

The main results of the project in accordance with the objectives:

  1. Based on the generalization and systematization of classical and modern concepts, a theoretical and methodological concept of research will be developed and a methodical research toolkit will be formed.
  2. Based on the study of international experience, the most popular and effective from the point of view of international practice methods of forming and maintaining the status of science in society will be determined.
  3. Based on the questionnaire/interviewing, the key positions of stakeholders on the issue of determining the institutional status of science in modern Kazakhstan’s society will be identified.
  4. Based on the questionnaire, key positions on the issue of determining the institutional status of science in the modern Kazakhstan’s society of media, education and the population will be identified.
  5. Based on the grouped survey indicators, ranking the results with the allocation of problem areas that determine the institutional status of science in Kazakhstan’s society.
  6. Development of a set of primary recommendations for authorized state organizations, scientific organizations, institutes and the scientific community aimed at increasing the institutional status of science in Kazakhstan’s society.

The main forms of project results implementation will be:

  1. A) publication of articles in foreign and domestic peer-reviewed scientific journals:

– 1 (one) article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal with a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty five),

– at least 3 (three) articles in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by Committee on Quality Assurance in Education and Science of Ministry of Education and Science of the RK or equated to them);

  1. B) publication of a collective monograph of at least 10 printed sheets in a domestic publishing house;
  2. C) methodological recommendations for improving the system of state regulation of industry and the scientific and innovative sphere and state management of them, which will be sent to interested parties (with the receipt of appropriate confirmations in the form of acts or certificates of implementation, letters, etc.);
  3. D) abstracts of reports from at least 4 (four) international scientific conferences (including at least 2 (two) - in 2021, at least 2 (two) - in 2022).

Additional information about the alleged scientific results

1) the scope of the expected results is the sphere of authorized government organizations, scientific organizations and institutions;

target consumers of the expected results - government bodies, subjects of scientific activity.

2) the impact of the expected results on the development of the main scientific direction and related fields of science and technology

The scientific effect of the project lies in the development of conceptual foundations for improving the policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of forming and maintaining the status of science in society, focused on increasing the efficiency of methods and mechanisms used within it, as well as identifying problems of the existing strategic model.

3) applicability and (or) the possibility of commercializing the obtained scientific results

The research results are not intended to be commercialized. The results of the project will be transferred to interested target consumers free of charge after the publication of the main results.

4) social, economic, environmental, scientific and technical, multiplicative and (or) other effect of project results with justification

Socio-economic effect consists in developing recommendations for improving the existing mechanisms of Kazakhstan's policy in the field of forming and maintaining the status of science in society, eliminating its weaknesses and failures and forming a list of priority measures to develop its basic directions in the context of the growth of the status of science and, as a result, increasing its, including social, demand.

Research group and project management:

Taubayev Ayapbergen Aldanaevich, 1973, doctor of economic sciences, professor, experience of scientific and pedagogical activity for more than 25 years, over the past 5 years he took part as a scientific supervisor in projects:

– Grant of the SC of Ministry of Education and Science of the RK “Science-intensive high-tech sector in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union: monitoring development and prospects for interaction”, 2018-2020;

– Grant of the SC of Ministry of Education and Science of the RK “National innovation systems of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union: development mechanisms, prerequisites for interaction and integration prospects”, 2015-2017;

– Grant of the SC of Ministry of Education and Science of the RK “Modeling scenarios for the dynamic development of regional ecological-socio-economic systems in the context of reindustrialization of the EAEU countries”, 2015-2017.

In total, since 1995, more than 210 publications, including sections in 15 monographs, 19 articles of WoS и Scopus, 41 article of Committee on Quality Assurance in Education and Science of Ministry of Education and Science of the RK, 43 RSCI publications, 7 copyright certificates.



Scopus Author ID: 56658678800

Researcher ID: B-2009-2018

Scopus H-index: 3

Types of work: project management; completing tasks 1-6; preparation of reports, participation in the preparation of publications.

  1. B) Esengaraev Eset Zhemisbekovich, candidate of historical sciences, 1960, experience of scientific and pedagogical activity for 36 years. Winner of an individual grant from the MacArthur Foundation in 1995 and a joint grant under the program CARI of 2002.

Author of over 50 scientific publications, including 2 monographs, as well as over 100 popular scientific publications.

Types of work: completing tasks 1-6 of the calendar plan; assistance in preparing reports; preparation of publications.

  1. C) Kernebaev Aidyn Saparovich, PhD, 1986, experience of scientific and pedagogical activity 11 years, over the past 5 years took part in research on the project theme:

– Grant of the SC of Ministry of Education and Science of the RK “Science-intensive high-tech sector in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union: monitoring development and prospects for interaction”, 2018-2020, responsible executor;

Author of over 40 publications, including 5 monographs, 3 certificates of state registration of rights to an object of copyright, 3 publications in foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals, 4 articles in publications recommended by Committee on Quality Assurance in Education and Science of Ministry of Education and Science of the RK, 1 article HAC of RF.

ORCID: 0000-0001-8825-8564

Scopus Author ID: 57199153438

Scopus H-index: 1

Types of work: assistance in performing tasks 1-6 of the calendar plan; collection of materials; maintaining current project documentation; preparation of publications.

  1. D) Puntus Yevgeniya Alexandrovna, master of social sciences, 1974, experience of scientific and pedagogical activity for 23 years, over the past 5 years took part in research on the project theme:

– Grant of the SC of Ministry of Education and Science of the RK 5163 / GF4 “Development of human capital in single-industry towns in modern conditions of industrial-innovative and integration development of Kazakhstan: methodology and practice”, 2015-2017, executor;

– Erasmus+ MIETC 610198-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2CBHE-JP, 2020-2023, исследователь.

Author of over 50 publications, including 3 collective monographs, 3 articles in publications recommended by Committee on Quality Assurance in Education and Science of Ministry of Education and Science of the RK.

RSCI H-index: 1

Types of work: assistance in performing tasks 1-6 of the calendar plan; collection of materials; maintaining current project documentation; preparation of publications.

  1. E) Pupysheva Tatyana Nikolaevna, master of economic sciences, 1981, experience of scientific and pedagogical activity 18 years, over the past 5 years took part in research on the project theme:

– Grant of the SC of Ministry of Education and Science of the RK “Development of human capital of single-industry towns in modern conditions of industrial-innovative and integration development of Kazakhstan: methodology and practice”, 2015-2017, executor.

Author of over 50 publications, including 2 collective monographs, 3 articles of Committee on Quality Assurance in Education and Science of Ministry of Education and Science of the RK.

ORCID: 0000-0002-3806-6342

RSCI H-index: 1

Types of work: participation in the implementation of items 1.2, 2.2, 3.2, 4.1, 5.1, 5.3 of the calendar plan; collection of materials; maintaining current project documentation; preparation of publications.

  1. F) Kadirov Birzhan Kalkenovich, master of economic sciences, 1987, experience of scientific and pedagogical activity 10 years, over the past 5 years took part in research on the project theme:

– Grant of the SC of Ministry of Education and Science of the RK “National innovation systems of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union: development mechanisms, prerequisites for interaction and integration prospects”, 2015-2017, executor;

Author of over 23 publications, including 1 collective monograph.

Types of work: assistance in performing tasks 1-6 of the calendar plan; collection of materials; maintaining current project documentation; preparation of publications.

  1. G) Dzhakupova Dinara Ermekovna, master of economic sciences, 1st year doctoral student of the specialty “State and local government” of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, 1983, 13 years of scientific and pedagogical experience.

Author of over 50 publications in international, republican, local editions; 4 certificates of intellectual property; prize-winner of the Republican competition of scientific works among young scientists of Kazakhstan.

Types of work: assistance in performing tasks 2-5 of the calendar plan; collection of materials; preparation of publications.

  1. I) Kurilkin Anton Alexandrovich, master of economic sciences, 1981, experience of scientific and pedagogical activity for 15 years, economist, practitioner, practical work experience of 5 years. Author of over 10 publications.

Types of work: assistance in performing tasks 2-5 of the calendar plan; collection of materials; maintaining current project documentation; preparation of publications.

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