The European Union migration policy












Project title: Jean Monnet Module “The European Union migration policy”.

Project duration: 36 months (01/11/2022-31/10/2025)

Project group: 

Yerzhan Syzdykbekov, project coordinator, Head of the Department of World Economy and International Relations;

Gulnar Baigozhina, PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of World Economy and International Relations;

Saya Abeuova, PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of World Economy and International Relations.

Project goal: The aim of the Module is to increase interest and attention in European studies through studying theoretical basis and practical experience of the EU migration policy.

The target group for the course is students of the educational programs «International Relations» and «World Economy», who are actively interested in research of European integration and the EU migration policy, but do not fully own research methods, technique and skills.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be fulfilled:

  1. To study the theoretical and practical aspects of the EU migration policy. Due to the insufficiently studied migration problem in Kazakhstan and in the post-Soviet space, it became necessary to study the adaptation and application of the EU experience in modern conditions for Kazakhstan and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). This association is considered the most viable and promising integration project today. It can be argued that this project will not have a successful future without a comprehensive solution to migration problems. Establishing a single free movement space for the EAEU member-states citizens involves the transfer of relevant competencies in the field of migration regulation to certain integration structures. As the EU experience testifies, this problem is very complex, requiring the participants of the integration processes, first of all, political will, determination, the ability to find compromises, combine national interests with needs of the integration association.
  2. To identify the causes and key trends in the development of migration in the European Union, to compare them with the state migration policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for effective management of this process.
  3. To offer recommendations on promising areas for improving the state management of migration in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the experience of the European Union.

The short, medium and long-term effects of the project. How will the target groups benefit concretely from the project and what would change for them?

In Karaganda Economic University only minor EU-related content is contained within the educational programs, which limits the promotion of the European studies.

At the same time, the university has already have the module «Theory and Practice of European Integration», developed within the framework of the Jean Monet program.

The proposed Module is another EU-related course. As expected, it should be followed by opening of a new specialty for students of «International Relations» educational program. Until now, there are only two trajectories in the educational program, including the Middle Eastern and Chinese studies.

Growing interest in Europe will stimulate European studies, that will create new opportunities for graduates and will become the basis for future poles of European knowledge, stimulate and contribute to the diversification of European studies in Kazakhstan. The draft curriculum of the course includes issues related to theoretical and practical aspects of the EU migration policy, that determines the application of various interactive methods, such as: inverted class, discussions and debates, case analysis, brainstorming, problem lectures, role-playing games, etc.

Thus, the proposed module will enhance interest in EU activities, encourage and facilitate the diversification of EU studies on local and national levels. In addition, all developed training materials on «Migration Policy of EU», after the implementation of the project, can be used as the basis for forming the European trajectory within «International Relations» and «World Economy» academic programs.










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