
  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Jurisdiction (scientific and pedagogical direction)


    profile direction

  • 2021-22 Contingent of master students on educational program for
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis

The content of the educational master's program in the specialty 7М04201 "Jurisprudence" are courses "Methodology of legal analysis", "problems of qualification of crimes against property", "Theory and practice of civil and civil procedure legislation", "Current state and trends of administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Features of pre-trial investigation", "Problems of public administration and public service in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage", etc. This contributes to the formation of competencies in the creative formulation and solution of professional problems; implementation of foreign language and foreign cultural communication in professional activities in the field of law; scientific understanding of the problems of offenses; the use of innovative technologies in solving professional problems, the preparation of proposals to improve regulations, the ability to interpret and systematize scientific information, the ability to adapt the content of the course to the capabilities of students.
The field of professional activity of graduates is education, science, industry, small and medium-sized businesses, public service, law enforcement, agriculture, financial activities, management (management), analytical activities and forecasting, trade, etc.
The objects of professional activity of graduates are:
- in scientific and pedagogical training: protection, provision, guarantee of compliance with the legitimate rights and interests of the state, individuals and legal entities arising in the legal sphere, universities, research and legal institutions.
The functions of professional activity of graduates are determined by the types of professional activity and are regulated by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan defining the legal basis for the functioning of the relevant state bodies, law enforcement agencies, judicial bodies, business entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as educational institutions.
Types of professional activity of graduates are:
In scientific and pedagogical training:
- organizational and managerial activities in state bodies and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- law enforcement activities in the internal Affairs, national security, Prosecutor's office, judicial organizations, etc . ;
- legal and consulting activities as a lawyer, legal adviser;
- pedagogical activity in educational institutions of secondary, secondary professional and higher education;
- research, production and management, expert-analytical, experimental research.
The graduate is awarded an academic degree:
in the scientific and pedagogical direction-Master of Legal Sciences on speciality "Jurisprudence»;
Period of study:
on scientific and pedagogical direction-2 years.
Form of training – full-time.

Master of Legal Sciences law on speciality "Jurisprudence»»
The degree and duration Second degree (one University) (not less than 131 ECTS credits/ not less than 59 KAZ. loans')
Educational institution Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation By Independent Kazakhstan Agency of Quality Assurance (IQA)
This program is approved By the University for a period of 2 years for those who receive a degree from the University in 2018
level CD level for the EHEA (Qualification framework for the European higher education area): 2nd cycle; ECR (European qualifications framework): level 7; NQF (national qualifications framework): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program specialty 7М04201 "Jurisprudence" training of highly qualified specialists with a competitive level of knowledge, the ability to carry out a critical analysis of the state of modern scientific research, professional skills in the field of law, with the necessary personal competencies.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • Main disciplines: Methodology of legal analysis
      Basic disciplines: Organization and planning of scientific research, Methods and technologies of higher education, problems of qualification of crime in the sphere of economic activity, etc.
      Major disciplines: Actual problems of public administration and public service in the Republic of Kazakhstan , qualification of corruption crimes: theory and practice of application, Theory and practice of civil and civil procedure legislation, Actual problems of public administration and public service in the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • In the implementation of the educational program of the specialty "7М04201 "Jurisprudence" applies credit-modular system of the educational process, based on the modular principle of curricula, the use of the system of credits (credits) and relevant educational technologies.
    • 3.Direction
    • scientific and pedagogical
    • 4.Peculiar properties
    • Graduates of the specialty 7М04201 "Jurisprudence" are focused on the following types of professional activities:
      - research, socio-economic, managerial, expert-analytical, experimental-research, scientific-pedagogical, economic-organizational, organizational-technological.
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment opportunity
    • The educational program is periodically reviewed taking into account the needs of undergraduates, employers and society. Established stable relations with employers on the basis of mutual benefit, so employers assist in the development and further development of the educational program, the teaching of individual disciplines, research and quality assurance processes. Monitored career graduates and career prospects, graduate students are set to study throughout life.
    • 2.Further training
    • Doctoral studies 6d030100 " Jurisprudence»
  • D) The style of education
    • 1.Approaches to study and learning
    • In the educational process are widely used active and interactive forms of classes (cases, round tables, discussions, literature review and preparation of individual and group projects). The training courses include meetings with representatives of law enforcement agencies of state and local government, public organizations, and civil society institutions.
    • 2.Evaluation method
    • The midterm examination; intermediate examination (testing); reports on teaching and research practices (reports); scientific training (report), final examination (state final exam, defending master thesis)
  • E) Programme competencies
    • 1.Key (General scientific, social-personal, humanitarian-social, communicative, instrumental) competences
    • 1. know the methodology of scientific knowledge, the principles and structure of the organization of scientific activity, psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process, psychological methods and means to improve the efficiency and quality of learning
      2. to be able to use and integrate the acquired knowledge to solve research problems and conduct analytical work in new unfamiliar conditions and atypical situations, to apply the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of higher education in their teaching activities
      3. to be fluent in a foreign language at a professional level, allowing to conduct research and to teach special disciplines in universities
      4. to have skills of implementation of research activity, decision of standard scientific tasks and the proper submission of their results, and conduct educational and teaching activities with the use of modern information technology, teaching methods and various means of professional communication
    • 2.Special (professional) competences
    • 1. know the methods of independent research and interpretation of their results, methods of self-statement of problems and finding ways to solve them
      2. to be competent in the field of methodology of scientific research, scientific and pedagogical activity, in conducting research in the professional field and expanding professional skills, to be able to demonstrate modern knowledge and understanding in the field of law
      3. to be able to perform theoretical and experimental research in the field of law, to make professional decisions taking into account the legal and economic requirements, self-improvement and professional growth of the individual with diverse humanitarian and natural science knowledge and interests, planning, organization, implementation of research results
      4. be ready to participate in the development of new programs and improvement of training courses in the core disciplines, preparation and conduct of various forms of educational activities using modern methods of active learning in higher and additional education
  • F) A complete list of learning outcomes for the program
    • In the context of their research and teaching activities, work in law enforcement agencies, research institutions, graduates can demonstrate the ability to: think analytically, initiative, communication, creative approach to solving new problems and situations, organization, leadership, result orientation, intolerance to corruption, summarize the results of research and analytical work.
  • History and philosophy of science 2 credits /3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, political science, culturology.
    • History and philosophy of science forming the ability of theoretical and methodological thinking and analysis, the high morality and ethical responsibility of the scientist, its culture, because behind all philosophical constructions there is an ethical idea. Studying the history and philosophy of science is not only an introduction to philosophical culture; it is a condition for the development of the capacity for reflection and hermeneutic activity.
    • The goal of teaching the discipline is the formation of a philosophical and methodological culture, the ability of theoretical thinking and analysis, high morality and culture, the development of analytical skills and research skills.
    • Course Objectives:
      • to determine the place of science in culture and to show the main points of philosophical understanding of science in the socio-cultural aspect;
      • to give an idea of the evolution of science as an independent type of spiritual activity, to reveal the main periods in the development of science;
      • to describe science as a social institution; to discuss the issue of norms and values of the scientific community;
      • to uncover questions related to the discussion of the nature of scientific knowledge and the problem of ideals and the criteria for scientific knowledge;
      • to present the structure of scientific knowledge and describe its basic elements;
      • to give an idea of scientific rationality;
      • to acquaint with modern methodological concepts in the field of philosophy of science;
      • to show the specifics and grounds for stating the problem of the development of science in the twentieth century, to present the basic strategies for describing the development of science.
    • The master must know: the history of the formation of the world's philosophical theoretical thought, the features of the basic philosophical concepts, in order to understand that philosophy is a special form of reflection,
    • first, with a critical position,
    • secondly, with the construction of general schemes of ontology in universal and normative forms,
    • thirdly, with the creation of conditions for understanding, explaining and seeing the world.
    • Post requisites: Fundamentals of professional pedagogical communication, pedagogy of higher education, psychology.
    • Full name of the lecturer: k.f.s., Professor Klishina M.V.
  • «Foreign language (professional)» 2 credits //3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: foreign language
    • One of the priorities of the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the modernization of the education system, designed to train highly qualified specialists of the new formation, able to keep pace with the times and succeed in their activities.
    • The teaching of foreign languages ​​in a master's degree in a non-linguistic university of a profile, direction, should be aimed at mastering the future masters of the language for professional and academic purposes at an advanced level, which will allow them to freely operate the scientific and conceptual apparatus of the specialty, expand the scientific and information base, master the skills of interpreting scientific information , argumentation, persuasion, scientific controversy, academic writing.
    • The purpose of teaching discipline is to systematically deepen communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language proficiency in the future Master's professional activity.
    • Course Objectives:
      • to improve the skills of oral communication in a foreign language on the basis of developing skills in argumentation and polemics within the framework of general scientific and scientific and professional issues;
      • to study of the linguistic characteristics of official-business and scientific functional styles in the field of specialist training;
      • further improvement of listening skills on the basis of professionally-oriented content.
    • The foreign language course in the Master's program meets the requirements of continuity and is one of the links of the three-level higher education. This typical program is aimed at continuing the study of a foreign language, improving the base created in the previous stage, and, thus, is closely related to the discipline "Foreign Language" in the bachelor's degree. In addition, the teaching of a foreign language is based on the linguistic experience of undergraduates acquired in the course of studying the Kazakh / Russian language course, as well as the knowledge and skills of undergraduates in the specialty.
    • A master student should know:
      • Functional-stylistic characteristics of the presentation of the material in the foreign language being studied;
      • general scientific terminology of the relevant specialty in a foreign language;
    • basis of business correspondence in the framework of international cooperation.
    • Post-requisites: Organization and planning of scientific research, Managerial Economics
    • Full name of the lecturer: k.f.s., Professor Aubakirova G.T.
  • Psychology 2 credits //3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: the study of the course "Psychology" is based on the knowledge gained in the previous bachelor disciplines: philosophy, sociology, culturology.
    • The purpose of teaching the discipline: the training of undergraduates the basics of psychology of higher education, the expansion of their professional capabilities in terms of the application of psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
    • The tasks of studying the discipline:
    • To reveal the psychological and pedagogical essence of the educational process in higher education.
    • Give graduate students a holistic view of the most significant theoretical concepts, empirical studies and basic applications of general, social, age and pedagogical psychology in relation to the course "Psychology".
    • To consider the main trends in the development of higher education at the present stage.
    • Develop psychological and pedagogical thinking of undergraduates.
    • Course post requisites: all subsequent humanitarian disciplines, which are a practical area for applying psychological knowledge and expanding the possibilities for professional training of a specialist: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching, pedagogical practice.
    • Full name of the lecturer: k.p.s, ass.professor Kenzhebayeva S.K.
  • Pedagogy 2 credits //3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Psychology", "History of Philosophy and Science".
    • The purpose of teaching the course "Pedagogy" is to know the fundamentals of the professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher of higher education, to familiarize future teachers with the general problems, the methodological and theoretical foundations of high school pedagogy, modern technologies of analysis, planning and organization of teaching and upbringing, communication technologies of subject-subject interaction between the teacher and student in the educational process of the university.
    • Tasks:
      • to form representations about actual problems of higher education and pedagogical science;
      • to form ideas about the essence of pedagogical activity;
      • to form an idea of ​​yourself as a subject of professional activity and to master the way of self-determination and analysis of one's own professional activity;
      • to form the skills of pedagogical activity;
      • to form the skills of organization and management of students' activities;
      • improve the skills of scientific research;
      • improve the skills of professional thinking.
    • Postrequisites: "Methodology of teaching special disciplines."
    • Full name of the lecturer: d.p.s, professor Mulikova S.A.
  • Methodology of legal analysis 2 credits /3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites:
    • To study the course undergraduates need knowledge of the following disciplines or their parallel study: Theory of state and law; Civil law; moral principles in criminal proceedings.
    • Postrekvizity discipline knowledge in this discipline are necessary for the study of such disciplines as:
      • Actual problems of law enforcement practice of criminal and criminal procedural legislation
      • Problems of public administration and public service in Kazakhstan at the present stage
    • Purpose: the purpose of teaching the discipline is to prepare highly qualified specialists who know the rules of law, the methodology of their formation and are able to analyze and apply them in practice.
    • Brief description of the course: Methods and methodology of scientific knowledge. Methodological and instrumental bases of legal analysis. General research methods in the legal Sciences. System analysis and system approach in legal science. Critical legal method as a way of legal knowledge. Synergy in law. The legal system and its principles . Comparison methodology. Methodology of constitutional and legal research. Methodology of civil law science. Methodology of criminal law science
    • Expected result:
    • A.To Know and understand: the Terminological apparatus and the group of methods by which the main process of scientific research is carried out, the properties and qualities of the studied object of knowledge.
    • B. be Able to: Apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, as well as in research aimed at improving the legislation and practice of its application, to analyze the state of the system of rights and legitimate interests of economic entities and to identify internal contradictions in judicial and investigative practice.
    • C. Possess: the Basics of analysis and methodology of legal examination of normative acts, the ability to give sound qualified legal opinions and advice, to identify and eliminate judicial errors, violations of the law in the field of application of the current legislation.
    • D. To Acquire practical skills: Presentation of information in various forms of communication (report, essay), taking into account the specifics of the audience.
    • E. Improve skills: Independent work and development needs for personal and professional growth; analysis and preparation of qualified legal opinions and advice
    • Full name of the lecturer: d.l.s, professor Khanov T.A.
  • Organization and planning of scientific research
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, History and philosophy of science
    • Post-requisites: research practice, master's thesis
    • Purpose: to Provide the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the role and place of the scientific sphere as a subsystem of modern society, the nature and content of scientific research as a type of professional activity, as well as to form an idea of undergraduates documentary support of scientific research.
    • Brief description of the course: Science as a system of representations of the world and as an institution. Institute of science in modern society. Elements of Kazakhstan science. Scientific resources. The current state of science in Kazakhstan. The essence and content of scientific research. Methodology of scientific research. Logical foundations of scientific research. Methods of scientific research. Preparatory stage of research work. Collection of scientific information. Realization of research. The process of providing scientific research.
    • Expected result:
    • To master the basic concepts, methods and stages of scientific research, in accordance with the latest requirements for scientific and innovative Activities.
    • To be Able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and understand their purpose and role in solving professional problems.
    • To develop arguments and make decisions through the search, collection, analysis and systematization of information.
    • To provide information in various forms of communications, to cooperate and work in the group, to discuss and defend its position, to make decisions.
    • To Acquire skills in the implementation of a set of research activities in the development of the chosen direction of master's studies.
    • Full name teacher: Ph.D., associate professor Ulybyshev D.N..
  • Science in the national economy of Kazakhstan
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, History and philosophy of science, macroeconomics.
    • Post-requisites: research practice, master's thesis
    • The goal: to Give students the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the Institute of science, its aims, tasks and functions in relation to the national economy of Kazakhstan, to identify the key elements of the scientific sphere, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its development, the interaction of the scientific sphere of the country with other subsystems of the national economy; to form the students a comprehensive idea about the current problems in the functioning of the scientific sector in Kazakhstan, as well as developed and developing countries.
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical foundations of innovative development of modern economy. Modern ideas about science. Institute of science and its components. Intellectual capital as the main resource of science. Science as a type of professional activity. Foreign experience in the organization of the scientific sphere (USA, EU, Russia, Japan). Trends in the development of the scientific sector in Kazakhstan. The relationship of science and the state. The relationship of science and business. The infrastructure of science. Legal regulation of scientific activity. Preparation of scientific research. Support of scientific research.
    • Expected result:
    • To Acquire knowledge of the scientific sphere in the context of modern concepts of social development, the formation and development of science as a key element of modern market economy, science interaction with other subsystems of the national economy.
    • B. to be Able to apply in practice the knowledge gained about the mechanisms of functioning of the scientific sphere, sources of research funding, legal support of scientific activities, organizational support of scientific research.
    • C. it is reasonable And logical to prove one's own position on the applied scientific methods, preparation and writing of scientific works, the role of science in the modern economy.
    • To collect and interpret the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the development of science within the framework of its own position on the role of the state and business in its development, to discuss the most acute problems of the state of science in Kazakhstan.
    • E. to Acquire the skills of organizing independent and collective research, writing scientific works (applications, articles, projects).
    • Full name teacher: Ph.D., associate professor Ulybyshev D.N..
  • Methods and technologies of higher education
    • Prerequisites: "Pedagogics", "Psychology»
    • Post-requisites: pedagogical practice
    • The purpose of teaching: to form competence in the planning, development and organization of the educational process at the University
    • Brief description: Priorities of reforming and modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan. The content and forms of methodical work of the University teacher. Forms of organization of training of students in higher school. Methods and means of education at the University. Modern technologies of higher education.
    • Expected results: to know prospects of development of pedagogical science and professional activity of the teacher of higher education institution, to understand the essence of technologization of training; to apply in professional activity the methods of training adequate to the purposes and the maintenance of educational discipline, effective pedagogical technologies of preparation of specialists; to carry out analytical and synthetic activity in an assessment of opportunities and restrictions of methods, means, forms and technologies of training at higher education institution, reflection of the conducted training sessions and to formulate conclusions on this basis; to present the interpretation of positive pedagogical experience, teaching materials and results of educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of messages (references, reports, expert opinions, mini-studies, etc.); the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Full name teacher: Ph.D., associate professor Kenzhebaeva S.К.
  • Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical communication
    • Prerequisites: "Pedagogics", "Psychology»
    • Post-requisites: pedagogical practice
    • Purpose: the formation of undergraduates pedagogical competencies necessary for the organization of the educational process in higher education and readiness to manage educational and cognitive activity of students.
    • Brief description of the course: Topical problems of education. Standardization in education. Educational process organization. Implementation of didactic principles in the educational process. Forms of training in the educational process. Methods of teaching in an educational institution. Modern means of training. Modern technologies of training. Psychological and pedagogical bases of activation of educational process. Interactive methods of teaching at the University. Method of use of AMO on SRSP (SRS). Psychological and pedagogical bases of control in training. Methods of control in training at the University. Control of students ' knowledge in terms of the credit system of education. Objectives and content of the methodical work of the University teacher.
    • Expected results: Undergraduates demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the formation of a holistic view of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of methods of teaching special disciplines with the help of the most modern textbooks with the inclusion of certain aspects of knowledge that are at the forefront of the studied science; Undergraduates can apply their knowledge and understanding in terms of a professional approach to their activities, to show competence and demonstrate the formation of convincing arguments in solving problems that lie within the field of education.; Undergraduates have the ability to collect and interpret the necessary data to make judgments in the field of activization of cognitive activity, pedagogical analysis and evaluation of methodical work of the teacher of the University; Undergraduates can report and visualize information, ideas, problems and their solutions in the audience not only specialists but also non-specialists; Undergraduates are able to develop and form skills, independently study and analyze scientific and pedagogical sources on the studied problems.
    • Full name teacher: Ph.D., prof. Minzhanov N.A.
  • Problems of economic criminology
    • Prerequisites: History and philosophy of science, Pedagogy, psychology.
    • Post-requisites: problems of criminology in the sphere of economic activity
    • Purpose: the main purpose of the discipline is the training of highly qualified specialists who possess the basics of combating economic crimes, equipped with criminal knowledge necessary for the functioning of economic specialties. Obtaining practical skills in theoretical knowledge about economic crime, economic security, practical use, information and analytical expertise.
    • Brief description of the course: the Concept, subject and methodology of economic crime; the concept and types of crimes; crime detectives; combating crime; economic security: its levels; the concept of economic crime; types of economic crimes; criminal characteristics of economic crimes; economic crimes; actions against economic crime; legal framework for combating economic crime; subjects of combating economic crime: the concept and system; public authorities responsible for economic crimes; the ability of civil society institutions to counter economic crime.
    • Expected result:
    • This discipline forms a system of professional thinking of young professionals, in addition to providing theoretical knowledge, it allows you to form practical skills, critically examine the legislation necessary for the effective organization of crime prevention in various sectors of the economy, and the skills necessary for their application.
    • Full name teacher: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Shakenov A.O.
  • features of evidence in cases of private prosecution
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis
    • Post-requisites: Problems of criminalistic support of fight against crimes
    • Purpose: The main objective of this course is to study the theoretical and practical issues related to the problems of proof in cases of private prosecution.
    • Brief description: the Order of proceedings on cases of private prosecution. The initiation of cases of private prosecution. Problems of filing a complaint to the court about bringing a person to criminal responsibility. Actions of the judge in the case of private prosecution before the trial. Presentation and collection of evidence at the initiative of the parties. Consideration of the case of private prosecution in court. The court's decision in the case of private prosecution. Termination of the private prosecution case. Features of consideration of criminal cases of private charge by the military. The burden of proof in cases of private prosecution. Problems of collecting evidence in private prosecution cases. Proceedings in criminal cases of private prosecution: the prerogatives and "the Participation of the victim in proving the cases of private prosecution". Features of consideration of cases of private prosecution in the court of first instance, etc.
    • Expected results: after completing the course, a master's student must be able to: solve the main issues related to the problems of proof in cases of private prosecution. to analyze criteria underlying the selection of crime among the persecuted in the manner of private prosecution., study the legal nature of the application filed in private prosecution cases and analyze the procedural status of the applicant for the crime., consider the procedural status of persons involved in the proceedings for private prosecution, including features of participation of officials of public bodies of criminal prosecution., to reveal the features of pre-trial and trial of private prosecution. to analyze the procedure of reconciliation of the parties, to study its legal significance and peculiarities of registration., consider the features of the private prosecution proceedings in the appellate instance., develop proposals to improve the criminal procedure legislation, regulating the procedure of private prosecution and the main directions of improving the proceedings in this category.
    • Full name teacher: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Shakenov A.O.
  •  Name of discipline: Relevance of qualification of crime in the field of economic activity
    • Prerequisites: History and philosophy of science, pedagogy, psychology.
    • Post-requisites of the discipline: Problems of economic crime, research practice, master's thesis
    • Purpose: The main purpose of this course is to study the theoretical and practical issues related to the Commission of criminal offenses in economic activity, to provide undergraduates with a clear understanding of the problems associated with the differentiation of criminal offenses in economic activity, the General rules and principles of the constituent elements.
    • Brief description: the Discipline "the Relevance of the qualifications of crime in the field of economic activity" is aimed at training highly qualified specialists capable of qualifying for criminal offenses in the field of economic activity in accordance with the law and their legal mechanism.
    • Expected results: the Course covers the following issues: the concept of criminal trade, criminal offenses in the field of economic activity: General characteristics, types, criminal offenses in the field of making money, criminal offenses in the field of business activity, criminal offenses in the field of financial activity, offenses, types of criminal offenses against the interests of business in business and other organizations, against the interests of corruption and other criminal offenses, criminal offenses in the field of customs regulation
    • Full name teacher: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Baykenzhina K.A.
  • legal regulation of investments in the financial market
    • Prerequisites: History and philosophy of science
    • Post-requisites: problems of qualification of crimes in the field of business ., Actual problems of civil law.
    • Purpose: The main objective of this course is to study the features of investment in the financial market
    • Brief description: the Concept of investment and investment activity., State regulation of foreign investors in the Republic of Kazakhstan., The concept of investment. Grounds for the emergence of investment relations., Formation and development of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on foreign investments.,Implementation of foreign investments in the Republic of Kazakhstan., Conditions of foreign investments., Features of the legal status of commercial organizations with foreign investments..Legal regulation of foreign investments in free economic zones.
    • Expected results: after completing the course, a master's student should be able to: analyze the theoretical provisions and ideas about foreign investment and the experience of their state regulation; analyze international legal acts regulating relations in the field of foreign investment; to investigate the relationship between the" flight of capital " from Kazakhstan and the lack of major foreign investments in its economy and social sphere;to formulate proposals to improve the legal regulation of foreign investments and activities of foreign investors in Kazakhstan and to create on this basis prerequisites for the dynamic development of the economy and social sphere of Kazakhstan.
    • Full name teacher: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Baykenzhina K.A.
  • Theory and practice of civil law
    • Prerequisites: Organization and planning of scientific research. Current conditions and trends in administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    • Purpose: The purpose of this discipline is to study the legal regulation of civil and civil procedural legislation.
    • Brief description: problems of theory and lawmaking. Principles of civil law: problems of theory and practice. Legal status of the subjects of the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems of theory and practice. Objects of civil law: problems of theory and practice. The theory of civil law relations. Theory of practice and problems of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Theory and practice of intellectual property law. Obligations under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems of theory and practice. Inheritance law: problems of theory and practice. Protection of civil law: problems of theory and practice. Conceptual problems of the subject and method of definition. Content, subject and subject of civil procedure. Modern classification of participants of civil procedure. Parts of the civil process and their legal positions. Jurisdiction and venue of civil cases. Compliance with civil cases.
    • The nature and types of evidence. Evidence of civil procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Theoretical and practical aspects of the claim, special proceedings, correspondence and written proceedings. Appeal and consideration of the case, review of the case. Features of consideration of economic disputes. Theory and practice of civil procedure. Arbitration courts and international commercial arbitration. International civil procedure. Concept, essence and problems of enforcement proceedings
    • Expected results: acquisition of knowledge in the field of fundamental theoretical provisions of civil legislation
    • Full name teacher: Master of Laws Ibraev T.A.
  •  Name of discipline: Actual problems of civil law
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis
    • Post-requisites. Problems of qualification of crime in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity
    • Purpose: the purpose of teaching this discipline is to study the problems of legal regulation of civil and civil procedural legislation.
    • Brief description: Sources of civil law .Civil law as a branch of law. The concept of civil and commercial law as a complex branch of rights. Sources of civil law. The principles of civil procedural law: problems and perspectives. State registration of real estate rights and transactions. The legal concept of real estate.
    • Legal nature of the Institute of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it. The concept, meaning, goals and objectives of the state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it. Legal principles of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it. Objects of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it. Grounds for the emergence and state registration of rights to real estate. The importance of state registration for the emergence of rights to real estate.
    • Expected results: mastery of knowledge in the field of fundamental theoretical provisions and legislation on property rights, the acquisition of skills to work with these rules of law, the ability to navigate in difficult situations arising in practice, the acquisition of skills in the application of knowledge, the ability to form a system of knowledge about the institutions of property rights; to present a system of legal protection of property rights in our country in comparison with similar systems of other foreign countries; the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in solving situational problems, compiled on the basis of generalization of law enforcement and judicial practice of civil disputes.  
    • Full name teacher: Master of Laws Ibraev T.A.
  • Actual problems of modern public administration and public service in the Republic of Kazakhstan
    • Prerequisites: "methodology of the legal analysis"; "Pedagogy". «Psychology»
    • Post-requisites. Problems of qualification of crime in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity
    • Purpose: the purpose of the course "Actual problems of modern public administration and public service in the Republic of Kazakhstan" is to acquire the scientific basis of public administration undergraduates.
    • Brief description: Methodological problems of public administration. Public administration system. The mechanism of public administration. The essence and features of public service. Improvement of legal issues of qualification of civil servants. Admission to the civil service. Public service. General principles of dismissal from public service and their description. The state of public service at the present stage.
    • Expected results: the Ability to create normative and internal organizational documents to regulate relations between public authorities (local self-government) and civil servants; to know the main features of the discipline; good knowledge of the basic theoretical approaches to the study of the discipline; understanding of local, regional and national aspects of the subject; the task of discipline in the implementation of additional tasks in public administration.
    • Full name teacher: Dr. phD, Akhmetova K.S.
  • Modern problems of public administration
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis
    • Post-requisites: Economic crime as a threat to national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan., Problems of improving judicial control over pre-trial proceedings
    • The purpose of the discipline is to form a system of knowledge of undergraduates in modern public administration, to prepare them for effective management decisions taking into account the public interest.
    • Brief description: Modern concepts of public administration. Problems of public administration reform: Russian and foreign experience. New approaches to the development, adoption, implementation and evaluation of government decisions.
    • Expected results: mastering by undergraduates-development of normative and organizational documents regulating relations between the civil servant and public authority (local self-government). Identify, analyze and synthesize material from primary sources and other sources; Make and defend their own arguments on these issues during the presentation of the report and the assignment of the SRM; Develop creative thinking in the approaches and principles of the study of the main topics and issues; Readiness for training, ability to develop internal motivation for professional growth.
    • Full name teacher: Dr. phD, Akhmetova K.S.
  • "qualification of corruption crimes: theory and practice of application»
    • Prerequisites: "Constitutional law", Criminal law" Criminal procedure law", "Criminology", " Criminology»
    • Post-requisites: Features of pre-trial investigation.,The current state and development trends of administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • The purpose of the discipline: educational discipline "qualification of corruption crimes: theory and practice of application" is aimed at forming a clear scientific understanding of the problems of criminal law characteristics of corruption crimes, ensuring the implementation of criminal law protection of the interests of public service and public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan, designed to form a specialist lawyer.
    • Brief description (title): problems of qualification of crimes against the person on the object, objective side,subject, aggregate. Problems of qualification of crimes against the person at recurrence. The importance of the correct qualification of crimes in criminal law and law enforcement practice. Qualification of crimes committed repeatedly, systematically and in the form of fishing . Qualification for a set of crimes . Competition of criminal law and qualification of crimes. Characteristics of specific types of crimes against the person
    • Expected results: to Know the characteristics of the current criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the practice of its application, and the main trends of modern criminal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan aimed at protecting and protecting the interests of public service and public administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Interpret and apply criminal law in practice; to analyze specific crimes, to qualify corruption crimes taking into account the provisions of The General part of the criminal code, to analyze the data of criminal statistics on corruption crimes of the Committee of legal statistics and special accounts of the General Prosecutor's office of Kazakhstan, to summarize the materials and archival criminal cases on corruption crimes, to prepare procedural documents of law enforcement practice
    • To be able to prepare analytical reports and reviews; to carry out legal examination of normative legal acts, to give qualified legal opinions and advice on corruption crimes; to identify and eliminate investigative and judicial errors and violations of the law in the sphere of application of the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the problems of qualification and punishment for corruption crimes.
    • Provide information in various forms of communications (report, essay, essay), taking into account the specifics of the audience, both for persons with legal education and for persons without legal education on the qualification of corruption crimes.
    • To possess skills of independent work and to develop needs for personal and professional self-improvement, on the basis of studying of the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan directed on protection and protection of interests of public service and public administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Full name teacher: Ph.D., Associate Professor Seytkhozhin B. U.
  •  Name of discipline: problems of qualification of crimes against property
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis.
    • Post-requisites: Actual problems of civil law., Problems of improving judicial control over pre-trial proceedings
    • Purpose: the purpose of the development of the discipline "problems of qualification of environmental criminal offense" is the formation of students ' professional competence in accordance with the SES in the direction of "Jurisprudence", allowing graduates of the program to receive fundamental training in the theory of criminal law, to develop a high level of professional legal consciousness.
    • Brief description: General characteristics of crimes against property and problems of scientific interpretation of signs of their separate compositions., Differentiation of norms on responsibility for crimes against property with administrative offences and criminal law., Problems of qualification of crimes against property
    • Expected results: as a result of the study of the discipline, the student must: know: the problems of application of criminal law in the qualification of crimes against property; the latest achievements of the science of criminal law in the field of qualification of crimes against property, the basics of the correct legal assessment of offenses against property, legal solutions to legislative problems. Be able to: correctly apply norms about crimes against property. Own: methods of solving problems of qualification of crimes against property .As a result of the development of the discipline, the student must have the following General cultural and professional competencies: awareness of the social significance of their future profession, a manifestation of intolerance to corrupt behavior, respect for law and the law, having a sufficient level of professional education
    • Full name teacher: Ph.D., Associate Professor Seytkhozhin B.U.
  • Legal aspects of tax evasion in the modern period
    • Prerequisites: aspects of crime in economic activity", " Problems of economic criminology »
    • Post-requisites: research practice, master's thesis
    • Purpose: the purpose of the course "Legal aspects of tax evasion in the modern period" is to discuss the legal aspects of tax evasion in a market economy and the development of prevention problems.
    • Brief description: Organizational and legal issues of criminal policy against modern tax evasion. Features of the current national tax legislation in the context of economic and legal reforms and ways to improve them. Needs of legal regulation of tax evasion crimes as a special group of crimes in the sphere of economic activity. Objective evidence of tax evasion. Subjective signs of tax evasion. Separation from tax evasion from similar crimes and cumulative differentiation with other crimes in the sphere of economic activity. Factors (determinants) that cause tax evasion. Description of the person responsible for tax evasion. General and specific measures to prevent tax evasion.
    • Expected results: as a result of studying the discipline, the data obtained help to Supplement theoretical knowledge and improve their practical skills.
    • Full name teacher: Dr. phD, Akhmetova K.S.
  •  Name of discipline: problems of rehabilitation and compensation of harm in criminal proceedings
    • Prerequisites: "Methodology of legal analysis"," Psychology "Pedagogy»
    • Post-requisites: research practice, master's thesis
    • Purpose: The main objective of this course is to study the theoretical and practical issues related to the problems of rehabilitation and compensation of harm in criminal proceedings
    • Brief description: study of the issues of rehabilitation and compensation for harm. Bases of rehabilitation and compensation of moral and material harm. Problematic issues related to rehabilitation and compensation for harm in criminal proceedings. The emergence and development of the idea of rehabilitation of persons subjected to illegal or unjustified criminal prosecution or conviction in domestic legislation. The concept of rehabilitation, the grounds and conditions of the right to rehabilitation, the subjects of the right to rehabilitation under the current criminal procedure legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Unlike the grounds and conditions of the right to compensation for harm in rehabilitation. The concept of rehabilitation, its purpose and legal nature. Grounds and conditions of the right to rehabilitation. Grounds and conditions of the right to compensation for damages in the rehabilitation procedure. Subjects of the right to rehabilitation. Subjects of the right to compensation for harm in rehabilitation. Recognition of the right to compensation of harm The procedure for compensation of harm caused to a citizen as a result of illegal or unjustified criminal prosecution and conviction, under the current criminal procedure legislation, Compensation for property damage in the form of rehabilitation. Compensation of moral harm in the order of rehabilitation. Restoration of the rehabilitated person to other rights
    • Expected results: after completing the course, the ability to apply knowledge on the rehabilitation of persons and compensation for moral and material damage,as well as the use of legally qualified solutions to these issues. To define the concept and essence of the criminal procedure Institute of rehabilitation. Theoretically, limit the number of persons to be rehabilitated. To substantiate the sectoral affiliation of the Institute for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of persons affected by illegal and unjustified criminal prosecution. To develop fundamentally new scientific provisions on the grounds and limits of rehabilitation. Determine the range of bodies and officials obliged to carry out the rehabilitation procedure. Propose measures to improve and simplify the procedure for compensation of property and moral damage to rehabilitated. Formulate appropriate legislative proposals.
    • Full name teacher: Dr. phD, Akhmetova K.S.
  • Current state and development trends of administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis., Qualification of corruption crimes: theory and practice of application
    • Post-requisites: Features of pre-trial investigation., Information legal relations in innovation economy
    • Objective: the aim of the course - the broadening and deepening of knowledge of students about the current state of the institutions of administrative law, issues of science and also the basic directions of perfection of administrative-legal relations, including the sphere of ensuring of public order and public safety. As a result of the study of this discipline undergraduates should receive scientific and theoretical knowledge about the current state of administrative and legal science, acquire practical skills of interpretation and application of administrative legislation, its explanation-it will help future professionals to achieve high efficiency in research and teaching activities.
    • Brief description: Administrative law as a branch of law. Subjects of administrative law. Administrative and legal forms and methods. Administrative and legal regimes. Administrative offense and administrative responsibility. Administrative offences against the rights of the individual. Administrative offences in the field of environmental protection, use of natural resources. Administrative offenses that infringe on the established order of management. The rule of law in the field of management. Administrative process. Proceedings on administrative offences. The office of national security. Defense control. Management in the field of internal Affairs. The Department of education and science. Culture and health management
    • Expected results: after completing the course, the undergraduate will know: the role and place of administrative law in the system of Kazakhstan law, the basic principles, categories and provisions of the science of administrative law in matters of legal support of subjects of administrative legal relations; the current state of the Institute of administrative legal forms and methods; the main scientific and theoretical provisions of the Institute of administrative responsibility and administrative process, their legal regulation and law enforcement problems, as well as the main trends in the development of the mechanism of organization of sectoral and inter-sectoral public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Full name teacher: Ph.D., Associate Professor Filin V.V.
  •  Name of discipline: problems of improving judicial control over pre-trial proceedings
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis
    • Post-requisites: Economic crime as a threat to the national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan., Problems of rehabilitation and compensation of harm in criminal proceedings
    • Purpose: to prepare highly qualified specialists capable of comprehensively using in their practical and scientific-pedagogical activity theoretical General legal knowledge in the field of international and national legislation, regulating criminal procedural relations of specially authorized bodies and persons involved in the criminal process to protect their rights and legitimate interests.
    • Brief description: the Concept of judicial control and its essence. . Compliance with the principles of criminal proceedings is a guarantee of the effectiveness of judicial control. . Subjects of legal relations related to the implementation of judicial control. Criminal prosecution is an object of judicial control. Judicial control over the implementation of the right to compensation for harm. Judicial control over the initiation of criminal proceedings. Judicial review of the refusal in excitation of criminal case. Judicial review of the preliminary investigation. Judicial control over the investigation. The necessity and validity of the court's authorization of certain investigative actions.Judicial control over the involvement of a person as an accused. Judicial control over the legality of detention and the use of preventive measures. Judicial control over the legality of the use of other measures of procedural coercion. Judicial control over the suspension of the preliminary investigation. Judicial control over the end of the preliminary investigation
    • Expected results: Possess the skills of drawing up procedural documents and business papers; the ability to analyze the situation, to make their own decisions and prepare procedural documents that must meet the requirements of the law, both in form and content. to determine ways to eliminate judicial errors; to distinguish between control and supervision as ways to combat judicial errors; to study in practice the problem of implementation of the control of the court of first instance over its own actions and its own legal acts; to determine the place of self-control in the system of civil proceedings; to conduct a comparative analysis of the control and Supervisory activities of higher courts; to develop proposals to improve the current legislation.
    • Full name teacher: Ph.D., Associate Professor Filin V.V.
  • Elective course 4 (3 credits) Name of discipline: Features of sentencing for crimes in the field of economic activity
    • Prerequisites: Relevance of crime qualification in economic activity.
    • Post-requisites: research practice, master's thesis
    • Purpose: to Study the issues of solving topical, theoretical and practical issues related to the issues of punishment for economic crimes.
    • Brief description: General provisions on the punishment of economic crimes, the imposition of punishment for an unfinished criminal offence and responsibility and punishment, the imposition of punishment for corruption crimes, the imposition of punishment for a number of criminal offenses, sentencing for recidivism, a set of penalties, criminal offenses and exemption from punishment.
    • Expected results: to Analyze data on crimes committed in the sphere of economic activity by the Committee on legal statistics of the General Prosecutor's office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and on the basis of this analysis to identify the causes and circumstances of crimes committed in the sphere of economic activity, the preparation of recommendations on crime prevention.
    • Preparation of analytical reports on crimes in the field of economic activity, study of reviews, revision of legal acts, making recommendations for the timely detection and prevention of errors in investigations and trials, as well as punishment for imprisonment and punishment.
    • Full name teacher: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Baikenzhina K.A.
  •  Name of discipline: problems of qualification of crimes in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis.,
    • Post-requisites: research practice, master's thesis
    • Problems of legal and economic expertise. Modern problems of using data obtained with the help of forensic examinations in criminology.
    • Purpose: The main objective of this course is to study the theoretical and practical issues related to the characteristics of the problems of qualification of crimes in the field of business.
    • Brief description: problems of qualification of crimes in the field of entrepreneurial activity on the object, the objective side, the subject, the aggregate. Problems of qualification of crimes in the field of entrepreneurial relapse. The importance of the correct qualification of crimes in criminal law and law enforcement practice.
    • Qualification of the crimes committed repeatedly, systematically and in the form of trade Qualification at set of crimes. Competition of criminal law and qualification of crimes. Characteristics of specific types of crimes in the field of business.
    • Expected results: After the course the ability to qualificationat crimes in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity, a detailed study of these crimes, as well as issues that arise in the classification of certain crimes, etc., the analysis of norms of criminal law and other normative acts that regulate certain aspects of protection of interests of entrepreneurial activities; the definition of crimes in the sphere of entrepreneurial activities; study of the system of the specified group of crimes; generalization of materials of investigative and judicial practice in cases of crimes committed in the field of business; making proposals and practical recommendations on the uniform and effective application of criminal legislation on liability for crimes committed in the field of business.
    • Full name teacher: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Baikenzhina K.A.
  • Elective course 5 (2 credits) Name of discipline: Information legal relations in innovative economy
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis., Qualification of corruption crimes: theory and practice of application
    • Post-requisites: Current state and development trends of administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan., Especially pre-trial investigation
    • Purpose: the main purpose of the discipline "Information relations in the innovation economy"is to train lawyers, customs officers of the new generation for the innovation economy in the information society. highly qualified specialists in the field of information law on the basis of extensive use of the latest achievements of legal science and practice in solving problems of legal regulation of public relations in the information sphere.
    • Brief description: the Subject, method and system of information law; Information sphere as the sphere of information circulation and the sphere of legal regulation; Information and legal norms and information relations; Sources of information law; the Right to search, obtain and use information; Information as an object of independent circulation; Legal problems of information security. Legal problems of the virtual environment of the INTERNET; information aspects of intellectual property; information legal relations in the field of mass information; Information legal relations in the field of library business; Information legal relations in the field of archives; Information legal relations in the field of state secrets; information legal relations in the field of trade secrets; Information legal relations in the field of personal data; Responsibility for offenses in the information sphere
    • Expected results: as a result of the study of the discipline "Information relations in the innovation economy" undergraduate should: know the organizational and legal framework, principles, functions and methods of information law; to study special knowledge about the mechanisms of legislative, corporate and contractual regulation in the field of producers and consumers of information products (works, services), including the production and use of information of technical, technological and business nature in the innovation economy; topical issues of legal and organizational support of innovative production of goods (works, services) in a high-tech complex; be able to apply information and legal norms aimed at ensuring information security, protection of national security of Kazakhstan (economic, social) in appropriate conditions and in various areas of professional activity;
    • Full name teacher: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Nurpeisova A.K.
  • legal regulation of relations on the Internet
    • Prerequisites: problems of qualification of crimes against property., Actual problems of civil law
    • Post-requisites: Economic crime as a threat to the national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan., Problems of qualification of crime in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity.
    • Purpose: legal regulation of relations on the Internet " - a review course aimed at the formation of basic ideas about the approaches to the regulation of the global information and telecommunications network. The main objective of the course is to form a holistic view of the relationship on the Internet as a subject of legal regulation.
    • Brief description: owner of information resources, information systems, communication channels, technologies and means of their support; author of software, technical developments and works; owner of information resources, software and hardware; user (consumer of information and services); information intermediary (provider)
    • Expected results: as a result of the study of the discipline "legal regulation of relations on the Internet" undergraduate should:. be able to: Operate with legal concepts and categories of Internet law. Analyze legal facts and legal relations arising in connection with them related to the subject of Internet law. Analyze, interpret and correctly apply the legal norms related to the subject of Internet law. Carry out legal examination of normative legal acts relating to the subject of Internet law. Analyze and correctly assess the content of the expert's (specialist's) opinions in the field of Internet law.
    • Own: Legal terminology in the field of Internet law. Skills of analysis of various legal phenomena, legal facts, legal norms and legal relations that are the objects of professional activity in the field of Internet law. Skills of analysis of law enforcement and law enforcement practice in the field of Internet law. Skills to solve legal problems and conflicts in the field of Internet law. Skills of implementation of the norms of substantive and procedural law that make up the subject of Internet law as a complex legal institution
    • Full name teacher: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Nurpeisova A.K.


  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Jurisdiction  (profilnoe napravlenie)



  • 2021-22 Contingent of master students on educational program for
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis
The content of the educational master's program in the specialty 7М04202 "Jurisprudence" are courses "Methodology of legal analysis", "problems of qualification of criminal offenses against the interests of the service in commercial and other organizations", "organization of investigation of criminal offenses in the field of economic activity", "Information legal relations in the innovative economy", "Legal regulation of investments in the financial market", etc. this contributes to the formation of competencies in the creative formulation and solution of professional problems; implementation of foreign language and foreign cultural communication in professional activities in the field of law; scientific understanding of the problems of offenses; the use of innovative technologies in solving professional problems, the preparation of proposals to improve regulations, the ability to interpret and organize scientific information, the ability to adapt the content of the course to the capabilities of students.
Graduates of the master's degree program 7М04202 "Jurisprudence" can perform the following professional activities:
- organizational and managerial activities in state bodies and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- law enforcement activities in the internal Affairs bodies, economic investigation service, anti-corruption service, national security, Prosecutor's office, judicial organizations, etc.;
- legal and consulting activities as a lawyer, legal adviser;
The graduate is awarded an academic degree:
- in the profile direction-Master of law in the specialty "Jurisprudence".
Period of study:
in the profile direction-1 year
Form of training – full-time.

Program degree:

Master of law in " Jurisprudence»
The degree and duration Second degree (one University) (at least 70 ECTS credits/ at least 28 KAZ. loans')
Educational institution Karaganda economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation by Independent Kazakhstan Agency of Quality Assurance (IQA)
This program is approved by the University for a period of 1 year for those who receive a degree from the University in 2016
level CD level for the EHEA (Qualification framework for the European higher education area): 2nd cycle; ECR (European qualifications framework): level 7; NQF (national qualifications framework): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program specialty 7М04202 "Jurisprudence" training of highly qualified specialists with a competitive level of knowledge, the ability to carry out a critical analysis of the state of modern scientific research, professional skills in the field of law, with the necessary personal competencies.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • Main disciplines: Methodology of legal analysis
      Basic disciplines: problems of qualification of criminal offenses against the interests of the commercial and other organizations, economic crime as a threat to national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.
      Major disciplines: organization of investigation of criminal offenses in the field of economic activity, Information relations in the innovation economy, legal regulation of investments in the financial market, etc.
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • In the implementation of the educational program of the specialty "7М04202 "Jurisprudence" applies credit-modular system of the educational process, based on the modular principle of curricula, the use of the system of credits (credits) and relevant educational technologies.
    • 3.Direction
    • profile direction
    • 4.Peculiar properties
    • Graduates of the specialty 7М04202 "Jurisprudence" are focused on the following types of professional activities:
      - research, socio-economic, management, expert-analytical, experimental research, scientific and pedagogical, economic and organizational, organizational and technological.
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment opportunity
    • The educational program is periodically reviewed taking into account the needs of undergraduates, employers and society. Established stable relations with employers on the basis of mutual benefit, so employers assist in the development and further development of the educational program, the teaching of individual disciplines, research and quality assurance processes. Monitored career graduates and career prospects, graduate students are set to study throughout life.
    • 2.Further training
    • Doctoral studies 6d030100 «Jurisprudence»
  • D) The style of education
    • 1.Learning and learning approaches
    • Active and interactive forms of classes (cases, round tables, discussions, literature review and preparation of individual and group projects) are widely used in the educational process. The training courses include meetings with representatives of law enforcement agencies of state and local government, public organizations, and civil society institutions.
    • 2.Evaluation method
    • The midterm examination; intermediate examination (testing); protection report on the practical training (report); final examination (state final exam, defending master thesis)
  • E) Programme competencies
    • 1.Key (General scientific, social-personal, humanitarian-social, communicative, instrumental) competences
    • 1. to have an idea of the current trends in the development of scientific knowledge, the actual problems of legal science, the current state of the economic and legal environment, the Kazakh business partnership
      2. know the methodology of scientific knowledge, features and branch of legal Sciences, know at least one foreign language at a professional level, allowing to conduct research and practice
      3. to be able to apply scientific methods of knowledge in professional activities, critically analyze existing concepts and approaches to the study of legal processes and phenomena, integrate knowledge gained in different disciplines
    • 2.Special (professional) competences
    • 1. own methods of independent research and interpretation of their results, methods of self-statement of problems and finding legal ways to solve them
      2. to be able to analyze and evaluate legal situations, to develop and justify effective solutions, to be able to make professional decisions taking into account legal and economic requirements
      3. be capable of self-improvement and professional growth of the individual with diverse scientific knowledge and interests, planning, organization, implementation of the results of experimental research in the field of law
  • F) A complete list of learning outcomes for the program
    • In the context of their work in law enforcement agencies, research institutions, graduates can demonstrate the ability to: think analytically, initiative, communication, creative approach to solving new problems and situations, organization, leadership, result orientation, intolerance to corruption, summarize the results of research and analytical work.
  • Foreign language (professional)" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language
    • One of the priority directions of state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the modernization of an education system designed to train the highly qualified specialists of a new formation capable to keep up to date and succeed in the activity.
    • The purpose of teaching discipline – is system deepening of communicative competence within the international standards of foreign-language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language proficiency in professional activity of future master.
    • Problems of a course:
      • improvement of skills of oral communication in a foreign language on the basis of development of abilities of the argument and polemic within a general scientific and scientific and professional perspective;
      • studying of linguistic characteristics of official and scientific functional styles on a profile of training of the expert;
      • further improvement of skills of audition on material of the professional focused contents.
    • The course of a foreign language in a magistracy meets the requirements of continuity and is one of links of three-stage higher education. This standard program is focused on continuation of a learning of foreign language, improvement of the base created at the previous step and, thus, is closely connected with discipline "Foreign language" in a bachelor degree. Besides, training in a foreign language relies on the linguistic experience of undergraduates gained in the course of studying of a course Kazakh / Russian and also on knowledge and abilities of undergraduates in the specialty.
    • The undergraduate has to know:
      • functional and stylistic characteristics of statement of material in the learned foreign language;
      • general scientific terminology of the corresponding specialty in a foreign language;
      • bases of business correspondence within the international cooperation.
    • Lecturer's full name: k.f.s, associate professor Ertysbayeva G.N.
  • Management 1 credits / 2 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Management (bachelor degree)
    • Purpose of teaching discipline: mastering by master students of the basic principles and methods of organization and management of the enterprise, the study, systematization and consolidation of the foundations of theory and practice of enterprise management in the current conditions of management, decision-making processes in the field of management, theory and practice of management and its components, such as: the basic idea of ​​formal organizations, medium, small and large, on external and internal variables, their effective management, motivation and control, group dynamics and leadership.
    • Problems of studying of discipline:
      • consideration of general theoretical and practical aspects of management;
      • acquisition of knowledge that will help to carry out personnel management activities, the ability to resolve conflict situations in the organization, build effective organizations, achieve their goals, using labor, intelligence, the motives of other people's behavior and exercise leadership in a variety of situations;
      • studying of basic elements of system of management
      • studying of approaches to a concept management
      • definition of a role and the place of the manager in the organization, requirements to the modern head
      • receiving complex idea of methodology modern management
    • Lecturer's full name: PhD Orynbasarova E.D.
  • Psychology 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: the course study "Psychology" is based on knowledge gained on prior disciplines of a bachelor degree: philosophy, sociology, cultural science.
    • Purpose of teaching discipline: training of undergraduates in fundamentals of psychology of the higher school, extension of their professional opportunities in respect of use of psychological knowledge in the sphere of pedagogical activities.
    • Tasks of a study of discipline:
      • To open a psychology and pedagogical entity of educational process at the higher school.
      • To give to undergraduates an integral idea of the most considerable theoretical concepts, empirical researches and the main applications of the general, social, age and pedagogical psychology in relation to course "Psychology".
      • To consider the main tendencies of development of the higher school at the present stage.
      • To develop psychology and pedagogical thinking of undergraduates.
    • Lecturer's full name: k.p.s, associate professor Kenzhebayeva S.K.
  • Methodology of legal analysis 1 credits /2 ECTS
    • Prerequisites:
    • To study the course undergraduates need knowledge of the following disciplines or their parallel study: Theory of state and law; Civil law; moral principles in criminal proceedings.
    • Postrekvizity discipline knowledge in this discipline are necessary for the study of such disciplines as:
      • Actual problems of law enforcement practice of criminal and criminal procedural legislation
      • Problems of public administration and public service in Kazakhstan at the present stage
    • Purpose: the purpose of teaching the discipline is to prepare highly qualified specialists who know the rules of law, the methodology of their formation and are able to analyze and apply them in practice.
    • Brief description of the course: Methods and methodology of scientific knowledge. Methodological and instrumental bases of legal analysis. General research methods in the legal Sciences. System analysis and system approach in legal science. Critical legal method as a way of legal knowledge. Synergy in law. The legal system and its principles . Comparison methodology. Methodology of constitutional and legal research. Methodology of civil law science. Methodology of criminal law science
    • Expected result:
    • A.To Know and understand: the Terminological apparatus and the group of methods by which the main process of scientific research is carried out, the properties and qualities of the studied object of knowledge.
    • B. be Able to: Apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, as well as in research aimed at improving the legislation and practice of its application, to analyze the state of the system of rights and legitimate interests of economic entities and to identify internal contradictions in judicial and investigative practice.
    • C. Possess: the Basics of analysis and methodology of legal examination of normative acts, the ability to give sound qualified legal opinions and advice, to identify and eliminate judicial errors, violations of the law in the field of application of the current legislation.
    • D. To Acquire practical skills: Presentation of information in various forms of communication (report, essay), taking into account the specifics of the audience.
    • E. Improve skills: Independent work and development needs for personal and professional growth; analysis and preparation of qualified legal opinions and advice
    • Full name of the lecturer: d.l.s, professor Khanov T.A.
  • Problems of qualification of criminal offenses against the interests of service in commercial and other organizations
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis. Psychology.
    • Postrekvizity: organization of investigation of criminal offenses in the field of economic activity, the problem of appointment and production of forensic examinations
    • Purpose: in the process of studying the discipline "problems of qualification of criminal offenses against the interests of service in commercial and other organizations" the aim is to expand and deepen the knowledge of students about the laws of development and forms of activity of commercial and non-profit organizations, the formation of ideas about the types of criminal offenses against the interests of service in commercial and other organizations and their correct and reasonable qualifications in modern conditions.
    • Brief description: the Concept and types of commercial organizations, the Concept and types of non-profit organizations, problems of qualification of abuse of power, the Concept of private notaries, appraisers, private bailiffs, mediators, auditors, the problem of qualification of abuse of power by private notaries, appraisers, private bailiffs, mediators and auditors working in the audit organization, the Concept of employees of private security services, regulations governing their activities, Problems of qualification of abuse of authority by employees of private security services, the Concept of commercial bribery and the contrast of receiving illegal remuneration, the Problems of qualification of commercial bribery and its distinction from bribery, the Problems of qualification of the unfair relation to the duties.
    • Expected results: this discipline will allow to form professional thinking of a young specialist, equip him not only with theoretical knowledge, but also teach him to critically evaluate the current criminal legislation and competently apply it in the fight against crime in the interests of the service of commercial and non-profit organizations, as well as the practice of its application.
    • Full name teacher c.l.s., docent Seythozhin B. U.
  • Economic crime as a threat to national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    • Prerequisites: "Constitutional law", Criminal law" Criminal procedure law", "Criminology", " Criminology»
    • Post-requisites: practical training and implementation of the master's project
    • Purpose: the purpose of teaching the discipline is to prepare highly qualified specialists who are perfectly aware of the provisions of the current legislation and are able to apply them in practice.
    • Brief description: Legal basis of national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan., General characteristics of national security., General provisions on major threats to national security., Corruption as a social phenomenon., The historical nature and causes of corruption in Kazakhstan., Concept, the types and main characteristics of the corruption., Ways and measures to overcome corruption in Kazakhstan., Comparative legal analysis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on combating corruption" and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "on combating corruption., Economic smuggling as a threat to the national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan
    • Expected results: to acquire knowledge in the field of current legislation governing the fight against economic crime and ensure its development strategy and practice.To assess the current economic situation and determine the degree and nature of its impact on the development of economic crime; to be able to: conduct statistical and criminological analysis of the current state of economic crime; to reveal the social and legal essence of economic crime, to formulate a modern concept of " economic crime»; to develop a classification of types of economic crime; to determine the place of economic crime in the structure of crime in General and its impact on other types of criminal behavior; to determine the role and main directions of criminal policy in the fight against economic crime; to consider the problem of cyclical Kazakhstan's economy and its impact on economic crime; to analyze the range of victimological problems of economic crime; to develop the basic provisions of the modern concept of combating economic crime on the basis of the identified features and to formulate specific proposals for the prevention of economic crimes; and to substantiate proposals for the improvement of criminal legislation aimed at the protection of economic relations.
    • Full name teacher c.l.s., docent Seythozhin B. U.
  • Organization of investigation of criminal offenses in the field of economic activity
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis. Psychology.
    • Postrekvizity: organization of investigation of criminal offenses in the field of economic activity, the problem of appointment and production of forensic examinations
    • Purpose: the main purpose of the discipline is to prepare highly qualified specialists capable of complex use in their practical, scientific and pedagogical activities of theoretical General legal knowledge of industry and special disciplines, as well as practical skills in the disclosure and investigation of specific criminal cases.
    • Brief description: the System and procedural status of bodies engaged in pre-trial activities. Activities of the criminal prosecution authorities at the initial stage of the investigation. Activities of the investigator (investigator) at the initial stage of the procedural decision. Activities of the investigator (investigator) in the implementation of accelerated pre-trial investigation. Activities of the investigator (investigator) at the stage of investigative actions. Activities of the investigator to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of citizens involved in the investigation process. Organization of interaction of bodies of preliminary investigation and inquiry. Activity of the investigator (investigator) on the organization and application of measures of procedural coercion. Activities of the investigator on the use of the results of investigative activities and secret investigative actions in the process of proof. The activities of the investigator in the preparation of the indictment. Activities of the investigator (investigator) at the stage of completion of the criminal investigation. Activity of the chief of body of inquiry and investigative service in the organization of departmental control of preliminary investigation and inquiry. Criminal procedural (investigative) errors made by the investigator (investigator) in the course of criminal prosecution and ways to eliminate them. Criminal procedural acts of bodies of preliminary investigation and inquiry. Requirements for procedural documents drawn up by the investigator (investigator) in the course of pre-trial proceedings
    • Expected results: this discipline will allow to form professional thinking of a young specialist, equip him not only with theoretical knowledge, but also teach him to critically evaluate the current criminal legislation and competently apply it in the fight against criminal offenses in the sphere of economic activity, as well as the practice of its application.
    • Full name teacherc.l.s., docent Fetkulov A.Kh.
  • Features of insolvency (bankruptcy)
    • Prerequisites: "criminal procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "OSA", "Criminology", "Criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Criminalistics" Prosecutor's supervision of the Republic of Kazakhstan»,
    • Post-requisites:Practical training and implementation of the master's project
    • Purpose: The main objective of this course is to study the problematic issues of bankruptcy proceedings, their place in the civil procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of the ratio of bankruptcy of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, accelerated rehabilitation and rehabilitation of legal entities to a special type of production.
    • Brief description: General characteristics of the institution of bankruptcy., Legal regulation of bankruptcy., Concept and signs of bankruptcy., Features of bankruptcy of enterprises., Bankruptcy procedure of enterprises., Extrajudicial procedure., Judicial procedure of bankruptcy. Production on cases on bankruptcy of enterprises.,Commencement of proceedings.Consideration of the bankruptcy case., Execution of the court decision
    • Expected results: as a result of the study of the discipline undergraduates should: - know the essence and content of laws and other regulations governing the activities of arbitration courts in the administration of justice; - be able to analyze and summarize the information obtained during the study of the recommended literature on the problems of arbitration and procedural protection;-possess the skills of application of the norms of Kazakhstan legislation on civil protection of participants of economic turnover and the skills of judicial protection of rights and legitimate interests in relations with various subjects of law.
    • Full name teacherc.l.s., docent Fetkulov A.Kh.
  • Information legal relations in innovative economy
    • Prerequisites: "Criminal procedural law of Kazakhstan., Criminal law of RK"., «Criminalistics.», «Criminology»
    • Post-requisites: practical training and implementation of the master's project
    • Purpose: the main purpose of the discipline "Information relations in the innovation economy"is to train lawyers, customs officers of the new generation for the innovation economy in the information society. highly qualified specialists in the field of information law on the basis of extensive use of the latest achievements of legal science and practice in solving problems of legal regulation of public relations in the information sphere.
    • Brief description: the Subject, method and system of information law; Information sphere as the sphere of information circulation and the sphere of legal regulation; Information and legal norms and information relations; Sources of information law; the Right to search, obtain and use information; Information as an object of independent circulation; Legal problems of information security. Legal problems of the virtual environment of the INTERNET; information aspects of intellectual property; information legal relations in the field of mass information; Information legal relations in the field of library business; Information legal relations in the field of archives; Information legal relations in the field of state secrets; information legal relations in the field of trade secrets; Information legal relations in the field of personal data; Responsibility for offenses in the information sphere
    • Expected results: as a result of the study of the discipline "Information relations in the innovation economy" undergraduate should: know the organizational and legal framework, principles, functions and methods of information law; to study special knowledge about the mechanisms of legislative, corporate and contractual regulation in the field of producers and consumers of information products (works, services), including the production and use of information of technical, technological and business nature in the innovation economy; topical issues of legal and organizational support of innovative production of goods (works, services) in a high-tech complex; be able to apply information and legal norms aimed at ensuring information security, protection of national security of Kazakhstan (economic, social) in appropriate conditions and in various areas of professional activity;
    • Full name teacher c.l.s., docent Nurpeisova A.K.
  • legal regulation of relations on the Internet
    • Prerequisites: "Criminalistics", "Criminal procedure law" "Criminology", " criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan»
    • Post-requisites: practical training and implementation of the master's project
    • Purpose: legal regulation of relations on the Internet " - a review course aimed at the formation of basic ideas about the approaches to the regulation of the global information and telecommunications network. The main objective of the course is to form a holistic view of the relationship on the Internet as a subject of legal regulation.
    • Brief description: owner of information resources, information systems, communication channels, technologies and means of their support; author of software, technical developments and works; owner of information resources, software and hardware; user (consumer of information and services); information intermediary (provider)
    • Expected results: as a result of the study of the discipline "legal regulation of relations on the Internet" undergraduate should:. be able to: Operate with legal concepts and categories of Internet law.Analyze legal facts and legal relations arising in connection with them related to the subject of Internet law.Analyze, interpret and correctly apply the legal norms related to the subject of Internet law.Carry out legal examination of normative legal acts relating to the subject of Internet law. Analyze and correctly assess the content of the expert's (specialist's) opinions in the field of Internet law.
    • Own: Legal terminology in the field of Internet law.Skills of analysis of various legal phenomena, legal facts, legal norms and legal relations that are the objects of professional activity in the field of Internet law.Skills of analysis of law enforcement and law enforcement practice in the field of Internet law.Skills to solve legal problems and conflicts in the field of Internet law.Skills of implementation of the norms of substantive and procedural law that make up the subject of Internet law as a complex legal institution.
    • Full name teacher c.l.s., docent Nurpeisova A.K.
  • "legal regulation of investments in the financial market»
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis., Psychology.
    • Post-requisites: practical training and implementation of the master's project
    • Purpose: Teaching in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan is conditioned by legal and economic reforms carried out in the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is known that sustainable economic development of any state is impossible without a single and balanced investment policy aimed at rational and efficient use of investments and creation of a favorable investment climate. One of the main factors in ensuring the effectiveness of investments is their legislative consolidation, the creation of a developed system of investment legislation and an effective mechanism for the implementation of legal norms governing investment relations.
    • Brief description: Subject and method of legal regulation of investments., Legal regulation of investments in the system of law., Investment legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan., Classification of investments and their types., Investment relations., Subjects of investment relations., Objects of investment relations., Investment contract types of investment contracts., Investment activity., The concept of the investment climate., State regulation of investment relations in various sectors of the economy., Methods, forms and methods of state regulation of investment relations in various sectors of the economy.., Bilateral and regional regulation of foreign investment., International legal regulation of foreign investments
    • Expected results: As a result of the study of this discipline undergraduates should know the basic legal issues in the field of legal regulation of investments in various sectors of the economy and understand the basic methods of regulation of investment relations., to apply the norms of investment legislation in appropriate conditions, to be guided in the field of state bodies, to know their functions in the field of investment activity., the ability to analyze and select the necessary information in the field of investment regulation in various sectors of the economy; provide information in the form of presentations, analytical report; needs for personal and professional development
    • Full name teacher: phD Au T.I.
  • Name of the discipline: "Modern problems of legal science»
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis,
    • Post-requisites: practical training and implementation of the master's project
    • Purpose: to give an overview of current problems, trends and trends in the development of jurisprudence in General and individual legal Sciences. The purpose of the course "Modern problems of legal science" is the formation of undergraduates ' ideas about the historical development and modern problems of the methodology of research of state and law, the formation of their own legal Outlook on the basis of the studied methodological basis of legal science.
    • Brief description: the unity of the problems of the world legal science in the context of spiritual needs of the third Millennium; the experience of the world law for the development of domestic legal science; humanistic concepts of personality in modern law; innovative technologies in teaching and education of the master; trends in the development of modern domestic and world legal science and practice.
    • Expected results: when reading the training material on this training course and in preparation for practical classes, tests, exams should be borne in mind that today a significant number of issues of modern development of legal science have not received a final scientific permission in the literature. In it you can meet with different, and sometimes diametrically opposed interpretation of the same scientific approaches. Scientific literature is intended to help to Orient in such situations along with the lecture course. Systematic and conscientious work with it will contribute not only to a deeper and more thorough understanding of the modern problems of undergraduates of legal science, but also allow them to develop practical skills for self-obtaining new knowledge on this scientific subject.
    • Full name teacher phD Au T.I.

Magistratura-EP-Customs affair-SP

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Customs affair (scientific and pedagogical direction))



  • 2021-22 Contingent of master students on educational program for
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis
The content of the educational master's program in the specialty 7М04203 "Customs" determines the study of such disciplines as "Methodology of legal analysis in the customs sphere", "Topical issues of responsibility for offenses and crimes in the field of customs", "Legal regulation of investments in the financial market", "Information relations in the innovation economy", "International customs relations", etc. This allows you to gain skills: drafting legal documents, examination of regulations, drafting claims, writing scientific articles and abstracts, etc.; independent research activities summarizing the work done in the form of reports, abstracts, articles, designed in accordance with the existing requirements, with the involvement of modern editing and printing. And be competent in: professional activities in the field of customs, providing legal assistance to legal entities and individuals in the selection of customs procedures for the transport of goods and vehicles, preparation together with other state bodies of relevant documents in order to improve the work of subjects of foreign economic activity, control the issuance of licenses of the customs authority for the placement of goods under the customs regime, payment of customs duties and taxes when establishing a temporary import (export) regime. ), issuance of licenses for the establishment of a free warehouse, duty-free shops.
Graduates of the magistracy on the educational program 7М04203 "Customs" as objects of professional activity can choose:
- in scientific and pedagogical training: higher education institutions, secondary and secondary vocational schools, research institutes.
The graduate is awarded an academic degree:
– in the scientific and pedagogical direction-Master of Legal Sciences on specialty "Customs»;
Period of study:
- on scientific and pedagogical direction-2 years.
Form of training – full-time.

Program degree:
Master of Legal Sciences on
specialty 7М04203 " Customs»
The degree and duration

Second degree (one University) (at least 131 ECTS credits/ at least 59 KAZ. loans')

Educational institution anda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakhstan Agency For quality assurance of Education (NCCA)

This program is approved by the University for a period of 2 years for those who receive a degree from the University in 2018

Level EHEA (Qualification framework for the European higher education area): 2nd cycle; ECR (European qualifications framework): level 7; NQF (national qualifications framework): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program of specialty 7М04203 "Customs" is to prepare highly qualified specialists – customs officers who have knowledge about topical issues of combating offenses in the field of customs in Kazakhstan. Getting undergraduates knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the purpose, objectives and role of the customs authorities of the state in the prevention of customs offenses, the development of undergraduates comprehensive understanding of the role of these bodies in ensuring economic security.
      Successful graduates should:
      - to be guided in system, structure, competence of the state,
      including customs authorities; interpret the rules of various branches of law;
      - to use normative legal acts in professional activity; to Express and justify one's point of view logically;
      - receive and process the necessary information, critically analyze it and make conclusions and generalizations;
      - to analyze and solve customs problems in the sphere of administrative-legal, criminal-legal and other relations;
      - apply theoretical knowledge about the legal regulation of customs, the legal nature of customs relations in practice and understand their purpose and role in solving professional problems.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • Main disciplines: Methodology of legal analysis in the customs sphere
      Basic disciplines: History and philosophy of science, Pedagogy, Psychology, Foreign language (professional), Organization and planning of scientific research on legal subjects, Economically almasty R ulttyk auspice ater rende - Economic crime as a threat to national security of Kazakhstan, the Methods and technologies of learning in higher education, Technical means of customs operational diagnostics.
      Majors: Caden s salasanaa almestady, Carlow Neger - Fundamentals of investigation of crimes in sphere of customs Affairs, Legal regulation of investments in the financial market, Cedents rssdid jimbastard semenawi tendentially -Modern trends in the organization of customs clearance, Problems of trade and economic relations between Kazakhstan in the Customs Union -
      Problems of trade and economic relations of Kazakhstan in the EAEU, International customs relations, Topical issues of responsibility for offenses and crimes in the field of customs, information legal relations in the innovation economy.
    • 2.General information/ Specialization
    • The educational program of the specialty 7М04203 "Customs" is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the credit technology of training, assuming the appropriate organization of the educational process according to the modular principle.
    • 3.Direction
    • scientific and pedagogical
    • 4.Peculiar properties
    • Graduates of the specialty 7М04203 "Customs" are focused on the following types of professional activities:
      - profile training: organizational and management activities in the customs authorities and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
      - scientific and pedagogical training: organizational and managerial activities in the customs authorities and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
      - customs obligations and responsibilities in the field of customs, organization of management in the field of customs authorities of Kazakhstan, customs administration, legal mechanism of taxpayers ' rights.
      - pedagogical activity in educational institutions providing secondary and secondary vocational education, research, production and management, expert and analytical, experimental research, scientific and pedagogical.
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment opportunity
    • - the profile assuming implementation of educational programs of postgraduate training for bodies of customs system at profile preparation to work in customs authorities, bodies of justice, state bodies, the commercial and non-profit organizations having profound professional training;
      - scientific and pedagogical, involving the implementation of educational programs of postgraduate training for the system of higher, postgraduate education and research sector with in-depth scientific and pedagogical training.
    • 2.Further training
    • PhD
  • D) The style of education
    • 1.Learning and learning approaches
    • Active and interactive forms of classes (cases, round tables, discussions, literature review and preparation of individual and group projects) are widely used in the educational process. The training courses include meetings with representatives of the state revenue Department, public organizations and civil society institutions.
    • 2.Evaluation method
    • Midterm control; interim certification (testing); protection of reports on the passage of teaching and research practices( reports); scientific training (report), the final certification (state exam, defense of master's thesis); protection of reports of NIRM
  • E) Programme competencies
    • 1.Generic competence
    • The program meets The requirements of the state obligatory standard of postgraduate education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the second level of the cycle.
      This includes the General competencies (also known as key skills) of the expected second cycle graduates (see website ).
      The following competencies represent the combined and the most relevant competencies for this program:
      OK 1-to know the methodology of scientific knowledge, the principles and structure of the organization of scientific activity, psychology of cognitive activity of students in the learning process, psychological methods and means to improve the efficiency and quality of learning;
      OK 2-to be able to use and integrate the acquired knowledge to solve research problems and conduct analytical work in new unfamiliar conditions and atypical situations, to apply the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of higher education in their teaching activities;
      OK 3-to be fluent in a foreign language at a professional level, allowing to carry out research and teaching special disciplines in universities;
      OK 4-to have skills of implementation of research activity, the solution of standard scientific tasks and the correct representation of their results, conducting educational and pedagogical activity with use of modern information technologies, methods of training and various means of professional communication.
    • 2.Special (professional) competences
    • PC 1-to know the methods of independent research and interpretation of their results, methods of self-statement of problems and finding ways to solve them;
      PC 2-to be competent in the field of methodology of scientific research, scientific and pedagogical activity, in conducting research in the professional field and expanding professional skills, to be able to demonstrate modern knowledge and understanding in the field of customs;
      PC 3-to be able to perform theoretical, experimental research in the field of law, to make professional decisions taking into account legal and economic requirements, self-improvement and professional growth of the individual with diverse humanitarian and natural science knowledge and interests, planning, organization, implementation of research results;
      SC 4-to be ready to participate in the development of new programs and improvement of training courses in core disciplines, preparation and conduct of various forms of organization of educational activities using modern methods of active learning in the system of higher and additional education.
  • F) A complete list of learning outcomes for the program
    • In a Graduate educational program in the specialty 7М04203 "Customs" needs:
      have an idea: about universal values, values of the legal and democratic state; the main stages and features of national history; the current state of economic and political relations in society; market relations; basics of management; humanitarian, environmental problems of modernity; development and essence of philosophical and political doctrines; information technologies, basic computer applied software, modern means of telecommunications; laws and concepts of logic; rules and bases of functioning of the Kazakh (Russian) and foreign languages; bases of organizational and administrative activity; access to global sources of knowledge; about the purposes of activity of customs and its General professional functions; individual qualities which have professional and public importance, normative conditions in which this activity has to proceed; own methodological knowledge; norms and value of a healthy lifestyle;
      know: the basic concepts, principles of the customs authorities of the Customs Union, the rules of customs legislation in the analysis and solution of specific situations; build arguments and evidence through the search, collection, analysis, systematization and interpretation of information related to the customs clearance of goods and vehicles; assessment of the role and importance of the customs authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in ensuring economic security.
      to be able to: creatively apply the acquired knowledge in practice, to be able to translate new knowledge into concrete proposals; independently improve their skills, replenish knowledge and acquire new skills and abilities; receive and process the necessary information, critically analyze it and make conclusions and generalizations; find the best ways to solve problems and make decisions related to the implementation of tasks in professional activities; navigate in the system, structure, competence of state, including customs authorities; interpret the rules of various branches of law; to use normative legal acts in professional activity; to Express and justify one's point of view logically; to use computer and other innovative technologies; to carry out competent document management; to draw up various legal documents; to analyze and solve customs problems in the sphere of administrative-legal, criminal-legal and other relations; apply theoretical knowledge about the legal regulation of customs, the legal nature of customs relations in practice and understand their purpose and role in solving professional problems.
      to have the skills to: use the acquired knowledge and methods of Humanities and socio-economic Sciences in professional activities; research; work on a computer, search, collection and analysis of customs and other information necessary for professional activities, including in search engines and the Internet; the need for further self-improvement, to understand the need for continuous updating of professional knowledge in accordance with customs legislation.
  • History and philosophy of science 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, political science, cultural studies.
    • Post-requisites: Basics of professional pedagogical communication, pedagogy of higher school, psychology.
    • The purpose of teaching the discipline: the formation of philosophical and methodological culture, the ability of theoretical thinking and analysis, high morality and culture, the development of analytical skills and research activities.
    • Brief description of the course: it forms the ability of theoretical and methodological thinking and analysis, high morality and ethical responsibility of the scientist, his culture, because all philosophical constructions are ethical idea. The study of the history and philosophy of science is not only an introduction to philosophical culture, it is a condition for the development of the ability to reflect and hermeneutical activity.
    • Expected results: for the development of the course the student must know: the history of the formation of the world philosophical theoretical thought, especially the basic philosophical concepts to understand that philosophy is a special form of reflection related,
      • first, from a critical point of view,
      • secondly, with the construction of General schemes of ontology in universal and normative forms,
      • thirdly, with the creation of conditions for understanding, explanation and vision of the world.
    • Teacher's name: Klishina M. V.
  • Foreign language (professional) Foreign language (professional) 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: foreign language, Kazakh / Russian language in the volume of the University course.
    • Post-requisites: mastering a foreign language at the level of international B2 standards, as well as LSP – language for special purposes.
    • Purpose: system deepening of communicative competence in the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language proficiency in the professional activity of the future master.
    • Brief description of the course: Modern foreign language teaching is based on the competence-based approach, according to which the acquired knowledge develops the skills necessary to solve practical problems. As a result, the students acquired these competencies, as a common, cross-cultural, sociocultural, cognitive, communicative -linguistic, sociolinguistic, professionally-oriented.
    • The specificity of mastering a foreign language in the master's degree is to study the current General scientific and specialized literature, the use of innovative methods and technologies, and the attraction of modern means (Internet resources)
    • Expected results: upon completion of the course "Foreign language (professional)" undergraduate must know:
      • functional and stylistic characteristics of the scientific presentation of the material in the studied foreign language,
      • General scientific terminology and terminological sublanguage of the relevant specialty in a foreign language,
      • basics of business correspondence in the framework of international cooperation;
      • free to read, translate original literature on the chosen specialty with the subsequent analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the extracted information,
      • participate in professional discussions, scientific debates, debates, round-table discussions",
      • to make a presentation of scientific research (at seminars, conferences, forums),
      • perceive by ear and understand public speaking (lectures, reports, TV and Internet programs).
    • Teacher's name: Aubakirova G. T.
  • Pedagogy 2 credits/ 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Psychology", " history of philosophy and science»
    • Postrekvizity: "Methods of teaching special disciplines»
    • Purpose: mastering the basics of professional and pedagogical culture of a higher school teacher, familiarization of future teachers with the General problems, methodological and theoretical foundations of higher school pedagogy, modern technologies of analysis, planning and organization of training and education, communicative technologies of subject-subject interaction of the teacher and the student in the educational process of the University.
    • Expected result:
      • to form ideas about the actual problems of higher education and pedagogical science;
      • to form ideas about the essence of pedagogical activity;
      • to form an idea of yourself as a subject of professional activity and to master the way of self-determination and analysis of your own professional activity;
      • to form the skills of teaching;
      • to form the skills of organization and management of students ' activities;
      • to improve the skills of research activities;
    • to improve the skills of professional thinking.
    • Teacher's name: Mulikova S.A.
  • Psychology 2 credits/ 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: the study of the course "Psychology" is based on the knowledge gained in the previous disciplines of bachelor: philosophy, sociology, cultural studies.
    • Postrekvizity course: all subsequent Humanities, which are the practical application of psychological knowledge and expanding the possibilities of professional training: Pedagogy, teaching Methods and technologies, pedagogical practice.
    • Purpose: to teach undergraduates the basics of psychology of higher education, expanding their professional capabilities in terms of the application of psychological knowledge in the field of teaching.
    • Expected results: for the development of the course the undergraduate must:
      • to reveal the psychological and pedagogical essence of the educational process in higher education.
      • to give undergraduates a holistic view of the most significant theoretical concepts, empirical research and basic applications of General, social, age and pedagogical psychology in relation to the course "Psychology".
      • to consider the main trends in the development of higher education at the present stage.
      • to develop psychological-pedagogical thinking of the students.
    • Teacher's name: Kenzhebayeva S. K.
  • Methodology of legal analysis in the customs sphere 2 credits/ 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: to study the course undergraduates need knowledge of the following disciplines or their parallel study: Theory of state and law; Civil law.
    • Postrekvizity discipline knowledge in this discipline is necessary for the study of such disciplines as: Actual problems of law enforcement practice of criminal and criminal procedural legislation, Problems of public administration and public service in Kazakhstan at the present stage.
    • The study of the course "Methodology of legal analysis in the customs sphere", contributes to obtaining relevant knowledge of undergraduates in the field of methodology of analysis of laws and regulations, reflecting both legal aspects and mechanisms of regulation of public relations, including the organization and regulation of the system of state power and management. This makes it possible to use the acts of the legal system of the modern state as a documentary factual basis for research of various institutions and processes in the state by the method of legal analysis.
    • The purpose of teaching the discipline is to prepare highly qualified specialists who know the rules of law, the methodology of their formation and are able to analyze and apply them in practice.
    • The objectives of the discipline are:
      • in mastering by undergraduates of provisions of the theory of the legal analysis, essence of the main formal and logical and General scientific methods of scientific knowledge in relation to the customs sphere;
      • in the development of undergraduate skills and analysis and application of the current legislation in typical and atypical situations;
      • to develop in students skills of making informed, evidence-based decisions;
      • in the formation of undergraduates belief in the need for strict observance of the rule of law, ensuring the economic interests of the state and society as a whole.
    • The study of the course "Methodology of legal analysis in the customs sphere", involves the analysis and assimilation of legislative and other regulations, as well as recommended literature on the methodology of legal analysis.
    • Learning outcome:
    • To Know and understand: the terminological apparatus And the group of methods by which the main process of scientific research is carried out, the properties and qualities of the studied object of knowledge in relation to the customs sphere.
    • be Able to: Apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, as well as in research aimed at improving the legislation and practice of its application in the customs sphere, to analyze the state of the system of rights and legitimate interests of economic entities and to identify internal contradictions in judicial and investigative practice.
    • Know: the Basics of analysis and methodology of legal examination of normative acts, the ability to give sound qualified legal opinions and advice, to identify and eliminate judicial errors, violations of the law in the application of current legislation in the customs sphere.
    • To Acquire practical skills: Presentation of information in various forms of communication (report, essay), taking into account the specifics of the audience.
    • Improve skills: Independent work and development needs for personal and professional growth; analysis and preparation of qualified legal opinions and advice.
    • The methodology of the discipline is determined by its features and purpose of study. In this regard, it is advisable to use teaching methods aimed at the formation of special knowledge, skills, situational tasks, the method of group projects, the method of comparative analysis, the case method, open and closed tests, etc.
    • Teacher's name: Khanov T.A.
  • Organization and planning of scientific research 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, history and philosophy of science.
    • Post-requisites: research practice, writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: to provide the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the role and place of the scientific sphere as a subsystem of modern society, the nature and content of scientific research as a type of professional activity, as well as to form students ' understanding of the master's degree of the process of normative and documentary support of scientific research.
    • Brief description of the course: science as a system of representations of the world and as an institution. Institute of science in modern society. Elements of Kazakhstan science. Scientific resources. The current state of science in Kazakhstan. The essence and content of scientific research. Methodology of scientific research. Logical foundations of scientific research. Methods of scientific research. Preparatory stage of research work. Collection of scientific information. Realization of research. The process of conducting research.
    • Expected result:
    • А.To master the basic concepts, methods and stages of scientific research, according to the latest requirements for scientific and innovative activities.
    • В. To be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and understand their purpose and role in solving professional problems.
    • C. develop Arguments and make decisions through the search, collection, analysis and systematization of information.
    • E. to provide information in various forms of communications, to cooperate and work in the group, to discuss and defend their position, to make decisions.
    • E. acquire skills in the implementation of a set of research activities in the development of the selected direction of the master.
    • Lecturer: doctor PhD, docent Ulybyshev D.N.
  • Science in the national economy of Kazakhstan 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, History and philosophy of science.
    • Post-requisites: research practice, master's thesis
    • The goal: to Give students the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the Institute of science, its aims, tasks and functions in relation to the national economy of Kazakhstan, to identify the key elements of the scientific sphere, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its development, the interaction of the scientific sphere of the country with other subsystems of the national economy; to form the students a comprehensive idea about the current problems in the functioning of the scientific sector in Kazakhstan, as well as developed and developing countries.
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical foundations of innovative development of modern economy. Modern ideas about science. Institute of science and its components. Intellectual capital as the main resource of science. Science as a type of professional activity. Foreign experience in the organization of the scientific sphere (USA, EU, Russia, Japan). Trends in the development of the scientific sector in Kazakhstan. The relationship of science and the state. The relationship of science and business. The infrastructure of science. Legal regulation of scientific activity. Preparation of scientific research. Support of scientific research.
    • Expected result:
    • А.To Acquire knowledge of the scientific sphere in the context of modern concepts of social development, the formation and development of science as a key element of modern market economy, science interaction with other subsystems of the national economy.
    • B. to be Able to apply in practice the knowledge gained about the mechanisms of functioning of the scientific sphere, sources of research funding, legal support of scientific activities, organizational support of scientific research.
    • C. it is reasonable And logical to prove one's own position on the applied scientific methods, preparation and writing of scientific works, the role of science in the modern economy.
    • To collect and interpret the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the development of science within the framework of its own position on the role of the state and business in its development, to discuss the most acute problems of the state of science in Kazakhstan.
    • E. to Acquire the skills of organizing independent and collective research, writing scientific works (applications, articles, projects).
    • Lecturer: doctor PhD, docent Ulybyshev D.N.
  • Methods and technologies of higher education 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Pedagogics", "Psychology
    • Post-requisites: pedagogical practice
    • The purpose of teaching: to form competence in the planning, development and organization of the educational process at the University
    • Brief description: Priorities of reforming and modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan. The content and forms of methodical work of the University teacher. Forms of organization of training of students in higher school. Methods and means of education at the University. Modern technologies of higher education.
    • Expected results: to know prospects of development of pedagogical science and professional activity of the teacher of higher education institution, to understand the essence of technologization of training; to apply in professional activity the methods of training adequate to the purposes and the maintenance of educational discipline, effective pedagogical technologies of preparation of specialists; to carry out analytical and synthetic activity in an assessment of opportunities and restrictions of methods, means, forms and technologies of training at higher education institution, reflection of the conducted training sessions and to formulate conclusions on this basis; to present the interpretation of positive pedagogical experience, teaching materials and results of educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of messages (references, reports, expert opinions, mini-studies, etc.); the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Name of lecturer: candidate of pedagogic Sciences, docent, Kenjebayeva S. K.
  • Basics of professional and pedagogical communication 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Pedagogics", "Psychology»
    • Post-requisites: pedagogical practice
    • Purpose: the formation of undergraduates pedagogical competencies necessary for the organization of the educational process in higher education and readiness to manage educational and cognitive activity of students.
    • Brief description of the course: Topical problems of education. Standardization in education. Educational process organization. Implementation of didactic principles in the educational process. Forms of training in the educational process. Methods of teaching in an educational institution. Modern means of training. Modern technologies of training. Psychological and pedagogical bases of activation of educational process. Interactive methods of teaching at the University. Method of use of AMO on SRSP (SRS). Psychological and pedagogical bases of control in training. Methods of control in training at the University. Control of students ' knowledge in terms of the credit system of education. Objectives and content of the methodical work of the University teacher.
    • Expected results: Undergraduates demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the formation of a holistic view of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of methods of teaching special disciplines with the help of the most modern textbooks with the inclusion of certain aspects of knowledge that are at the forefront of the studied science; Undergraduates can apply their knowledge and understanding in terms of a professional approach to their activities, to show competence and demonstrate the formation of convincing arguments in solving problems that lie within the field of education.; Undergraduates have the ability to collect and interpret the necessary data to make judgments in the field of activization of cognitive activity, pedagogical analysis and evaluation of methodical work of the teacher of the University; Undergraduates can report and visualize information, ideas, problems and their solutions in the audience not only specialists but also non-specialists; Undergraduates are able to develop and form skills, independently study and analyze scientific and pedagogical sources on the studied problems.
    • Name of lecturer: doctor PhD, Professor of Mingenew N.А.
  • Тechnical means of operational customs diagnostics. 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: the Organization of customs.
    • Post-requisites: development of master's thesis
    • The purpose of the module: to study the nature and content of the discipline of technical means of operational customs diagnostics. Formation of pedagogical competencies of undergraduates necessary for professional training at the University.
    • Short course description: basics of application of technical means of customs control (TPA). Substances contraband and methods of concealment as an object of the KTD. The concept of CTU. Legal basis for the application of the CTP. The system of operational issues of customs control, requiring the use of TPA for customs diagnosis. Operational-technical model of organization of customs control of the customs for prompt diagnosis. Technical means of operational diagnostics of customs documents. Technical means of inspection of objects of customs control. Set of inspection inspections. Technical means of remote control of the volume (quantity) of certain types of commodities of strategic importance. Technical means of customs search and inspection. Technical means of operational diagnostics and classification of the contents of objects of customs control. Customs support, technical means of rapid diagnosis of excise and special stamps. Technical means of control of media of Audio and video information.Technical means of control of the operational situation in the areas of customs control.
    • Expected results: preparation of the future teacher of the University to harmonize the goals and objectives of teaching on the subject of TTK, improve the quality of training of future specialists-customs officers.
    • Name of lecturer: candidate of technical Sciences, docent Zhandildin Т.Е.
  • Actual problems of using modern technical means of customs control 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Оrganization of customs Affairs
    • Post-requisites: International conventions and agreements on trade
    • The purpose of the module: The formation of undergraduates pedagogical competencies necessary for the professional training of magistrates at the University.
    • Brief description of the course: Formation of knowledge and skills of undergraduates about the types and features of the use of technical means in customs.
    • Expected results: the magistrates should know the theoretical and practical foundations of the institutional and legislative framework of entrepreneurship, the basic methods and techniques of marketing activities, planning and diagnosing entrepreneurial activity.
    • Name of lecturer: candidate of technical Sciences, docent Zhandildin Т.Е.
  • Economic crime as a threat to national security of Kazakhstan 3 credits/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Сriminal law of Kazakhstan
    • Post-requisites: writing a master's thesis.
    • The purpose of the module: to study the conditions and characteristics of the Declaration of goods, the concept of the main forms and methods of tariff regulation of foreign economic activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the new customs environment.
    • Course summary: the concept, nature and content of the national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Legal basis of national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of classification of crimes in business and banking. Problems of classification of crimes related to bankruptcy. Crimes in the sphere of money circulation, classification of securities and other payment documents. Classification of crimes in the field of customs regulation. Issues of classification of crimes in the field of currency regulation. Classification of crimes in the sphere of taxes and other obligatory payments. Issues of classification of crimes related to violation of consumer interests. As a factor of shadow economic corruption and prosperity of pseudo-enterprises.
    • Expected results: the ability to coordinate the goals and objectives of teaching this subject, training future customs officers to improve the quality of training.
    • Name of lecturer: doctor of law, Professor K. A. Bekishev
  • Topical issues of international cooperation 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Оrganization of customs Affairs
    • Post-requisites: International conventions and agreements on trade
    • Purpose: to Study the nature and importance of international customs relations. The fight against offenses in the sphere of customs business. Protection of the rights and interests of traders in the field of customs.
    • Brief description of the course: the Nature and features of international customs relations. International cooperation in customs. Analysis of international agreements, interdepartmental acts, customs legislation and other documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which provide international cooperation in the field of customs, shows that: it is necessary to improve the interaction of customs authorities with the relevant authorities of foreign States; development of the legal system of participation of the competent authorities of Kazakhstan in international cooperation, continued work on the creation of a unified system of international acts and agreements of Kazakhstan.
    • Expected results: knowledge of international customs relations. The study of illicit trafficking in technologies, scientific and technical information and services used in the creation of weapons of mass destruction, etc.Knowledge and competent use of all legal acts and laws ensuring the security of the country.
    • Name of lecturer: doctor of law, Professor K. A. Bekishev  
  • Fundamentals of qualification of crimes in the field of customs 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Theory of state and law", Philosophy, history of philosophy and science
    • Post-requisites of the discipline: development of master's thesis
    • The purpose of the discipline " Fundamentals of qualification of crimes in the field of customs "the purpose of the discipline" Fundamentals of qualification of crimes in the field of customs": to acquaint undergraduates with relevant issues relating to the basics of ranking crimes committed in the field of customs, and teach them to distinguish from each other in the qualification of similar crimes committed in the field of customs.
    • Brief description: the concept of legislative acts applicable to foreign economic activity., the General concept of qualification of the crime., the criminal law and its place in the qualification of the crime, the crime-the legal model of qualification of the crime, signs of the crime, the qualification of unfinished crimes., qualification of participating crimes., qualification of crimes by more., General characteristics and qualification of crimes committed in the field of customs.
    • The expected result: the formation of undergraduates skills in the study and application of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulating customs procedures; instilling skills in ranking crimes committed in the field of customs, and their types; the formation of skills of the use of normative legal acts used in the ranking of crimes on objective and subjective grounds, for a greater number of unfinished crimes and crimes, crimes committed by crime. Ability to work with applicable legislation relating to foreign economic activity, and to know the methods and techniques of their application in the qualification of crimes.
    • Name of lecturer: candidate of law, docent Baikenzhina K. A.
  • Actual problems of state policy and management in customs authorities 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: History and philosophy of science
    • Postrekvizity discipline: Actual problems of civil law.
    • Purpose: the main purpose of the discipline is to train highly qualified specialists with perfect knowledge of modern state service legislation and know how to apply their knowledge in practice, as well as the study of the development and improvement of law and the state as a continuous process on the way of building the rule of law.
    • Brief description: "Actual problems of state policy and management in the customs authorities" at the present stage is one of the most important majors, designed to form a specialist lawyer. In the process of studying the course "Public service and management of Kazakhstan" students receive information about public service and management, the professionalization of the public service system based on the principles of meritocracy, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability to society, which is an important factor in ensuring the competitiveness of public administration and the quality of public services. The knowledge and skills gained in the course will allow to analyze the development of the civil service system of Kazakhstan, the legislation governing public service and management, closely related to the processes of transformation of the role of the state, law, the formation of the political system, economy, social relations, optimization of public administration and use them in their professional and practical activities.
    • Expected result:
      • to know the legal basis, principles, functions of public service activities and understand the purpose of the main methods of public administration and public service organization;
      • to apply the norms of legislation, especially anti-corruption, on public service, in appropriate conditions and in various areas of professional activity;
      • to carry out analytical and synthetic activities in the field of public administration and public service, to analyze and select the necessary information in the field of public servants;
      • represent and use the potential of print and electronic media to provide public services and establish public relations in the form of dialogue, presentations, analytical reports;
      • the need for personal and professional self-education to form a positive image of the public service.
    • Name of lecturer: candidate of law, docent Baikenzhina K. A.
  •  Name of discipline: legal regulation of investments in the financial market 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: History and philosophy of science
    • Postrekvizity discipline: Problems of qualification of crimes in the field of business, Actual problems of civil law.
    • Purpose: The main objective of this course is to study the features of investment in the financial market
    • Brief description: the Concept of investment and investment activity. State regulation of activities of foreign investors in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The concept of investment. Grounds for the emergence of investment relations. Formation and development of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on foreign investments. Implementation of foreign investments in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Conditions for foreign investment. Features of the legal status of commercial organizations with foreign investments. Legal regulation of foreign investments in free economic zones.
    • Expected results: after completing the course, the undergraduate should be able to: analyze the theoretical position and ideas about foreign investment and the experience of their state regulation; analyze international legal acts regulating relations in the field of foreign investment; explore the relationship between the "flight of capital" from Russia and the lack of major foreign investment in its economy and social sphere; to formulate proposals to improve the legal regulation of foreign investments and activities of foreign investors in Russia and to create on this basis prerequisites for the dynamic development of the economy and social sphere of Russia.
    • Lecturer: doctor of Ph. D. Аy T. I.
  •  Name of discipline: International practice of state support of export 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: History and philosophy of science
    • Post-requisites of the discipline: preparation of master's thesis
    • Purpose: to Study the nature and importance of international customs relations.
    • Brief description: the Analysis of world experience shows that almost all countries regulate and stimulate foreign economic activity (FEA) at the macro - and meso-levels. Export support abroad is a whole system of interacting and interconnected governmental and non-governmental institutions, which include relevant ministries and agencies, specialized agencies and expert centres, financial institutions, diplomatic missions, etc.
    • Expected results: after completing the course, a master's student should be able to: analyze the theoretical provisions; analyze international legal acts regulating relations in the field of specialized agencies and expert centers; explore the relationship in the system of interacting and interrelated governmental and non-governmental institutions; to formulate proposals to improve the legal regulation of foreign investments and activities of foreign investors in Russia and to create on this basis prerequisites for the dynamic development of the economy and social sphere of Russia.
    • Lecturer: doctor of Ph. D Ay T. I.
  • Name of the discipline: Modern trends in the organization of customs clearance 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites:
    • Course Prerequisites: Organization of customs business, Customs clearance
    • Post-requisites of the discipline: development of master's thesis
    • Purpose: the study of this discipline "Modern trends in the organization of customs clearance" - the formation of undergraduates special knowledge and skills, as well as the study of the regulatory framework in the field of customs clearance.
    • Brief description: organization of customs clearance is a set of actions and procedures (procedures) carried out between the customs authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and persons related to the transportation of goods and vehicles across the customs border of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the main customs clearance is the placement of goods and vehicles under a certain customs procedure. The concept of modern trends in the organization of customs clearance and the order of its appointment, customs procedures, the main provisions of customs operations related to the placement of goods under the customs procedure, as well as the procedure for customs clearance by authorized persons of customs authorities, etc.consists of problems.
    • Expected results: the formation of undergraduates skills in the study and application of the legislation of customs clearance of the Republic of Kazakhstan; instilling skills ranking with an understanding of current trends in the organization of customs clearance; the formation of skills of the use of normative legal acts used in the ranking. Ability to work with applicable legislation relating to foreign economic activity, and to know the methods and techniques of their application in the qualification of crimes.
    • Name of lecturer: candidate of law, Professor Shakenov A. O.
  •  Name of discipline: Tactical features of detention of bribe takers red-handed 3 credit/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Fundamentals of anti-corruption
    • Post-requisites: preparation of master's thesis
    • The purpose of the module: the purpose of teaching the discipline is the formation of future specialists knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of combating forensic methods and means of bribery, obtaining solid knowledge about the tactics of detention of bribe takers red-handed.
    • Brief description of the course: in the study of the course "Tactical features of the detention of bribe takers red-handed", undergraduates will gain knowledge in the field of customs policy to combat bribery, as part of the anti-corruption activities of the state, through forensic tactics and techniques. They will get an idea of one of the forms of law enforcement, which is the anti-corruption activities of customs services. Will study the procedure for the production of individual investigative actions and methods of combating bribery in the customs units of the customs service of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Expected result:
    • to achieve a perspective on the objectives of the customs officer and its General professional functions, individual qualities that are of professional and public importance, the regulatory environment in which this activity should take place, the goals and prospects of anti-corruption activities and to understand the development of modern customs policy of Kazakhstan in the fight against bribery;
    • to know the legal concepts, elements of professional activities of customs authorities in establishing zero tolerance to corruption manifestations, increasing during crises, the procedure for the preparation of anti-corruption documents in various areas of professional activity;
    • carry out analytical activities in the study of problems in the field of anti-corruption customs policy and on their basis to make the right organizational, legal and procedural decisions, creatively apply the knowledge in practice, independently improve their skills, constantly be aware of changes in legislation in the field of combating bribery;
    • have the skills to use the acquired knowledge in professional activities, to search, collect and analyze legal and other information necessary in professional activities;
    • must ensure the deep professional competence of undergraduates in the implementation of customs activities, the rule of law, the formation of their desire for continuous enrichment and updating of knowledge, education of future professionals in the spirit of respect for the laws of democratic, rule of law and anti-corruption legislation.
    • Lecturer: candidate of law, Professor Balgimbekov D. U.
  •  Name of the discipline: Problems of trade and economic relations of Kazakhstan in the conditions of the Customs union.
    • Prerequisites: "Knowledge-intensive sector of the economy in the conditions of globalization", "International customs relations", "Actual problems of the customs affairs".
    • Postrequisites: writing of the master thesis.
    • The purpose of the module: The main objective of the discipline is training of highly qualified specialists - the customs officers, who own knowledge of providing the economic safety of Kazakhstan. Receiving the knowledge by undergraduates which is necessary for full understanding the purpose, the tasks and the role of the economic safety of the country, elaboration by undergraduates of complex idea of the country's role in providing the economic safety.
    • The short description of the course: During the modern period the special importance was gained by the problem of providing the economic safety of Kazakhstan. This is about the safety of the country as a sovereign state - in political, economic, social and ecological aspects. The training course "Problems of the economic safety" at the present stage is one of the disciplines which is called to shape the master of customs affairs.
    • In the process of studying the course "Problems of the economic safety" undergraduates can get the information about the problem aspects of the economic safety, about the system of the government bodies, which are provide the economic safety of our country. The protection of citizens' rights and legitimate interests, the strong guarantee of their personal secuity are very essential.
    • The expected results:
      • to know the organizational and legal bases, principles, functions and methods of providing the economic security of Kazakhstan by the law-enforcement agencies, and to distinguish the competence and the task of the bodies of customs service from them;
      • to apply standards of the customs legislation, in particular the anti-corruption legislation, directed to protection of the sovereignty and the economic safety of Kazakhstan in the corresponding conditions and in the various fields of professional activity;
      • to carry out the analytical and synthetic activity in the field of providing the economic security of the country, to analyze and select the necessary information in the field of national, power, ecological, information securuty of Kazakhstan.
    • Lecturer: master of law Orynbekov A.S.
  •  Name of discipline: Theory and practice of application of the customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Customs Union 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Actual problems of state policy and management in customs authorities
    • Post-requisites: writing a master's thesis.
    • The purpose of the module: the Study of the basic provisions and norms of the customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the legislation of the Customs Union for the purposes of customs operations and customs procedures in accordance with the above legislation
    • Brief description: Customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Application of constitutional norms in connection with the customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Constitutional provisions directly or indirectly regulating customs. Analysis of customs legislation. The customs code as the main source of legal norms in the field of customs. Legal basis of modern Kazakhstan customs. Decisions, agreements, orders and other legal acts of the Customs Union. Current normative-legal acts on customs Affairs.
    • Interrelation of administrative, criminal, tax and other norms of the Kazakhstan legislation with the customs legislation.
    • Expected results: the Acquisition of knowledge and skills in the application of customs legislation for the purposes of scientific and pedagogical research and for the implementation of the basics of customs policy and customs in practice.
    • Name of lecturer: candidate of law, Professor Kakimzhanov M. T.
  • International customs relations. 3 credit/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Private international law, public international law
    • Post-requisites: research practice, writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: to Study the nature and importance of international customs relations. The fight against offenses in the sphere of customs business. Protection of the rights and interests of traders in the field of customs.
    • Brief description of the course: the Nature and features of international customs relations. International cooperation in customs. Customs relations of Kazakhstan with international organizations. Customs aspects in the WTO. Customs relations of Kazakhstan with CIS countries - members of the Customs Union.
    • Expected results: knowledge of international customs relations. The study of illicit trafficking in technologies, scientific and technical information and services used in the creation of weapons of mass destruction, etc.Knowledge and competent use of all legal acts and laws ensuring the security of the country.
    • Name of lecturer: candidate of law, docent Nurpeisova A. K.
  • Name of discipline International conventions and trade agreements 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Private international law, public international law
    • Post-requisites: research practice, writing a master's thesis.
    • Objective: to Study the essence of international trade conventions and agreements.
    • Brief description of the course: International organizations developing documents on international trade and economic cooperation. The main international conventions and agreements regulating foreign economic activity. Agreements regulating the foreign trade relations of the countries.
    • Expected results: Knowledge of the essence of the main international conventions and agreements regulating foreign economic activity. Normative-legal acts and laws.
    • Name of lecturer: candidate of law, docent Nurpeisova A. K.
  • Topical issues of responsibility for offenses and crimes in the field of customs 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Fundamentals of investigation of crimes in the field of customs
    • Post-requisites: research practice, writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: the Study of topical issues of responsibility for offenses and crimes in the field of customs.
    • Brief description of the course: the Basis of responsibility for violation of customs rules; subjects of responsibility for violations in the field of customs; responsibility of persons who have violated customs legislation; responsibility of customs officials and employees for violation of legislation; responsibility of foreigners for violation of customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan; types of legal responsibility for violations of customs legislation; sentencing for violation of customs legislation; proceedings for violations of customs rules.
    • Expected results: study of types of legal liability for violations of customs legislation; sentencing for violation of customs legislation.
    • Name of lecturer: doctor of law, Professor K. A. Bekishev
  • International transport law 3 credit / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis in customs, private international law, public international law
    • Post-requisites: research practice, writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: the purpose of the development of the discipline "International transport law" is to prepare the master to address the following professional tasks in accordance with the types of professional activities: preparation of normative legal acts, concepts of laws; justification and adoption within the official duties of legal decisions, as well as other actions related to the implementation of legal norms; preparation of legal documents; protection of private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership; protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities; preparation of conclusions on draft normative legal acts and doctrinal interpretation of acts; implementation of legal expertise of normative legal acts; preparation of legal analytical information for decision-making by public administration and local self-government; work with databases and information systems in the implementation of organizational and managerial functions; analysis and synthesis of research results in accordance with the requirements of modern legal science; participation in research in accordance with the profile of professional activity; teaching in high school, training.
    • Brief description: the Concept of international transport law. Sources of international transport law. International transport legal relations. International transport. The contract for the international carriage of cargo. Contract of international carriage of passengers and baggage. International shipping. International transport by inland waterways. International air transportation. International road transportation. International rail transport. International combined transport. Legal regulation of transit. Movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border. Delivery of goods under customs control. Legal regulation of international freight forwarding services. Insurance for international transportation.
    • Expected result:
      • to know the national legislation and international regulations governing international transport relations; current key problems in the field of modern international transport law; methods of legal monitoring of the functioning of legal entities in international transport activities;
      • to be able to evaluate various theoretical approaches in relation to the legal regulation of international transport relations; to use the acquired legal knowledge to solve practical problems in international transport activities with the use of modern information technologies; to analyze and evaluate the legal situation in international transport activities;
      • to know the conceptual apparatus of international transport law; techniques and methods of research, as well as methods of implementation of the research results in the practice of public institutions, commercial organizations, international institutions; methods of application of the legal knowledge in the course of law-making and law enforcement; methods of expert evaluation of normative legal acts of national and international character.
    • Name of lecturer: doctor of law, Professor K. A. Bekishev
  • Of Information legal relations in the innovation economy 2 credits/ 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis in customs, qualification of corruption crimes: theory and practice of application
    • Post-requisites: Current state and development trends of administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan., Especially pre-trial investigation
    • Purpose: the main purpose of the discipline "Information relations in the innovation economy"is to train lawyers, customs officers of the new generation for the innovation economy in the information society. highly qualified specialists in the field of information law on the basis of extensive use of the latest achievements of legal science and practice in solving problems of legal regulation of public relations in the information sphere.
    • Brief description: the Subject, method and system of information law; Information sphere as the sphere of information circulation and the sphere of legal regulation; Information and legal norms and information relations; Sources of information law; the Right to search, obtain and use information; Information as an object of independent circulation; Legal problems of information security. Legal problems of the virtual environment of the INTERNET; information aspects of intellectual property; information legal relations in the field of mass information; Information legal relations in the field of library business; Information legal relations in the field of archives; Information legal relations in the field of state secrets; information legal relations in the field of trade secrets; Information legal relations in the field of personal data; Responsibility for offenses in the information sphere
    • Expected results: as a result of the study of the discipline "Information relations in the innovation economy" undergraduate should: know the organizational and legal framework, principles, functions and methods of information law; to study special knowledge about the mechanisms of legislative, corporate and contractual regulation in the field of producers and consumers of information products (works, services), including the production and use of information of technical, technological and business nature in the innovation economy; topical issues of legal and organizational support of innovative production of goods (works, services) in a high-tech complex; be able to apply information and legal norms aimed at ensuring information security, protection of national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan (economic, social) in appropriate conditions and in various areas of professional activity.
    • Name of lecturer: candidate of law, docent Nurpeisova A. K.
  • Legal regulation of relations on the Internet 2 credit / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Problems of qualification of crimes against property., Actual problems of civil law
    • Post-requisites: research practice, writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: legal regulation of relations on the Internet " - a review course aimed at the formation of basic ideas about the approaches to the regulation of the global information and telecommunications network. The main objective of the course is to form a holistic view of the relationship on the Internet as a subject of legal regulation.
    • Brief description: owner of information resources, information systems, communication channels, technologies and means of their support; author of software, technical developments and works; owner of information resources, software and hardware; user (consumer of information and services); information intermediary (provider)
    • Expected results: as a result of the study of the discipline "legal regulation of relations on the Internet" undergraduate be able to: Operate legal concepts and categories of Internet law. Analyze legal facts and legal relations arising in connection with them related to the subject of Internet law. Analyze, interpret and correctly apply the legal norms related to the subject of Internet law. Carry out legal examination of normative legal acts relating to the subject of Internet law. Analyze and correctly assess the content of the expert's (specialist's) opinions in the field of Internet law.
    • Own: Legal terminology in the field of Internet law. Skills of analysis of various legal phenomena, legal facts, legal norms and legal relations that are the objects of professional activity in the field of Internet law. Skills of analysis of law enforcement and law enforcement practice in the field of Internet law. Skills to solve legal problems and conflicts in the field of Internet law. Skills of implementation of the norms of substantive and procedural law that make up the subject of Internet law as a complex legal institution.
    • Name of lecturer: candidate of law, docent Nurpeisova A. K.

Magistratura-EP-Customs affair-PD

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Customs affair (profilnoe napravlenie)



  • 2021-2022 Contingent of master students on educational program for
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis
The content of the educational master's program in the specialty 7М04204 "Customs" determines the study of such disciplines as "Methodology of legal analysis in the customs sphere", "Legal regulation of investments in the financial market", "information legal relations in the innovative economy", "Theoretical and applied aspects of forensic support of customs authorities in the fight against economic smuggling"," International customs relations", etc. This allows you to gain skills: drafting legal documents, examination of regulations, drafting claims, writing scientific articles and abstracts, etc.; independent research activities summarizing the work done in the form of reports, abstracts, articles, designed in accordance with the existing requirements, with the involvement of modern editing and printing. And be competent in: professional activities in the field of customs, providing legal assistance to legal entities and individuals in the selection of the customs regime for the transport of goods and vehicles, the preparation, together with other state bodies of relevant documents in order to improve the work of subjects of foreign economic activity, the control of the issuance of licenses of the customs authority for the placement of goods under the customs regime, the payment of customs duties and taxes in the establishment of the regime of temporary import (export).), issuance of licenses for the establishment of a free warehouse, duty-free shops.
Graduates of the magistracy on the educational program 7М04204 "Customs" as objects of professional activity can choose:
- profile training: customs control Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its territorial subdivisions, law enforcement agencies, Agency for combating economic and corruption offenses of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Agency Of public service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, system of Central and local Executive authorities, chambers of Commerce and industry;
The graduate is awarded an academic degree:
- in the profile direction-Master of law in the specialty "Customs".
Period of study:
- in the profile direction-1 year
Form of training-full-time

Степень программы:
Program degree:
Master of law
specialty 7М04204 "Customs»
The degree and duration Second degree (one University)
(at least 70 ECTS credits/ at least 28 KAZ. loans')
Educational institution Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

Independent Kazakhstan Agency For quality assurance of Education (NCCA)

Validity This program is approved by the University for a period of 2 years for those who receive a degree from the University in 2018
Level EHEA (Qualification framework for the European higher education area): 2nd cycle; ECR (European qualifications framework): level 7; NQF (national qualifications framework): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of the educational program of the magistracy is the development of students ' personal qualities, the formation of General cultural, General professional, professional and special competencies, taking into account the direction of the program in the field of organizational, managerial, information-analytical and law enforcement activities in accordance with the requirements of the SES in this area of training
      Successful graduates should:
      - demonstrate developmental knowledge and understanding gained at the higher education level that is the basis or opportunity for original development or application of ideas, often in the context of research;
      - apply knowledge, understanding and ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar situations in contexts and within broader (or interdisciplinary) areas related to the field of study;
      - integrate knowledge, manage complexities and make judgments on the basis of incomplete or limited information, taking into account ethical and social responsibility for the application of these judgments and knowledge;
      - clearly communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialists and non-specialists;
      - continue learning on your own.
  • B) Characteristic
    • 1.Discipline / subject area
    • Main disciplines: Methodology of legal analysis in the customs sphere
      Basic disciplines: Foreign language (professional), Management, Psychology
      Main disciplines: legal regulation of investments in the financial market, Information legal relations in the innovation economy, Theoretical and applied aspects of forensic support of customs authorities in the fight against economic smuggling, International customs relations
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • The educational program of the specialty 6М030400 "Customs" is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the credit technology of training, assuming the appropriate organization of the educational process according to the modular principle.
    • 3.Direction
    • profile
    • 4.Peculiar properties
    • Graduates of the specialty 7М04204 "Customs" are focused on the following types of professional activities:
      The spheres of professional activity of graduates are education, science, industry, small and medium-sized businesses, public service, agriculture, financial activities, management (management), analytical activities and forecasting, trade, etc.
      The objects of professional activity of graduates are:
      - at profile preparation: to know the theory of the customs law, the basic principles and provisions of the customs legislation, types of tax offense and measures of responsibility for violations of the tax legislation to have a clear idea of the basic concepts of the tax law, about tax legal norms and tax legal relations;
      - in scientific and pedagogical training: includes the most important theoretical and methodological issues of customs law, as well as the results of their practical implementation. An important place is given to the analysis of customs legislation, problems of customs operations and procedures in accordance with the customs legislation of Kazakhstan and the Customs Union.
  • C) Employment and further training
    • 1.Employment opportunity
    • Types of professional activity of graduates are:
      - profile training: organizational and management activities in the customs authorities and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
      - scientific and pedagogical training: organizational and managerial activities in the customs authorities and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
      - - customs obligations and responsibilities in the field of customs, organization of management in the field of customs authorities of Kazakhstan, customs administration, legal mechanism of the rights of taxpayers.
      - pedagogical activity in educational institutions providing secondary and secondary vocational education, research, production and management, expert and analytical, experimental research, scientific and pedagogical.
    • 2.Further training
    • PhD
  • D) The style of education
    • 1.Learning and learning approaches
    • Active and interactive forms of classes (cases, round tables, discussions, literature review and preparation of individual and group projects) are widely used in the educational process. Within the framework of the training courses, representatives of law enforcement agencies of state and local government, public organizations, civil society institutions are provided for on-site training.
    • 2.Evaluation method
    • Midterm control; interim certification (testing); protection of reports on the passage of research practices (reports); scientific training (report), the final certification (state exam, defense of the master's project, protection of reports of NIRM )
  • E) Programme competencies
    • 1.Key (General scientific, social-personal, humanitarian-social, communicative, instrumental) competences
    • The program meets The requirements of the state obligatory standard of postgraduate education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the second level of the cycle.
      OK1-to have an idea of the current trends in the development of scientific knowledge, the actual problems of legal science, the current state of the economic and legal environment, Kazakhstan's business partner4
      OK2-to know the methodology of scientific knowledge, features and branch of legal Sciences, to know at least one foreign language at a professional level, allowing to conduct research and practical activities;
      OK3-to be able to apply scientific methods of knowledge in professional activities, critically analyze existing concepts and approaches to the study of legal processes and phenomena, integrate knowledge gained in different disciplines.
    • 2.Special (professional) competences
    • PC 1-know the methods of independent research and interpretation of their results, methods of self-statement of problems and finding legal ways to solve them;
      PC 2-to be able to analyze and evaluate legal situations, to develop and justify options for effective solutions, to be able to make professional decisions taking into account legal and economic requirements;
      PC 3-to be capable of self-improvement and professional growth of the individual with diverse scientific knowledge and interests, planning, organization, implementation of the results of experimental studies in the field of customs.
  • F) A complete list of learning outcomes for the program
    • In a Graduate educational program in the specialty 6М030400 "Customs" needs:
      have an idea: about universal values, values of the legal and democratic state; the main stages and features of national history; the current state of economic and political relations in society; market relations; basics of management; humanitarian, environmental problems of modernity; development and essence of philosophical and political doctrines; information technologies, basic computer applied software, modern means of telecommunications; laws and concepts of logic; rules and bases of functioning of the Kazakh (Russian) and foreign languages; bases of organizational and administrative activity; access to global sources of knowledge; about the purposes of activity of customs and its General professional functions; individual qualities which have professional and public importance, normative conditions in which this activity has to proceed; own methodological knowledge; norms and value of a healthy lifestyle;
      know: the basic concepts, principles of the customs authorities of the Customs Union, the rules of customs legislation in the analysis and solution of specific situations; build arguments and evidence through the search, collection, analysis, systematization and interpretation of information related to the customs clearance of goods and vehicles; assessment of the role and importance of the customs authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in ensuring economic security.
      to be able to: creatively apply the acquired knowledge in practice, to be able to translate new knowledge into concrete proposals; independently improve their skills, replenish knowledge and acquire new skills and abilities; receive and process the necessary information, critically analyze it and make conclusions and generalizations; find the best ways to solve problems and make decisions related to the implementation of tasks in professional activities; navigate in the system, structure, competence of state, including customs authorities; interpret the rules of various branches of law; to use normative legal acts in professional activity; to Express and justify one's point of view logically; to use computer and other innovative technologies; to carry out competent document management; to draw up various legal documents; to analyze and solve customs problems in the sphere of administrative-legal, criminal-legal and other relations; apply theoretical knowledge about the legal regulation of customs, the legal nature of customs relations in practice and understand their purpose and role in solving professional problems.
      to have the skills to: use the acquired knowledge and methods of Humanities and socio-economic Sciences in professional activities; research; work on a computer, search, collection and analysis of customs and other information necessary for professional activities, including in search engines and the Internet; the need for further self-improvement, to understand the need for continuous updating of professional knowledge in accordance with customs legislation.
  • History and philosophy of science 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, political science, cultural studies.
    • Post-requisites: Basics of professional pedagogical communication, pedagogy of higher school, psychology.
    • The purpose of teaching the discipline: the formation of philosophical and methodological culture, the ability of theoretical thinking and analysis, high morality and culture, the development of analytical skills and research activities.
    • Brief description of the course: it forms the ability of theoretical and methodological thinking and analysis, high morality and ethical responsibility of the scientist, his culture, because all philosophical constructions are ethical idea. The study of the history and philosophy of science is not only an introduction to philosophical culture, it is a condition for the development of the ability to reflect and hermeneutical activity.
    • Expected results: for the development of the course the student must know: the history of the formation of the world philosophical theoretical thought, especially the basic philosophical concepts to understand that philosophy is a special form of reflection related,
      • first, from a critical point of view,
      • secondly, with the construction of General schemes of ontology in universal and normative forms,
      • thirdly, with the creation of conditions for understanding, explanation and vision of the world.
    • Teacher's name: Klishina M. V.
  • Foreign language (professional) Foreign language (professional) 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: foreign language, Kazakh / Russian language in the volume of the University course.
    • Post-requisites: mastering a foreign language at the level of international B2 standards, as well as LSP – language for special purposes.
    • Purpose: system deepening of communicative competence in the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and abilities of active language proficiency in the professional activity of the future master.
    • Brief description of the course: Modern foreign language teaching is based on the competence-based approach, according to which the acquired knowledge develops the skills necessary to solve practical problems. As a result, the students acquired these competencies, as a common, cross-cultural, sociocultural, cognitive, communicative -linguistic, sociolinguistic, professionally-oriented.
    • The specificity of mastering a foreign language in the master's degree is to study the current General scientific and specialized literature, the use of innovative methods and technologies, and the attraction of modern means (Internet resources)
    • Expected results: upon completion of the course "Foreign language (professional)" undergraduate must know:
      • functional and stylistic characteristics of the scientific presentation of the material in the studied foreign language,
      • General scientific terminology and terminological sublanguage of the relevant specialty in a foreign language,
      • basics of business correspondence in the framework of international cooperation;
      • free to read, translate original literature on the chosen specialty with the subsequent analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the extracted information,
      • participate in professional discussions, scientific debates, debates, round-table discussions",
      • to make a presentation of scientific research (at seminars, conferences, forums),
      • perceive by ear and understand public speaking (lectures, reports, TV and Internet programs).
    • Teacher's name: Aubakirova G. T.
  • Management 1 credit/ 2 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: General subjects, "Economic theory", "Microeconomics", "macroeconomics", "Theory of public administration", "Marketing".
    • Post-requisites: "Operational management", "human resources Management", "Theory and practice of public administration", "Regional economy and management", "Marketing management", "Marketing research".
    • Purpose: to a large extent to acquaint undergraduates with the latest achievements of management science and best management practice.
    • Brief description of the course: Characteristics of management in modern conditions. The evolution of management thinking. External environment and corporate culture. Management on a global scale. Managing the creation of small businesses. Setting goals and organizational design. Formulation and implementation of the strategy. Management decisions. Communication tools. Design of adaptive organizations. Change and innovation management. Human resource management. Team work. Dynamics of organizational behavior. Leadership in the modern world. Motivation. Management control and quality control.
    • Expected result:
      • to know about the latest trends in the development of management in modern conditions; relationships "organization-external environment" ; design of adaptive organizations in terms of changes and innovations; dynamics of organizational behavior, changes in the nature of leadership in modern conditions; modern approaches to motivation, identification of types of teams in organizations;
      • to be able to analyze the relationship of the organization with the changing environment, to carry out highly effective planning in a rapidly changing environment; to distinguish between modern command and network structures; to recognize the characteristics of effective leaders; to develop concepts of integrated quality management.
      • possess the skills; effective crisis management; ensure the interaction of corporate culture and the environment; develop three levels of organizational strategy; application of models and methods that contribute to effective decision-making in modern organizations; management of multicultural teams, the use of modern approaches to motivation, communication in crisis situations, monitoring and integrated quality management.
    • Teacher's name: Abdikarimova A.T.
  • Psychology 2 credits/ 3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: the study of the course "Psychology" is based on the knowledge gained in the previous disciplines of bachelor: philosophy, sociology, cultural studies.
    • Postrekvizity course: all subsequent Humanities, which are the practical application of psychological knowledge and expanding the possibilities of professional training: Pedagogy, teaching Methods and technologies, pedagogical practice.
    • Purpose: to teach undergraduates the basics of psychology of higher education, expanding their professional capabilities in terms of the application of psychological knowledge in the field of teaching.
    • Expected results: for the development of the course the undergraduate must:
      • to reveal the psychological and pedagogical essence of the educational process in higher education.
      • to give undergraduates a holistic view of the most significant theoretical concepts, empirical research and basic applications of General, social, age and pedagogical psychology in relation to the course "Psychology".
      • to consider the main trends in the development of higher education at the present stage.
      • to develop psychological-pedagogical thinking of the students.
    • Teacher's name: Kenzhebayeva S. K.
    • Ф.И.О. преподавателя: Кенжебаева С.К.
  • Methodology of legal analysis in the customs sphere 1 credits/ 2 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: to study the course undergraduates need knowledge of the following disciplines or their parallel study: Theory of state and law; Civil law.
    • Postrekvizity discipline knowledge in this discipline is necessary for the study of such disciplines as: Actual problems of law enforcement practice of criminal and criminal procedural legislation, Problems of public administration and public service in Kazakhstan at the present stage.
    • The study of the course "Methodology of legal analysis in the customs sphere", contributes to obtaining relevant knowledge of undergraduates in the field of methodology of analysis of laws and regulations, reflecting both legal aspects and mechanisms of regulation of public relations, including the organization and regulation of the system of state power and management. This makes it possible to use the acts of the legal system of the modern state as a documentary factual basis for research of various institutions and processes in the state by the method of legal analysis.
    • The purpose of teaching the discipline is to prepare highly qualified specialists who know the rules of law, the methodology of their formation and are able to analyze and apply them in practice.
    • The objectives of the discipline are:
      • in mastering by undergraduates of provisions of the theory of the legal analysis, essence of the main formal and logical and General scientific methods of scientific knowledge in relation to the customs sphere;
      • in the development of undergraduate skills and analysis and application of the current legislation in typical and atypical situations;
      • to develop in students skills of making informed, evidence-based decisions;
      • in the formation of undergraduates belief in the need for strict observance of the rule of law, ensuring the economic interests of the state and society as a whole.
    • The study of the course "Methodology of legal analysis in the customs sphere", involves the analysis and assimilation of legislative and other regulations, as well as recommended literature on the methodology of legal analysis.
    • Learning outcome:
    • To Know and understand: the terminological apparatus And the group of methods by which the main process of scientific research is carried out, the properties and qualities of the studied object of knowledge in relation to the customs sphere.
    • B. be Able to: Apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, as well as in research aimed at improving the legislation and practice of its application in the customs sphere, to analyze the state of the system of rights and legitimate interests of economic entities and to identify internal contradictions in judicial and investigative practice.
    • C. Know: the Basics of analysis and methodology of legal examination of normative acts, the ability to give sound qualified legal opinions and advice, to identify and eliminate judicial errors, violations of the law in the application of current legislation in the customs sphere.
    • To Acquire practical skills: Presentation of information in various forms of communication (report, essay), taking into account the specifics of the audience.
    • Improve skills: Independent work and development needs for personal and professional growth; analysis and preparation of qualified legal opinions and advice.
    • The methodology of the discipline is determined by its features and purpose of study. In this regard, it is advisable to use teaching methods aimed at the formation of special knowledge, skills, situational tasks, the method of group projects, the method of comparative analysis, the case method, open and closed tests, etc.
    • Teacher's name: Khanov T.A.
  • Legal regulation of investments in the financial market 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: History and philosophy of science
    • Postrekvizity discipline: problems of qualification of crimes in the field of business, Actual problems of civil law.
    • Purpose: The main objective of this course is to study the features of investment in the financial market
    • Brief description: the Concept of investment and investment activity., State regulation of foreign investors in the Republic of Kazakhstan., The concept of investment. Grounds for the emergence of investment relations., Formation and development of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on foreign investments.,Implementation of foreign investments in the Republic of Kazakhstan., Conditions of foreign investments., Features of the legal status of commercial organizations with foreign investments..Legal regulation of foreign investments in free economic zones.
    • Expected results: after completing the course, the undergraduate should be able to: analyze the theoretical position and ideas about foreign investment and the experience of their state regulation; analyze international legal acts regulating relations in the field of foreign investment; explore the relationship between the "flight of capital" from Russia and the lack of major foreign investment in its economy and social sphere; to formulate proposals to improve the legal regulation of foreign investments and activities of foreign investors in Russia and to create on this basis prerequisites for the dynamic development of the economy and social sphere of Russia.
    • Teacher's name: Ay T. I.
  • Actual problems of using modern technical means of customs control 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: the Organization of customs, Forensics
    • Post-requisites: industrial practice, master's project
    • The purpose of the module: the Study of this discipline is necessary in order to form undergraduates special knowledge, skills, organization and conduct of customs control, knowledge of the existing regulatory framework in the field of customs control.
    • Brief description of the course: Formation of knowledge and skills of undergraduates about the types and features of the use of technical means in customs.
    • Expected results: the magistrates should know the theoretical and practical foundations of the institutional and legislative framework of entrepreneurship, the basic methods and techniques of marketing activities, planning and diagnosing entrepreneurial activity.
    • Name of teacher: Zhandildin T.E.
  • Information legal relations in innovation economy 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Methodology of legal analysis, information law of Kazakhstan
    • Post-requisites: industrial practice, master's project
    • Purpose: the main purpose of the discipline "Information relations in the innovation economy"is to train lawyers, customs officers of the new generation for the innovation economy in the information society. highly qualified specialists in the field of information law on the basis of extensive use of the latest achievements of legal science and practice in solving problems of legal regulation of public relations in the information sphere.
    • Brief description: the Subject, method and system of information law; Information sphere as the sphere of information circulation and the sphere of legal regulation; Information and legal norms and information relations; Sources of information law; the Right to search, obtain and use information; Information as an object of independent circulation; Legal problems of information security. Legal problems of the virtual environment of the INTERNET; information aspects of intellectual property; information legal relations in the field of mass information; Information legal relations in the field of library business; Information legal relations in the field of archives; Information legal relations in the field of state secrets; information legal relations in the field of trade secrets; Information legal relations in the field of personal data; Responsibility for offenses in the information sphere
    • Expected results: as a result of the study of the discipline "Information relations in the innovation economy" undergraduate should: know the organizational and legal framework, principles, functions and methods of information law; to study special knowledge about the mechanisms of legislative, corporate and contractual regulation in the field of producers and consumers of information products (works, services), including the production and use of information of technical, technological and business nature in the innovation economy; topical issues of legal and organizational support of innovative production of goods (works, services) in a high-tech complex; be able to apply information and legal norms aimed at ensuring information security, protection of national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan (economic, social) in appropriate conditions and in various areas of professional activity.
    • Teacher's name: Nurpeisova A.K.
  • Modern trends in the organization of customs clearance 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Customs clearance
    • Post-requisites: industrial practice, master's project
    • Purpose: formation of the methodology of future specialists in customs clearance in accordance with the customs legislation
    • Brief description of the course: Customs clearance: problems of movement of goods both inside and outside the customs territory. Institute of temporary storage. Unification of customs clearance procedures. Interaction of customs authorities and other participants of customs clearance with authorized government agencies. Activities of customs broker and customs carrier
    • Expected results: Development of the order of customs clearance of goods and vehicles transported across the customs border of the Republic of Kazakhstan in relation to the countries of the customs Union and in relations with third countries, the acquisition of practical skills of customs clearance.
    • Teacher's name: Shakenov A. O.
  • Theoretical and applied aspects of forensic support of customs authorities in the fight against economic smuggling 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Private criminalistic methods of investigation of certain types of crimes"; " Criminal legal problems of combating crime in the Republic of Kazakhstan»;
    • "Forensic expertise"; "Criminological problems of combating crime"; " Fundamentals of investigative activities in the fight against crime."
    • Post-requisites: industrial practice, master's project
    • Purpose: " Theoretical and applied aspects of criminalistic support of the customs authorities in the fight against economic smuggling " is the formation of future specialists knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of combating economic crimes by the customs services of the Republic of Kazakhstan, obtaining solid knowledge about the strategy, tactics and methods of detection, disclosure and prevention of economic and other crimes by the customs services of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Brief description of the course: "Theoretical and applied aspects of criminalistic support of customs authorities in the fight against economic smuggling" is an important legal and educational discipline, designed to form a legal expert to work in the customs service. In studying the course, students will gain knowledge in the field of combating customs crimes as part of the activities of the state, regulating the volume, forms and methods of combating this kind of criminal manifestation. Get an idea of modern ways to counter criminal offenses at customs posts. They will study the features of detection, disclosure, investigation and prevention of economic crimes in the customs sphere, in cooperation with law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Expected results: to achieve the prospects of the objectives of the customs officer and his General professional functions, individual qualities that have professional and social significance, the regulatory environment in which this activity should take place, the goals and prospects of combating crimes by the customs services of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Know the legal concepts, elements of professional activities of customs authorities in combating economic crimes increasing during crises, the procedure for the preparation of relevant documents in the professional activities of the customs officer;
    • It should provide a deep professional competence of students in the implementation of customs activities in the field of combating crime, the rule of law, the formation of their desire for constant enrichment and updating of knowledge, education of future professionals in the spirit of respect for the laws of a democratic and legal state;
    • To carry out analytical activities in the study of problems in the field of criminal policy in the customs sphere and on their basis to make the right forensic and organizational and legal decisions, creatively apply the knowledge in practice, independently improve their skills, constantly be aware of changes in legislation in the field of customs legislation;
    • To possess the skills of independent work and develop the needs for personal and professional self-improvement, based on the study of criminology, aimed at the detection, detection and prevention of economic crimes.
    • Have the skills to use the acquired knowledge in professional activities, to search, collect and analyze forensic and other information necessary in professional activities.
    • Teacher's name: Shakenov A. O.
  •  Name of discipline: Theory and practice of application of the customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Customs Union 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "The system of activities of the customs authorities of the Customs Union»
    • Post-requisites: writing a master's thesis.
    • The purpose of the module: the Study of the basic provisions and norms of the customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the legislation of the Customs Union for the purposes of customs operations and customs procedures in accordance with the above legislation
    • Brief description: Customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Application of constitutional norms in connection with the customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Constitutional provisions directly or indirectly regulating customs. Analysis of customs legislation. The customs code as the main source of legal norms in the field of customs. Legal basis of modern Kazakhstan customs. Decisions, agreements, orders and other legal acts of the Customs Union. Current normative-legal acts on customs Affairs.
    • Interrelation of administrative, criminal, tax and other norms of the Kazakhstan legislation with the customs legislation.
    • Expected results: the Acquisition of knowledge and skills in the application of customs legislation for the purposes of scientific and pedagogical research and for the implementation of the basics of customs policy and customs in practice.
    • Teacher's name: Nurpeisova A. K.
  • International customs relations. 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: private international law, public international law
    • Post-requisites: industrial practice, master's project
    • Purpose: to Study the nature and importance of international customs relations. The fight against offenses in the sphere of customs business. Protection of the rights and interests of traders in the field of customs.
    • Brief description of the course: the Nature and features of international customs relations. International cooperation in customs. Customs relations of Kazakhstan with international organizations. Customs aspects in the WTO. Customs relations of Kazakhstan with CIS countries - members of the Customs Union.
    • Expected results: knowledge of international customs relations. The study of illicit trafficking in technologies, scientific and technical information and services used in the creation of weapons of mass destruction, etc.Knowledge and competent use of all legal acts and laws ensuring the security of the country.
    • Teacher's name: Nurpeisova A. K.
  • International conventions and trade agreements 3 credits/ 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: private international law, public international law
    • Post-requisites: industrial practice, master's project
    • Objective: to Study the essence of international trade conventions and agreements.
    • Brief description of the course: International organizations developing documents on international trade and economic cooperation. The main international conventions and agreements regulating foreign economic activity. Agreements regulating the foreign trade relations of the countries.
    • Expected results: Knowledge of the essence of the main international conventions and agreements regulating foreign economic activity. Normative-legal acts and laws.
    • Teacher's name: Nurpeisova A. K.
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