Master-class "Start-ups in Kazakhstan"

Master-class "Start-ups in Kazakhstan"Within realization of basic provisions of the concept "Development of the educational hub in Central Asia and modernization of science" on September 29, 2017 at the Karaganda economic university of Kazpotrebsoyuz "Start-ups in Kazakhstan" master-class was spent.

Broadcast experience of Nazarbayev University

Broadcast experience of Nazarbayev UniversityThe Seminar "The System for Ensuring Academic Quality and Developing Academic Programs" is held at the KEU. Participants of the seminar: faculty, heads of departments, administrative staff. The issue of the seminar is very serious and relevant. Good experience in the field of providing and improving academic quality is available at Nazarbayev University.


REALIZATION OF THE PROGRAM "RUKHANI JANGIRU" THE MOST IMPORTANT PRIORITY PRIORITY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SCIENCESSeptember 26, 2017 in the House of Friendship held a regional scientific and practical conference "The basis of Kazakhstan's unity - the equality of civil rights and freedoms", dedicated to the Day of the Constitution. The conference was held within the framework of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru" in the light of the provisions of the program article of the Leader of the nation N.A. Nazarbayev "A look into the future: modernization of public consciousness". The Organizing Committee, headed by the Chairman Abilov K.Zh., a member of the Scientific and Expert Group of the Regional ANK, the Vice-Rector for Social Affairs of the CEAC and the members of the Organizing Committee, Abdakimova M.K., the Head of the SW and the APC and Klishina M.V., a group of the regional ANK, a professor of the Department of SW and APC KEUK conducted a lot of preparatory work. The conference was submitted applications for participation from 140 teachers, students of Karaganda universities, students of colleges, undergraduates, doctoral students, teachers of colleges, teachers of schools.
The work of the conference was conducted in four main areas, where the moderators were Abilov K.Zh., Abdakimova M.K., Klishina M.V., Eleusizova S.V.
The conference was attended by Secretary Kusain, Kamaliev T.K., Malaev D.B.
The issues discussed aroused great interest among the participants of the Conference who discussed the theoretical and legal aspects of the modernization of Kazakhstan's society, state and public consciousness during the discussions at the round tables and sections, examined the constitutional foundations of the formation of civil society in the RK, considered the education and health of the nation as the most important priorities of the state politics, as factors of evolutionary development.
It's nice that in fact the regional conference had an international status, because the University and KSMU were represented not only by Kazakh students, but by students who came to study in Karaganda universities from other countries. The conference demonstrated the international significance of the issues discussed at the conference.

Congratulations !!!

Congratulations !!!Students of our University:
Arnold Knaub gr. IR-21h/e
Agedil Madiyarov gr. J-41k
Asylzhan Alin gr.AA-42
On winning bronze medals in the Asian Futsal Championship
(Lingua, China, September 2017)

Modern project management instruments (project: professional activity of the teacher) was given by a certified coach, business coach in training skills, head of “HR Development” Tasbulatova Balsulu for the teaching staff of the university

Modern project management instruments (project: professional activity of the teacher) was given by a certified coach, business coach in training skills, head of “HR Development” Tasbulatova Balsulu for the teaching staff of the universitySeptember 27, 2017, a master class “Modern project management instruments (project: professional activity of the teacher) was given by a certified coach, business coach in training skills, head of “HR Development” Tasbulatova Balsulu for the teaching staff of the university. The acquired knowledge and skills of training in the style of coaching will allow creating for our teachers a real atmosphere of active training of students, master’s students, doctoral students through the use of virtuosic skills of conducting coach session.

Participation in the first Kazakhstan forum of social workers

Participation in the first Kazakhstan forum of social workersHead of the Chair of the SW and APC Ph.D, Associate Professor Abdakimova M.K. took part in the first Kazakhstan social workers' forum, which was held on September 22, 2017. in Astana. The official organizer of the forum is the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The work of the 8th section of the forum was devoted to the problems of training and professional development of social workers.
On the plenary session of the forum projected: The State Secretary of Kazakhstan Gulshara Abdykalikova, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerbolat Dosayev, Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tamara Duisenova, Secretary General of the International Social Security Association Hans Horst Konkolewski, deputies of the Parliament of the RK, heads of international organizations in Kazakhstan, representatives of central state and local executive bodies, educational institutions, non-governmental organizations media, foreign experts from Russia, Great Britain, Finland, Croatia, the Czech Republic.

At the Forum, meetings were held with participants of the “DAMU” ESPC of the Department of the SW and the APC: Head of the Department of Employment and Social Programs Coordination of the Karaganda Region Galiullin M.R., Chairman of the Public Association Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled “Laiykty omir” Ivan Ivkin. and etc.

The recent graduates of the Karaganda economic university, specializing in Social Work, also took part in the Forum. They successfully work in social institutions: Mustaeva Nagima - social worker of the KGKP Polyclinic №3 in Karaganda and Tiyshtykbai Akmarzhan - social worker, "Center for social adaptation for people who do not have a certain place of residence"of Akimat of Astana.

Autumn Cross “Golden Autumn” for the Cup of The Rector

Autumn Cross “Golden Autumn” for the Cup of The RectorThere was hold Autumn Cross “Golden Autumn” for the Cup of The Rector on the 22nd of September 2017 in Karaganda economical university. More than 100 students of university and college get on the main place of the university to get warm wishes and congratulations from presidentship and teachers. Girls and boys competed in 500-metres and 1000-metres track system race. Every participant of the cross showed themselves for 100 percent! Pleasant fatigue, joy from talking to friends, wonderful walking outdoor – all of this is the recipe for good mood not for a one day! Sponsor of Autumn cross is “Physical Culture” department invokes all of us to do sport and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Vocational work of regional mobile group Abay district, Topar settlement

Vocational work of regional mobile group Abay district, Topar settlement11 september 2017 regional mobile group, consisting of senior lecturer, master of the Department "E&P" Duzbaeva N.M, senior lecturer, master of the Department PREO Amantay A. and teacher, master of the Department "Banking" Issanov A. conducted professional meeting with graduates of the schools of the village of Topar, Abay district.
The graduates learned a lot about our University: what are some educational programs teach students about the achievements of the University, its infrastructure, created conditions for sports and creativity, the professionalism of teachers, employment opportunities, etc.
The meeting was very constructive and prepodavateley, and for schools. Asked a lot of questions to which responses were received, showing videos about KEUK. Such meetings will continue on and on.

Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan

Day of languages of the people of KazakhstanOn September 22, the teachers of the department of foreign and Russian languages held the activities dedicated to the Day of Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan. The event included assignments and games in the languages are studied in KEUK: Kazakh, Russian, English, German, Arabic and Chinese. During the game, participants learned many interesting facts from the culture and traditions of different peoples and enlarged their active vocabulary. At the end of the event, an excursion for students was organized in the hall of foreign literature.

Book exhibition “Destiny of the earth – destiny of the country”.

Book exhibition “Destiny of the earth – destiny of the country”.The library of KEUK has a book exhibition which presents books on the history of Kazakhstan, culture, customs and traditions of the Kazakh people within the framework of implementation of the program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev “Collective consciousness”. Particular attention is paid to the historical figures of Kazakhstan and his contemporaries.

Theatrical performance “His name in the epoch of history - Kazybek byi”

Theatrical performance “His name in the epoch of history - Kazybek byi”There was an event dedicated to the outstanding public figure of Kazakhstan for the 350th anniversary of Kazdauisty Kazybek byi in the library of KEUK. The name of this great orator, public and political figure is written in gold letters in our history. We reconsider and enrich our history, culture and national memory implementing the program “Collective consciousness”.
The sayings of the great orator were heard during the event and everyone liked theatrical performances - the birth of Kazybek byi and the scene in which a historically important moment was recreated - Kazybek byi’s appeal to the Dzungarian ruler during a fierce war: “You are Kalmyk and we are Kazakhs. You are iron and we are coal, which melts iron ...”
Spectators were delighted with thundering good acting of student actors and their costumes.
The event continued with the speech of the Master of Law, senior lecturer of the Legal regulation of economic relations department Amantai A., who revealed the great role of Kazybek byi in the history of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate and the formation of unified state.

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