March 17, 2016 года (at 16.00) in the Co-working center «Dostyk» was held a meeting of participants of student research projects. Organizer: Scientific Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies.

Issues related to the further development and intensification of students' research work in KEUK were discussed; as well as challenges and difficulties faced by the students during their work.

Open Day of the Department "Tourism and restaurant business"

March 12, 2016 the Department of "Tourism and restaurant business" held "Open Day" for graduates of schools of Karaganda. As part of the event were presented educational programs specialty "Tourism", "Restaurant business and hotel business." All teachers of the department, together with the students, with the undergraduates, graduates with a specialty "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business" held professional work with students. In the study "Management of restaurant business and hotel business" (Room 384) and in the office of management and service number 232 took place the presentation of the specialty "Restaurant business and gostichny business", which talked about the demand for jobs in the modern labor market. And in the office, "Techniques and tactics of active kinds of tourism" (Room 383a) presented the specialty "Tourism", as well as our students have demonstrated special tourist equipment.


Olympiad On the 27th of February, 2016 in the frameworks of professional-oriented work there was the Olympiad focused on Informatics between students of technical and professional educational Institutions of Karaganda region, conducted by the Information system department. There were participants from 14 educational Institutions including colleges of Zhezkazgan, Balkhash, Abay and Temirtau.
According to the results of Olympiad in informatics, medal places were taken in the following way

The future leader

The future leader03.03.2016, within the framework of vocational guidance work senior lecturer in "Economics and Management" Ibitanovoy K.K. and Bukenovoy A.A. together with volunteers-students of Shevchenko Oksana and Marina Kim held an intellectual game among students of class 11 School №62.

Career Guidance

Career GuidanceMarch 3, 2016 teachers of the Department of Tourism and Restaurant Zhuspekova AK, AA Maymurunova and lecturer of the Department of Banking Idirisova AT We had a career-oriented work in the Karaganda College of Banking. They met with the Deputy Director with Tatyana Litvinova And we had a career-oriented conversation with the students of final years and acquainted them with a booklet of Karaganda Economic University, invited them to an open house of the Department of Tourism and catering trade.

«Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotresouz is 50»

«Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotresouz is 50»On the 2nd of March 2016 the chair "Social work and social - political disciplines" organized an event dedicated to the 50th anniversary of KEUK on the theme "Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotresouz is 50"
Conference was held with the participation of staff of the chair and students of all specialties of the University
Videos: "KEUK: yesterday, today, tomorrow", and "50th anniversary: dedicated to the chair "Social work and social - political disciplines", prepared by the veterans of the chair "Social work and social - political disciplines" were shown.

Voice of Youth - towards elections!

Voice of Youth - towards elections!March 2, 2016 for the first year, which will be the first time to participate in the elections to the Majilis of the Kazakh Parliament, and students Rystay Aisulu Nautbaeva Umit, the holders of the President of Kazakhstan scholarship, prepared and conducted presentation «Сенің даусың – сенің болашағың!!!» . Students groups Tour 11k, Tour 13 \ k, RD-11K, 11K-OPEC, TD-11K Faculty of Business and Law with interest the information on the forthcoming elections, noted that each voter the future of the country.

The round table

The round tableOn the 1st of March 2016 the Kazakh language and Culture of Kazakhstan Chair of the Economics and Management Faculty organized a round table discussion entitled "Mangilik el is the national idea of the Kazakh people" dedicated to the discussion of State of the Nation Address by President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev "KAZAKHSTAN IN A NEW GLOBAL REALITY:GROWTH. REFORMS. DEVELOPMENT".
The round table was attended by:
1. Pupils of the 11th form of gymnasium №39
2. Pupils of the 11th form of the general educational complex school-kindergarten №77
3. Pupils of the 11th form of the general educational complex school-kindergarten №76
Pupils shared their ideas, opinions, suggestions.
All participants were awarded with letters of thanks

Platinum lecture

Platinum lectureOn 29th of February 2016 at 11:00 in the auditorium 303B senior lecturer of the department "Economics and Management" Ibitanova KK was held a lecture with the invitation of practical worker Zhumasheva Tlepbeka Mazimovicha of Business consultant of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region on theme "Formation and development of entrepreneurship in the agro-industrial complex."

Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Day.Presidential Decree N. Nazarbayev announced March 1 Day of gratitude.
The will of fate, in the 30-40 years of the twentieth century, entire peoples were deported to Kazakhstan. They were discharged from the wagons directly into the bare steppe. Kazakh families are themselves in dire need, take them into their adobe homes, sharing last cake.
Hundreds of thousands of people of different nationalities have found their home here, Kazakhstan has become their family home.
Day of Thanks, it was decided to celebrate the day of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan education, on the day the thanks of all ethnic groups, each other and the Kazakh people, who showed compassion and took these people as family.
It is difficult to overestimate the significance of this holiday. After all, today, to the multinational people of Kazakhstan are huge problems for the implementation of the Strategy "Kazakhstan -2050" and the preservation of peace, tranquility and stability is the most important key to the implementation of the tasks!

Annual language Contest among of 1st year students

Annual language Contest among of 1st  year studentsOn the 29 of February, 2016 at 10.00 Department of Russian and Foreign languages organized and held annual language contest among 1st year students.
The winners by the English language (among students of speciality "International Relations"):
1 st place - Aygerim Ospanova Aygerim MO-11k
2nd place- Zhaparov Sayan MO-13
3 rd place Lissichkina Varvara MO-13

The winners by the English language (among the students of all specialties)
1 st place Sovetova Kymbat UA-12
2nd place- Aben Ardak RD-11k
3 rd place - Mishchenko Anastasia UA 12

The winners by the Russian language:
1 st place- Khasenov Svetlana F-11k
2nd place- Zeinullina Diana UA-11k
3 rd place- Amanbek Janibek MO-11k

We thank all students for active participation !!!

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