THE FIRST STEPS TO NEUROMARKETING Master's degree, senior lecturer of the Department of Marketing and Logistics Tomashinova A.E. from June 27 to July 8, 2022 took part in a refresher course for the teaching staff of universities of Kazakhstan at the laboratory of "Neuromarketing" at the School of Management of the Almaty Management University, where she had the opportunity to master the theory and apply the tools of neuromarketing in practice.

International Competition of Student Research Works of the Interregional Network of Schools of Public Administration of the EAEU

International Competition of Student Research Works of the Interregional Network of Schools of Public Administration of the EAEU

Congratulations to the winner in the direction of "Management" of the II International Competition of Student Research Works of the Interregional Network of Schools of Public Administration of the EAEU Ibrayeva Alfiya Tolegenovna under the scientific supervision of Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of "Management and Innovations" Legostayeva Anna Anatolyevna. The purpose of the competition is to popularize management science, identify and support the most talented and creatively active students and graduates, encourage them to research and master educational programs of higher education.

International cooperation of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

International cooperation of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

As part of the partnership programme of international academic mobility Erazmus + with the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz , Associate Professor Department of "World Economy and International Relations" Arystan M . I . from June 6 to 10, 2022, she conducted the course "Formation" at the University of Santiago de Compostela ( Spain). and Development of the Eurasian economic Union " for doctoral students of the Faculty of Economics and Business . Took part in the seminar “ Problems and prospects of the Eurasian economic Union ”, dedicated to the dynamics and trends in the development of mutual trade between the EAEU member countries, the study of problems and prospects for economic cooperation within the union .

Participation of students and undergraduates of OP marketing in the VIII International competition "The Genesis of entrepreneurship: from origin to modernity"

Participation of students and undergraduates of OP marketing in the VIII International competition "The Genesis of entrepreneurship: from origin to modernity"

In order to reveal the creative abilities of young scientists, popularize scientific activities among students and postgraduates in the field of entrepreneurship and its legal regulation, further develop the integration of science and education, the VIII International Competition of scientific works of students and postgraduates "The Genesis of entrepreneurship: from origin to modernity" was held from February 10 to May 12.
75 students and postgraduates from Moscow, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Ukraine took part in the scientific event held by the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Our contestants Kapparova Asel and Aukenova Nazgul, under the scientific guidance of Doctor of Economics, Professor Z.N. Borbasova, became holders of a diploma of the first degree. Congratulations!!!


Member of the Union of Transport Workers and Logisticians of Kazakhstan "KAZLOGISTICS"

Member of the Union of Transport Workers and Logisticians of Kazakhstan "KAZLOGISTICS"

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is a member of the OUL of the Union of Transport Workers and Logisticians of Kazakhstan "KAZLOGISTICS".
The Department of Marketing and Logistics, as a structural unit of the university, regularly participates in events organized by the industry association.
On 31.05.22, a meeting of "KAZLOGISTICS" was held in Almaty, where organizational issues of the Youth Forum of Transport Workers were discussed. The representative of KarU of Kazpotrebsoyuz was a lecturer of the Department of Marketing and Logistics - Master Koshmagambetova A.S. Following the meeting, the Forum's action plan was adopted and the dates of the youth meeting were determined - from October 12 to 14, 2022. A lot of interesting, informative and exciting awaits the participants of this forum. Congratulations!

Results of the Business ideas’ competition

Results of the Business ideas’ competition On May 31, the final stage of the XI International Competition "Business Idea" took place.
The competition itself started on April 18, 2022 at the Perm Institute (branch) Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
The competition included two stages and was held in full-time and online formats.
At the first stage, 70 works were submitted from Russia (Perm, Tula, Krasnodar, Bryansk, Sevastopol, Volgograd, Orenburg, Smolensk, Ivanovo, Voronezh), as well as Armenia, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus.
The competition was judged by a competent jury, which included representatives of the scientific community of the CIS countries, representatives of business structures and certified experts of the famous international Worldskills masters competition.
34 works of students from branches of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and foreign partner universities were admitted to the final.
Among them was a business project of a student of the International Relations educational program, MO-19-1k group, Alisher Zhapashov. Alisher took the III place in the Ecology direction with the project "Fandomats: Ecomat"(scientific supervisor - G.K. Kalieva).
Congratulations to Alisher and we wish him further creative victories!

XII International Championship of StartUp-projects on the theme «Youth and Entrepreneurshi»

XII International Championship of StartUp-projects on the theme «Youth and Entrepreneurshi»

The Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives hosted the XII International Championship of StarUp projects on the theme “Youth and Entrepreneurship”.
According to the results of the StarUp championship, the project of the 2nd year students of the educational program "Project and Innovation Management" Rakhimgulov Islam Bulatovich, Bakhtyarov Aslan Askhatovich under the scientific guidance of Ph.D. degree. Congratulations and we wish you further scientific and creative achievements!

«Іргелі және қолданбалы ғылыми зерттеулер: қазіргі әлемдегі инновациялар» тақырыбындағы халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция (2)

«Іргелі және қолданбалы ғылыми зерттеулер: қазіргі әлемдегі инновациялар» тақырыбындағы халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция (2)

International scientific and practical conference on the topic "Fundamental and applied scientific research: innovation in the modern world"

On May 24, 2022, in Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan, an International Scientific and Practical Conference was held on the topic “Fundamental and applied scientific research: innovation in the modern world”.
As a result of the conference, the scientific work of the 2nd year undergraduate of the educational program "Management" Ahmadi Abdul Bashir under the supervision of a PhD doctor, associate professor of the Department of "Management and Innovation" Orynbasarova Yerkenazym Dulatovna was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree.
Congratulations and we wish you further scientific and creative achievements!

Workshop with a psychologist: "Personal temperaments"

Workshop with a psychologist: "Personal temperaments"

On June 02, 2022, a practical lesson was held by the University psychologist Temirkhanova G.U. on the topic “Determining the type of personality: 4 types of temperament” for the curators of the study groups of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
The purpose of the lesson was to develop the practical skills of the university curators in recognizing the psychological and emotional portrait of a person.
During the lesson, the psychologist noted the types, features of the temperaments "choleric", "sanguine", "phlegmatic", "melancholic"; the difference in their pace, rhythm, intensity in communication. Considered examples of the formation of successful relationships between the forms of communication "teacher-leader", "teacher-teacher", "teacher-student".
The acquired skills will allow teachers to better understand and predict the behavior of students, determining the type of their temperament to identify destructive behaviors in social life, learning, and to prevent stress reduction.


Congratulations!The youth weightlifting championship of Kazakhstan ended in Almaty. 2nd year students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz of the educational program "Physical Culture and Sports Management" Omarova Aisha and Antropov Artem became champions in their weight categories!
We wish our champions excellent preparation for the Islamic Games and the World Championship, health, good luck and new victories!

International exchange of experience

International exchange of experience

From May 23 to May 30, 2022, candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship - Ulybyshev Dmitry within the framework of the Erasmus + international credit mobility program delivered a course of lectures "Actual problems of development of national innovation systems" to Master students of the University of Santiago de - Compostela (Spain).

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