VII International gathering of students "Modern youth: creating innovations - striving for the future"

VII International gathering of students "Modern youth: creating innovations - striving for the future"

On April 14-15, 2022, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz will hold in the format (on-line and off-line) the VII International Student Meeting “Modern youth: creating innovations, we strive for the future”.
The purpose of the Meeting: the development of student science, the identification and support of talented youth.
Sections of the scientific conference "Youth and Science: New Vision and Dialectics of Development" under the auspices of scientific schools:
Scientific school of Doctor of Economics, Professor Aimagambetov E.B.
1. Mechanisms for implementing the strategy of socio-economic development of the state. Those. Secretary: Bukatov E.B., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2. Development priorities and new sources of national economic growth. Those. secretary: Keneshova G.A., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3. Effective management: sustainable development and innovation strategies.
Those. Secretary: Zulkharnay A.N., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4. Modern problems of the world economy and international relations. Those. secretary: Isataeva A.G., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5. Ecological and economic assessment in achieving sustainable development. Technical secretary: Kuanyshbaev M.T., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
6. Development of national and foreign languages in modern conditions. Technical Secretary: Zhumagalieva A.A., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Akshabaeva L. M., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Scientific school of Doctor of Economics, Professor Lerner M.G.
1. "Strategic vectors for the development of tourism and the hospitality industry." Technical secretary: Erdavlat A.M. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2. "Trends in the development of professional activities of social specialists." Tech. secretary: Isaev This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3. "Actual issues of innovative lawmaking and legal reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan." Those. Secretary: Kulibek A.B. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4. "Innovative technologies and methods for ensuring the quality and safety of goods and services." Those. Secretary: Abzalbek M.S. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5. "Modern Kazakhstan: a new vector of development: problems and prospects". Technical secretary: Dzhabaeva G.N. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Scientific school of Doctor of Economics, Professor Alimbaev A.A.
1.Digitalization of the financial market in modern conditions of economic development. Those. secretary: Tyngisheva A.M. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2. Actual problems of marketing and logistics in the context of digitalization society. Technical Secretary: Dаkarim G.Қ. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3. Current state and prospects for the development of accounting and auditing in the new Kazakhstan. Technical Secretary: Kuzbaeva G.Kh. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4. Application of innovative technologies in the modern educational process. Technical Secretary: Saylaubaev S.Sh. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5. Application of mathematical methods in analysis and modeling modern processes. Technical Secretary: Omarova M.T. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Articles please send to the e-mail addresses of those. section secretaries.


Asian Biathlon Championship

Asian Biathlon Championship

Three medals at the Asian Biathlon Championship were won by our student Vladislav Kireev.
Recall that Vladislav became a participant in the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing and performed very well for a young beginner. Our student also distinguished himself at the Asian Junior and Youth Championships, which recently ended in Shchuchinsk. About 100 biathletes competed for the victory in the continental championship. It was a test and very important competition for the juniors of the national team of Kazakhstan before the World Cup, which will be held in 2023 and will bring together more than 800 athletes from 56 countries. Vladislav Kireev won a gold medal in the pursuit, and two bronze medals in the individual race and relay.
The Department of Management and Innovation is proud of you!

All professions are needed, all professions are important!

All professions are needed, all professions are important!

On March 15, 2022, at the university, with the support of the KSU «Youth Resource Center of the city of Karaganda», a meeting of young students of legal specialties with representatives of law enforcement agencies took place.
Opening the event, Vice-Rector for Social Affairs Abilov K.Zh. noted that meetings with practitioners of law enforcement agencies on the conditions of admission to public service, in particular to law enforcement agencies, are of urgent importance for university graduates.
Guests - Deputy Head of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov Seitzhanov Olzhas Temirzhanuly, head of the Prosecutor's Office of the district named after Kazybek bi of Karaganda, Raimbekov Aidos Gabdollauly, shared with the youth their life experience, the peculiarities of their choice of their profession and work in law enforcement agencies.
The meeting aroused great interest among future lawyers, many questions were asked, to which the guests gave exhaustive answers. The meeting was attended by the director of the KSU «Youth Resource Center of the city of Karaganda» Jamalov Yakub Hamidovich.

«World Champion»

«World Champion»Congratulations to the student of the FKiSM-20-5s group, Vadim Shulyar, who won the title of "World Champion" Participated in the Cup of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the World Championship in sports acrobatics, held in Baku (Azerbaijan)!
Please accept our deepest congratulations, great victories for you in further competitions, we are proud that such winners are among our students!

Training on the topic "Establishing positive psychological relationships in a team"

Training on the topic "Establishing positive psychological relationships in a team"

The Department of "Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work" successfully develops cooperation with the members-participants of the Educational-Scientific-Industrial Complex "Damu". One of the new areas of cooperation is the joint training of psychologists with the leading institutions of the region under the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education".
Relationships in the teaching staff have a huge impact on the efficiency of the work process. Each employee is individual, has his own, sometimes difficult, character, preferences and wishes. That is why knowledge of the psychology of relationships in a team plays an important role. How to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding? There are many psychological forms and techniques for improving the socio-psychological climate, among which a special place is given to training. Senior teachers of the department Isina S.S. and Zhakisheva G.S. training exercises were conducted with teachers of the Schoolchildren's Palace No. 2 on the topic "Building positive relationships in the team." According to the feedback of the teachers, the training was interesting, of high quality, contributed to the disclosure of the resources of psychological protection, and also improved the emotional mood of the teachers.
Cooperation will be continued in accordance with the Agreement on UNPK “DAMU”.

We are preparing for public service.....

We are preparing for public service.....On March 09, 2022, at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Karaganda region held a seminar for students of the specialty “State and Local Administration”, dedicated to familiarizing and increasing students' interest in employment in the public service.
The representative of the state institution Magilanova Indira told the students about the criteria for selection for public service, the code of the state employee, and also answered all questions concerning career advancement.
This information is especially relevant for students who plan to enter the civil service.

Meeting of the Student Scientific Society for the department «Digital Engineering and IT-Analytics»

Meeting of the Student Scientific Society for the department «Digital Engineering and IT-Analytics»

On 25.02.2022, the department held a meeting of the SSS, where students made presentations. At the meeting of the Student Scientific Society, 3 reports were heard, which were recommended for participation in the Conference of the NJSC «Rudny Industrial Institute».
Attended: students from the SSS and a teacher of the Department of CI and IT-Analytics Sailaubayev S. Sh.
Invited: students of the specialty «Information systems” gr. IS-20-2 Samalova A., gr. IS-20-4s Balakhmet M.М., gr. IS-19-1k Kabyken N., gr. IS-21-1 Zhamkhur E.
As a result of the meeting, the following resolutions were adopted:
Presented reports:
1. Zhamkhur E. Topic of the report: «Development of an information system for a travel company».
2. Kabyken N. Topic of the report: «Development of an information system for accounting for the production costs of an enterprise».
3. Balakhmet M.M. Topic of the report: «Analysis of modern logistics information systems».
It was decided to recommend the presented reports for the participation of students in the upcoming conference of the NJSC «Rudny Industrial Institute».

Ashihara Karate AIKO World Championship

Ashihara Karate AIKO World Championship

Great news! From March 2 to March 6, the Ashihara Karate AIKO World Championship was held in Antalya, Turkey. The competition was held in three sections: "Kata", "Kumite" and «Full contact». The national team of Kazakhstan consisted of 51 athletes. In the "Kata" section, Kazakhstan athletes have 1 gold, in the "Kumite" section, the national team of Kazakhstan won 18 gold, 14 silver and 9 bronze medals, thereby taking the 2nd team place from 18 countries. Also in the «Full-contact» section, our athletes took 3 gold and 4 silver medals. The composition of the Karaganda national team was represented by 5 athletes, all the classes won prizes, 4 gold and 1 silver.
1 gold medal was won by our curator of the groups FK and SM-21-k, FK and SM-21-4s, master, senior lecturer of the department "SPD and ANK" Issabekova Anar Sabyrzhanovna. Anar Sabyrzhanovna is a silver medalist of the Ashihara Karate Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2021, Pavlodar, is the owner of a 1 dan black belt and an international judge of the "C" category of Ashihara International Karate Organization.
2 gold medals were taken by students of the Shakarim Gymnasium school Issabekova Dina and Molodushkina Evangelina, 1 gold and 1 silver were taken by students of Karaganda Technical University Sambayev Aydin and Raimbekov Arman.
Arman Raimbekov is the head coach of the national team of the Karaganda region, 7 years of experience, many pupils of Arman Raimbekov are champions of city, regional, republican competitions, champions of Asia and now World-class.

Overflows and flood

Overflows and flood

Overflows differ from other natural disasters in that they are somewhat predictable. This makes it possible in many cases to determine in advance the time, nature and expected size of the overflow. The measures taken in time, in turn, make it possible to eliminate or significantly reduce the catastrophic consequences of overflows.
Overflow control includes measures carried out on long-term plans (construction of protective dams, drains, canals, reservoirs, and seasonal activities that are developed annually and carried out under the threat of overflows).
Overflows caused by extensive precipitation or intense snow melt cause floods to rise, and the level in rivers and lakes rises sharply.
As a rule, the flood begins in the first decade of April and ends in the third decade.
The public needs to monitor informational messages.
When receiving a signal of the threat of overflows and floods:
- turn off the water, gas and electricity
- put out the stove heating;
- evacuate all valuables to the upper floors (attics);
- close windows and doors;
- to appear at the appointed time in the collection evacuation center.
Fishermen should be especially careful on the rivers and reservoirs during the period of snowmelt.


Director of the state civil defence N. Alimkulov


Начальник штаба ГО Н. Алимкулов



The Department of "Tourism and Restaurant Business" held a subject Olympiad on the educational programs "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business" among students of grades 10-11 of schools in the city of Karaganda. The event was held in order to attract and support talented young people. 41 students from 6 schools of the city of Karaganda participated in the Olympiad. According to the results of the Olympiad, diplomas of 1, 2 and 3 degrees are awarded: In the specialty "Tourism" Diploma of the 1st degree Urazbekova Dayana (Bauyrzhan Momyshuly School) Diploma of the 2nd degree Zhardenbek Zhanerke (Bauyrzhan Momyshuly School) Uteubaeva Tomiris (KSU Ushtobinsk Support School) Olzhas Medina (KSU No. 2 Bilim-innovation boarding school) Duasheva Anelya (KSU Secondary School No. 82) Diploma of the 3rd degree Amanbai Dilnaz (KSU No. 2 Bilim-innovation boarding school) Seilkhanova Aizhan (KSU Secondary School No. 82) Specialty "Restaurant business and hotel business

Decade of the "Hospitality Industry"

Decade of the "Hospitality Industry"

The Department of Tourism and Restaurant Business traditionally held a decade of the «Hospitality Industry» at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The decade was represented by interesting, bright events, which were attended by students of the 1st-3rd courses of the educational program «Restaurant business and hotel business».
Practical workers, graduates of the educational program «Restaurant business and hotel business» held interesting meetings, master classes for students both within the walls of the university and at the enterprises of the hospitality industry.
College students and schoolchildren were also invited to participate in the decade. The practitioners noted the students' interest in the chosen profession. All events received positive feedback from participants.

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