"The modern religious situation in Kazakhstan: the interaction of religion and the state"

"The modern religious situation in Kazakhstan: the interaction of religion and the state"

03.12.2020 at 14.00 in the Department of Social Work and KPA of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology of KEUK, the chief imam of the Taugul mosque in Almaty, Mazhen Kalmakhanovich, delivered a lecture to the university students "The modern religious situation in Kazakhstan: the interaction of religion and the state." He spoke in detail about the religious situation in modern Kazakhstan and the ongoing work of the SAMK. The issues of non-traditional religious movements, their influence on the social environment and main problems were also discussed. Of course, at the end of the lecture, students were given the opportunity to ask questions, to which students received comprehensive answers.
Moderator of the event – Senior Lecturer, Doctor PhD Tutinova N.E.

"The negative impact of destructive and false religious movements"

"The negative impact of destructive and false religious movements"

In 03.12.2020 Department of "Social Work and KPA" Faculty of Business, Law and Technology of KEUK, member of the information and explanatory group on religion of the Karaganda region Tusupbekov Zh. А. read a lecture on "The negative impact of destructive and false religious movements" for university students. During the lecture, the information and explanatory group announced the goals and objectives, provided information about non-traditional religious movements, as well as ongoing activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Karaganda region. At the end of the lecture, the head of the Department of Social Work and ANC, Ph.D., Associate Professor Abdakimova M. K. told the students about the influence of non-traditional religious trends in modern society, and also thanked Zh. A. Tusupbekova for giving the lecture. At the end of the lecture students had the opportunity to ask questions of interest and received comprehensive answers. It was noticed that the lecture aroused interest and liked the students.
Moderator of the event - Senior Lecturer, Doctor PhD Tutinova N.E.


On December 7, 2020, at 11:45 am, a platinum lecture will be held by the director of the Karaganda branch of the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and observance of the rule of law Yuriy Anatolyevich Gusakov on the topic "Modern concept of human rights"
The lecture will take place at the ZOOM site
Conference ID – 337-976-9248
Access code: 013697
Everyone is welcome!

Initiation as a volunteer

Initiation as a volunteer

On the eve of the International day of volunteers, together with the "League of volunteers of Kazakhstan" KOF, a dedication to volunteers was held at the Palace of culture of students. The coordinators of the "League of volunteers of Kazakhstan" dedicated volunteers to the ranks of their projects, and also awarded personal badges and certificates to the best volunteers – Musabekov dilara (MN-18-4a), Galiakhmetov Ralina (ME-19-2), Gorodovoy Vitaly (E-18-2), Vishnevskaya Alexandra (ECO-18-2), Askerov Arystan (RB-19-4a), Minken Amina (Y-20-2k).

"Patriotism through the eyes of a student"

"Patriotism through the eyes of a student"On December 3, 2020 on the basis of the Zoom platform, a round table was held with the FBLT Student Council on the topic "Patriotism through the eyes of a student". The purpose of the round table is to create conditions for improving and developing the system of civil and Patriotic education of students, forming a socially active personality of a citizen and patriot who has a sense of national pride, civic dignity, love for the Fatherland, his people and readiness to protect them and fulfill their constitutional duties.
Students of groups Tur-18-1K Avilseyt Batima, Yu-18-4 Maitanova Karina, TD-18-1K Arzakulova Aya shared their opinions on this topic. In particular, student Avilseyt Batima, who came to study from Mongolia, noted that she missed her homeland very much, and that everyone should have a sense of patriotism, as well as be grateful and love their homeland, which means to love their people.

“First President: Personality. History. Example”

“First President: Personality. History. Example”

On the eve of the Day of the First President on November 26, 2020, a round table was held at our university on the topic: “First President: Personality. History. Example” an event organized by the teachers of the Department of SR and ANC Bazarbayeva M. M. and Tutinova N. Ye. Extensive information was given about the life path and biography of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, about the policy manifested throughout the world, about the achievements of the world-recognized Kazakhstan. Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev Doctor of Economics. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Honorary professor and doctor of a number of foreign countries and leading universities in the country. Author of many books and scientific articles. There were also students who wrote essays about their love for their president. In particular, students of the TPP-20-2 group: Kadyri Sh., Musaeva M., Orazalieva O., Sagintayeva A. contributed to the event with their sincere words, and D. Amanzholova, a student of the GSU-20-1k group, spoke about her work and the works of Elbasy. In addition, D. Yerkinova, a student of the group U-20-2, asked questions to students within the framework of the first president's work, emphasizing the importance of the event.
Summing up, we can say that today's achievement of Kazakhstan is the merit of Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev. Therefore, the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan will be widely celebrated. It should be noted that the choice fell on this day for a reason. Recall that on December 1, 1991, the first presidential elections were held in the independent Kazakh country, in which Nursultan Nazarbayev won with great confidence of the people, that is, 98.78% of the vote. A huge merit of the first head of state, who managed to build close relations with world leaders, to make Kazakhstan world famous for its wise political policy.

" Primary documentation»

" Primary documentation»On November 30, a master class was held with the participation of a specialist of RSE "Kazstandart" Zeynullina Diana. The master class was attended by students of the following groups: UA-41k and f-18-3sk. "Primary accounting" was the name of the master class topic. The primary document "starts" the collection and modification of information on accounting sections, i.e. changes the state of accounting accounts. Diana zeynullina shared useful and necessary information.

Seminar on " Processing experimental data using standard software”

Seminar on " Processing experimental data using standard software”

On December 2, 2020, an ON-LINE seminar was held on the topic “processing experimental data using standard software.”
The seminar was held according to the schedule of scientific seminars of the RI ELR for second-year undergraduates of the scientific and pedagogical direction during the period of research practice. The seminar was organized by the head of the laboratory of "Innovative and scientific-educational technologies" of the research Institute of ELR Bashirov A.V.
On the example of processing statistical data on the main dynamic indicators of economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the extended capabilities of the standard software were demonstrated.

"Secularism as the basis of the constitutional order"

"Secularism as the basis of the constitutional order"

02.12.2020, at 15.10, the Department of Social Work and KPA, Faculty of Business, Law and Technology, of KEUK with the participation of the Director of the Administrative Department of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai Saparov Bakhytzhan Zholdybaevich "Lawyer", "Religious Studies", a special lecture "Secularism as the basis of the constitutional order."
At the lecture, Bakhytzhan Zholdybaevich told the students:
- On normative legal acts in the field of religious activity;
- On state bodies implementing state policy in the religious sphere;
- About the competent authorities carrying out systematic monitoring of the state and dynamics of the development of the religious situation in the country and the world.
He spoke in detail about religious associations on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The students were active, asked questions, and received comprehensive, satisfactory answers.
The event was moderated by senior lecturer, PhD Doctor Tutinova Nurgul Erkanatovna.

"The December uprising is the struggle of Kazakhstani youth for independence"

"The December uprising is the struggle of Kazakhstani youth for independence"And again December ... again the moment when we remember our heroes. An event was organized by the teachers of the Department of SR and ANC of the University Bazarbaeva M.M., Tutinova N.E., Kyzylov N.T., who not only remember, but also know about the merits of our independence, who came with the blood of our compatriots, who are not indifferent to our country. Specially invited lecturer, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of History of KarSU named after E. A. Buketova on scientific work, PhD, Mr. Smagulov N.B., explained in detail what happened. In addition, the students were shown videos in Kazakh, Russian, and the importance of the topic with an in-depth study of history was revealed.
In December 1986, coming out to the square and protesting against Soviet power, the young people undoubtedly dreamed of gaining this freedom. Indeed, the December uprising was an event that made us feel the Day of Liberation approaching. Everyone knows that after December in different parts of the country of the Soviets there were various unrest, and finally, after 5 years, the Red Empire collapsed. Historical justice or coincidence? In the December uprising, by a resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU, an assessment was given to "the manifestation of Kazakh nationalism," and citizens who participated in the uprising were subjected to repression. Undoubtedly, the liberation struggle of the Kazakh youth against the totalitarian, colonial policy of the USSR was an important historical event.
December uprising - protest actions of Kazakh youth against the colonial, command-administrative system of the government of the USSR, which took place in Almaty from 17 to 18 December 1986. This is a significant event in the history of Kazakhs striving for freedom and independence.

Republican subject Olympiad OP "Finance" among Universities of Kazakhstan

Republican subject Olympiad OP "Finance" among Universities of Kazakhstan

On November 27, 2020, the final event was held within the framework of the decade dedicated to the day of the financier, held by the departments "Banking management and financial markets "and" Finance "of the KEUK Republican subject Olympiad OP "Finance" on the topic : "Formation of the financial and credit paradigm: new realities and new opportunities" among the Universities of Kazakhstan (Narkhoz Almaty, ENU named After L. N. Gumilyov, Turan Almaty, Agrotechnical University of Nursultan, Turan Nursultan, KEUKKaraganda).
The Republican subject Olympiad was held in 2 rounds :
Round 1 - "Blitz tournament" - teams answered questions on the scoreboard screen, hidden in cells, with a value of 10 to 50 points compiled in the disciplines of OP " Finance" ;
Round 2-protection of innovative projects.
The results of the RSPO were:
The 1st place in terms of points was shared By the universities Narkhoz and ENU named After L. N. Gumilyov;
2nd place Turan Almaty and Agrotechnical University;
3rd place Turan Astana and KEUK.
The answers to questions and projects were evaluated by a highly respected and professional jury consisting of top managers of STB and financial organizations:
1. Dyusenov R. K.-Director of CF JSC «ATF Bank»;
2. A. M. Mukazhanov - Director of KF «Nurbank» JSC;
3. Tuyakova A.D.-Deputy.Director KF JSC «BankCenterCredit»;
4. Fischer Yu. M. - Deputy.Directors of CF «Sberbank» JSC;
5. E. Sadykov-Director of FC «Freedom Finance»;
6. Antonov S. A.-Director of «Gexabyte» LLP.

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