In winter, the potential danger of emergencies is especially high. Our Karaganda region with its sharply continental climate is no exception. All winter with its frosts ahead. Therefore, we must be constantly prepared for new trials that the coming winter may bring us.
Neglecting the rules of safe behavior in any situation and not paying attention to constant warnings is knowingly pushing yourself to death. But our citizens are constantly being warned about the consequences of reckless behavior. And apparently the experience of one person in trouble does not always become an example for others.
There are several general simple rules that should be followed when going on the road in winter:
- try to follow the weather changes by listening to weather reports or observing the surrounding nature;
- do not neglect excess clothing;
- do not lay new roads, do not cut corners;
- do not travel in unfamiliar areas at dusk;
- try not to walk alone;
- in cold weather, especially with strong winds, constantly monitor your condition, avoiding general or local hypothermia;
- warm up frozen limbs in all available ways.
Be prepared for the weather to worsen and the road to skid.
Clothing should not hinder movement.
Shoes should be loose in any case.
Civil Defense Headquarters
Social protection is a system designed to ensure a certain level of welfare and well-being of citizens who cannot provide themselves with income for any reason (old age, disability, health status, loss of a breadwinner or job) and other legal reasons.
Social assistance is intended for additional protection of certain categories of citizens at the expense of budget funds.
Within the framework of this topic, in platinum lecture, an invited specialist explained in detail: senior specialist of the department for ensuring social benefits No. 1 of the city of Karaganda of the branch of the state corporation "Government for Citizens" Saginbekova A.M. for students of 1, 2, 3 courses of the specialty "Social work" of our university. Teachers and students asked topical questions and received comprehensive answers.
Based on international experience, it can be concluded that the most effective and comprehensive social protection systems, as a rule, include such basic elements as: 1) government benefits; 2) compulsory social insurance; 3) accumulative pension provision; 4) social assistance.
On November 19, 2020, the republican scientific and practical conference "The Philosophical Heritage of Abai" in an online format, dedicated to the World Day of Philosophy, was organized by the Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata. Several professors and teachers have contributed to the disclosure of the significance of this topic. Following the conference, it is planned to publish a collection. The conference was attended by 3rd year student of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz Sh. Azine (supervisor, master Bazarbayeva MM) and was awarded a letter of thanks. We wish our best teachers and students to see the fruits of their labor.
The program "Youth Practice" has been operating for several years.
And it gives good results. This was announced on November 24, 2020 by the director of the Employment Center of Karaganda, N.H. Syzdykov. More than 70 graduates of 2020 are working under the program "Youth Practice".
What is a good program for graduates?
1. Official employment.
2. The employment center helps you find a job in your specialty.
3. Employers' interest in attracting young professionals.
4. Constant consultation of students on the issues of youth practice.
5. The possibility to switch to a permanent job in the company earlier than 6 months.
6. The possibility of receiving recommendations from the place of youth practice.
7. Obtaining initial work experience in the specialty.
This is what was discussed at the meeting. The audience has gathered great! About 100 of our students attended the meeting. Representatives of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" also took part in the meeting. Companies that are ready to offer vacant positions to students, as well as forming a personnel reserve were also invited to the Job Fair: SB Kurmet Arlan Plus LLP, SPM-25 LLP, BALIS GROUP LLP, Apex Stroy LLP, Sary-Arka LLP, Asia Creative LLP, Raduga LLP, Gas Station Service Karaganda LLP, Hermes Bursa LLP, KazKomir Trade LLP, Denzar LLP, Household Appliances Plant LLP, Qaz Met Group LLP.
Dear graduate students of KEUK, we really hope that this information will be not only interesting for you, but also relevant. And that some of you will start your professional career in 2021, including under this program.
On November 19, 2020, an online meeting will be held with representatives of the KSU "Employment Center of the Akimat of the city of Karaganda". The meeting was also attended by companies participating in the implementation of the state program "Youth Practice": TC Megapolis-Kazakhstan LLP, Rem Stroy Portal LLP, Ozon-integra LLP, Story Logistic KZ LLP, Grandiz LLP, Kaz metiz Kaz-Metiz LLP, Amagel LLP, Neftai - Company LLP, Deltaprom KZ LLP, Cosmonaut Hotel LLP. (Job Fair)
On November 20, 2020, the first-year students will be dedicated to students of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz online on our official YouTube channel «Official KEUK»
The live video will be available at 15:00 h
On November 17, 2020, on the online platform of the Belgorod state national research University (Belgorod, Russia), young teachers and students of the University took an active part in the V Youth forum of SCO Universities - 2020.
The main theme of the Forum is international youth interaction in the SCO space, which generally contributes to the development of the research potential of the youth society, strengthening cooperation and creating new contacts in the international scientific and educational environment.
On November 19-20, 2020, the Cluster Meeting "Impact of Erasmus + Higher Education Capacity Development Projects in Central Asia (CA)", organized by the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA) of the European Commissions. The purpose of the Cluster Meeting is to determine the impact and sustainability of the results of the E + EHEE projects in each of the CA countries and at the regional level. The meeting is attended by about 400 participants. At this meeting KEUK is represented by the COMPLET project. The meeting was attended by the project coordinator from KEUK S.A. Mulikova.
On November 18, 2020, as part of the roadmap for the implementation of the Memorandum of understanding and cooperation between qaztechventures JSC and the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz TBI "Dostyk Coworking center" organized the participation of students in the online master class "the Role of QazTechVentures in the development of the startup ecosystem of Kazakhstan" with the participation of O. Altaev, Director of the Department for business incubation and acceleration of QazTech Ventures JSC.
The event was aimed at developing students ' competencies in the field of technological entrepreneurship. Altaev Olzhas spoke about how to create an incubator, how to work with startups and what an investor is looking for in projects, as well as the role of QazTech Ventures in the development of startup ecosystems.
At the end of the event, the speaker thanked the participants and answered their questions.
The Foundation's scholarship is a great opportunity to confirm your achievements in education, sports and social life of the country. Students could apply for the prestigious title "Scholarship holder of the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation":
• successfully completed at least two training courses,
• having the highest academic performance indicators,
• actively participating in social, research and practical activities of an educational institution, city and republic.
The competition was held in two stages.
At the first stage, the university selected the best students to be nominated for a scholarship. The second round was held by the Foundation among all the nominees, where the competition committee determines the project winners.
We hasten to congratulate our student, Anastasia Zubova, on her victory in this competition. We wish our students continued success and victories!