Protect yourself from drugs!

in October 2020, in Karaganda, employees Of the Department for combating drug crime of the police Department of the Karaganda region, together with the public Association "Umit", shot a social video with the slogan "Protect yourself from drugs". The video showed the conduct of an operational search event, in which another drug lab for the production of synthetic drugs was liquidated. Justus Anna, a student of the f-19-2 group, took part in the role of the attack girl.

"Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation in modern conditions"

"Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation in modern conditions"

On October 12, KEUK hosted an online conference "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation in modern conditions" within the framework of the "Rukhani zhagyru" program, organized by the Department of SW and KPA, in which students of the 1st and 2nd course took an active part. The conference was held within the educational program and initiative theme "Philosophical analysis of the theory and practice of modern education." The reports were discussed that are significant both within the framework of research activities and within the framework of the formation of a worldview, a culture of thinking and the modernization of public consciousness of student youth:
"Cognition and creativity" Shabusova D. Yu-19-4, "Creativity and creation: similarities and differences" - Musina O., MO-19-2, "Mentality - as the basis for the formation of religious mentality" - A. Kogteva SPD-20-2, "Problems of modernization of public consciousness" Gerda N. Yu-19-4, "Value orientations of modern youth and the problem of preventing spiritual confrontation in the modern world" Zhumanova M. Yu-19-3, "Formation of spiritual values in the family" Zhukenova L. Yu-19-3, "Components of value orientation" Pak M. MO 19-2, "Secular and religious spirituality" Babich Yu. Yu-19-3, "Religious spirituality" A. Bislinger MO-20-2, "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation in" modern conditions "in the framework of the program" Ruhani Zhangyru "Iskaliev T. Zhumataeva R. MO-20-2, "The essence of religion in a secular state" Baltasheva Tansholpan MO-19-1k, "Formation of spiritual values in the family" Nefedov V. MO-20-2, "Formation of spiritual values in the family" Ахатаева Н. МО-19-1к.
The welcoming speech was made by the head of the Department of SW and KPA Abdakimova MK and emphasized the relevance of the issues discussed. The organizers of this event were Ph.D., Professor Klishina MV, Ph.D., Associate Professor Seifullina GR, PhD Dr. Tutinova NE


INTELLECTUAL GAME «I AM ECOLOGIST»On October 23, 2020, the Department of Ecology and assessment of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz held a regional intellectual game "I am an ecologist" online for students of grades 9-11 of secondary schools in the Karaganda region.
The game was attended by 63 students from 19 teams. Of these, 12 teams with Kazakh language of instruction and 7 teams with Russian language of instruction.
Won prizes-Kazakh Department:
I place - KSU specialized school - Lyceum-boarding «Information technologies»;
II place - Specialized boarding school «Murager»;
III place-school-Lyceum No. 57 named after S. Sattarov;
The most creative team - is the boarding school No. 2 named after M. Р. Rusakov in Balkhash.
Won prizes - Russian Department:
I place - KSU specialized school – Lyceum - boarding «Information technologies»;
II place – KSU «Gymnasium No. 1»;
III place - KSU «secondary school № 86»;
The most creative team – Specialized boarding school «Murager»
We Express our gratitude to the teams for their participation and congratulate the winners on their prizes!

А round table on the topic "Modern problems of training qualified personnel in a partnership between universities and the business community"

А round table on the topic "Modern problems of training qualified personnel in a partnership between universities and the business community"

Department of Marketing and logistics held a round table with the involvement of a practical worker for students of the 4th year of the OP "logistics". During the meeting, topical issues were discussed about the prospects for employment and demand in the labor market, about the employer's requirements for professional and communicative qualities of graduates of educational institutions.
The meeting was attended by:
- Kuanyshbayev Adilzhan Bolatovich-engineer of the Maksut mining and processing plant»;
-Mazhitova Saule Kalieva-head of the chair "Marketing and logistics"
-Staff of the Department "Marketing and logistics»

Conversation with a general practitioner!

Conversation with a general practitioner!

On October 22, a meeting with general practitioner Lyudmila Nikolaevna Tereshkina took place. During the meeting, Lyudmila Nikolaevna shared useful and necessary information. The organizer of the event is the teacher of the Department of Marketing and Logistics - Koshmaganbetova Aizhan Sergazyevna. The student council of FFLCT and students living in hostel number 3 took part.



October 16, 2020 The research Institute of economic and legal research of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz held an International scientific and theoretical conference: "Modern trends in the development of science and education in the context of information globalization", dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the research Institute. The conference was held on the ZOOM platform with the participation of heads and employees of ministries and departments, scientific institutions and enterprises, research and teaching staff, researchers, doctoral students, postgraduates, undergraduates and students from Kazakhstan, near and far abroad.
The plenary session was attended by: Vice-rector for research, strategic and innovative development of KEUK, doctor of Economics, Professor G. E. Nakipova; Director of the Research Institute of economic and legal research of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, doctor of law, Professor T. A. Khanov.
At the plenary session, honored worker of the higher school of the Russian Federation, doctor of law, Professor Volchetskaya T. S. (Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia) on the topic "Modern trends in scientific research in the field of forensic science"; Director оf the center for monitoring and development of research work of KEUK, doctor of Economics, Professor A. A. Taubaev on the topic "Problems and prospects for the development of scientific and innovative interaction of the EAEU countries"; doctor of Economics, associate Professor Koval L. N. (Khmelnitsky cooperative trade and economic Institute, Khmelnitsky, Ukraine) on the topic "Modern didactic capabilities of virtual museums platforms: the example of training bachelors in hotel and restaurant business"; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor S. D. Kapelyuk (Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation, Novosibirsk, RF) on the topic "Statistical analysis of the employment of the rural population in personal subsidiary plots"; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Fathlislamova G.F. (Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow) “Russian experience in the functioning of the funded component of the pension system”.
After the break, work continued on 7 breakout sessions. A collection of materials was published based on the results of the conference.

We are against synthetic drugs!!!

The current drug situation in our country is as follows: the most serious threat to young people is the problem of using synthetic drugs. The social video was created in order to raise awareness about the consequences of drug use and reduce the level of drug use everywhere. Realistic situations and facts in the videos are shown in such a way that young people listen to what is being said. Students of groups f-19-2 and VT-19-4C worked on the video under the leadership of the Chairman of the KDM M. E. Khasenova and the Deputy. Dean for educational work of the A. E. Tomasino

The Department of marketing and logistics organized the game "logistician's route" in honor of the decade of the Department

The Department of marketing and logistics organized the game "logistician's route" in honor of the decade of the Department

On October 16, 2020, in the Central Park of Karaganda, the game "logistician's route" was held ,dedicated to the celebration of the "logistician's day" within the decade of the Department of "Marketing and logistics" . the game was attended by students of the OP "logistics" of the first and fourth year. Participants of the game had to pass four stations:
- "receiving goods»;
- customs control;
- certification;
- warehouse.
Using the map of the Park, the students have successfully passed the station.


We have great news! Students of "Information systems" and "computer engineering and software" won a grant for training from the KAZENERGY Association!!! We sincerely congratulate Bulekbayeva Zhibek (VT-41), Imanmusin Kurmet and Shaken Sultan (is-19-3sk), who are the students of the Department of digital engineering and IT Analytics! We wish you further victories in all Your cases!

The Department of marketing and logistics of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz organized the V Cathedral student online conference "forum of young researchers"

The Department of marketing and logistics of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz organized the V Cathedral student online conference "forum of young researchers"

During the meeting, topical issues of various sectors of the economy were considered in the following areas:
1. Economic theory, globalization of the economy of Kazakhstan in the modern information and communication environment;;
2. Standardization and product quality management, innovation management; logistics;
3. business Economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes;
4 Management, diversification, marketing, pricing.
The conference is attended by works from the universities of St. Petersburg, Ufa, Almaty, Nursultan, Karaganda, etc.
A total of 61 papers were submitted to the conference ,of which 14 were heard. At the end of the conference, 3 best works will be selected and a collection will be formed.
We thank all the participants and wish them further success in their research!



On October 20, 2020, the winners of the online competition "Window to Europe with Erasmus +" were awarded among Erasmus programs participants, teachers and students of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

Vice-rector for research, strategic and innovative development of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Gulmira Yermekovna Nakipova awarded the winners valuable prizes and diplomas in the following nominations:

In the nomination "Best video feedback" for PhD student of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz - Lemeshchenko Olesya.

In the nomination "The best post" to senior lecturer of the department "World economy and international relations" - MS Dinara Talgatovna Atabayeva.

In the nomination "Best video" for the senior teacher of the department of "General legal and special disciplines" - Orynbekov Almas Sabitovich.

In the nomination "Best photography (series of photographs)" - student Olga Korpan.

Congratulations to our winners of the "Window to Europe with Erasmus +" online competition!


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