Meeting with graduates of gymnasium No. 97.

Meeting with graduates of gymnasium No. 97.On 11.11.2020, the Department of Accounting and audit held an online career guidance meeting with students of the 11th grade of gymnasium No. 97. During the meeting, information was provided on all changes in the rules for passing the UNT and the grant competition in 2021. The meeting was attended by the Director of the center for career guidance and public relations Ivadilinova L. H, Executive Secretary of the admissions Committee Krasnashchekova E. A. the information Provided especially interested the graduates, and they received answers to all their questions. In General, the meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The meeting was moderated by the teacher, master of Economics M. E. Khasenova.

Job Fair: meeting with JSC "Kazpost" and JSC "Kazakhstelecom"

Job Fair: meeting with JSC "Kazpost" and JSC "Kazakhstelecom" On November 11, as part of the Job Fair, an online meeting was held at the ZOOM site with representatives of JSC "Kazpost". Of course, we all know what a postman does and how. But what and how does everyone else do in such a large company? We found out about this at the meeting. And they also shared with us information about the implementation of important strategic goals. And each of us can be involved in any of them, it's a franchise, it's additional services, etc. Great! And at the same time, you can build your own business!!!
Each of us uses both the phone and the Internet! Dear graduates of KEUK, if you could not attend the meeting, but you have questions about this company, if you are interested in the opportunity to work there, take a look at the Resource Center, and we will tell you everything! We are waiting for you in room 107

II meeting of the Committee for youth Affairs and the XVII meeting of the Alliance of students of Kazakhstan

II meeting of the Committee for youth Affairs and the XVII meeting of the Alliance of students of Kazakhstan

6-7 November 2020 in the city of Nur-Sultan held the second meeting of СYA and XVII meeting of the Alliance of students of Kazakhstan in the offline format, which was attended by the leader ask KEUK Nojarova Salim, student of group MO-18-2.
The program of the meeting consisted of seminars with the participation of speakers K. A. Aymagambetova, narikbaev T. M., Oralova A. R., O. T. Ordabayev, Pen S. G., Dainius P., Armanet A. A., Rakhimzhanova G. G., Karimova A. OE., Tazabek M. O., which was devoted to some current problems of modern society and their solution, summarizing the work of student organizations, and summing up the results of the award "Altyn Kazakhstan zhastary". Following the meeting of the Alliance, Salima Nukharova was awarded a letter of thanks from the President of the Alliance of students of Kazakhstan.

Demonstration lesson on the discipline «Accounting and audit in the restaurant and hotel business».

Senior lecturer of the Department" Accounting and audit "nyikanbayeva Aigul Isaevna 10.11.2020 held a demonstration lecture on the discipline" Accounting and audit in the restaurant and hotel business " in the group RD-18-1K. Lesson topic: "accounting for obligations" including:
1. documentation of working time and payroll.
2. Calculation of deductions and deductions from wages.
Teachers of the Department "Accounting and audit" and a member of the Commission of the Council of academic quality of the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz Karimova Bakhytgul Nurlanovna took part in the lesson. The main purpose of the lesson: Calculation and documentation of wages for the time actually worked by employees, a clear distinction between mandatory and voluntary deductions from wages and tax deductions, in which cases 90% of the income adjustment is applied. During the lesson, the teacher demonstrated how to use the interactive qiuz test.

Career guidance webinar

Career guidance webinarAt November 4, 2020 a career guidance webinar with parents and students of the final grades of secondary school №15 was held. The moderator was N.T. Kyzilov. teacher, master.

Оnline meeting with the graduating classes of the school-Lyceum No. 101 Karaganda

Оnline meeting with the graduating classes of the school-Lyceum No. 101 Karaganda

According to the plan of career guidance of the Department of "Accounting and audit" master, senior lecturer of the Department Musipova L. K. 07.11.2020 organized an online meeting with students of the final classes of the school-Lyceum No. 101.
The meeting was attended by Director of center of vocational guidance and public relations KEUK Evageline L. H., Executive Secretary of the admission Committee Krasnoshchekova E. A., Deputy responsible Secretary Nurzhanov I. S., class teachers of 11 classes and students of the school-Lyceum No. 101.
During the meeting, they explained the procedure for submitting documents to the UNIVERSITY, the procedure for passing the UNT procedure, demonstrated a video about our University, a presentation about the University's educational programs.
Students received answers to all their questions.

Distance Olympiad on the subject "Financial accounting" among College students Karaganda dedicated to the memory of candidate of economic Sciences, Professor K. A. Kitabevi

Distance Olympiad on the subject "Financial accounting" among College students Karaganda dedicated to the memory of candidate of economic Sciences, Professor K. A. Kitabevi

On November 9, 2020, the Department of Accounting and audit held an Olympiad on financial accounting among students of colleges in Karaganda.
Purpose of the Olympiad:
- identification of gifted youth and their attraction for admission to the Karaganda University of Economics;
- stimulating educational and research activities of College students;
4 teams from 3 colleges took part in the Olympiad: Karaganda banking College named after Zh.K. Bukenov, College of Economics, business and law and Kostanay higher economic College of Kazpotrebsoyuz. A total of 56 people took part-20 participants, 13 people – fans and 5 teachers-team leaders.
The Olympiad was held in two rounds, the 1st round was held on the classroom in the form of testing, the second round was held on the Zoom platform, where participants demonstrated their creativity and creative thinking. While the jury members made decisions and evaluated the teams, the participants were shown a video about the University.
According to the results of the Olympiad in the team event the 1st place took the team "the debit with the credit friends" Kustanai higher economic College of Kazpotrebsoyuz, 2 – team "On balance" of the College of Economics, business and law, 3 rd place – team "Sama" College of Economics, business and law and a letter of thanks and commemorative prize was awarded to the team "Facilities" Karaganda Bank College named after Z. K. Bukenov.

Curatorial hour on the topic: «Postgraduate education in the modern world»

Curatorial hour on the topic: «Postgraduate education in the modern world»

On October 28-30, 2020, the Department of «General Legal and special disciplines» conducted curatorial hours of graduation groups on the educational programs «Jurisprudence» and «Customs Affairs» on the topic «Postgraduate education in the modern world» through the ZOOM platform. During the curatorial hours, students asked questions related to admission and study in the master's program.

Republican round table "ethno-confessional relations: the experience of forming a culture of tolerance"

Republican round table "ethno-confessional relations: the experience of forming a culture of tolerance"

On November 9, 2020, the Department of Social Work and KPA of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology of the KEUK organized a republican round table "Ethno-confessional relations: the experience of forming a culture of tolerance", dedicated to the International Day against Fascism, Racism, Anti-Semitism. The head of the department, Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor Abdakimova M.K. introduced the report "Intercultural tolerance as the formation of culture" to the guests and students-participants and undergraduates (Interculture as the basis for the formation of a culture of tolerance).
Guests and participants of the republican round table:
Duysenbaeva Albina Kurakhbaevna, Acting Head, Associate Professor of the Department of "Religious Studies" of the Egyptian Islamic University Nur-Mubarak, PhD. Topic of the report: "The problem of interfaith tolerance in the Republic of Kazakhstan".
Balosybayeva Ainur Kanapieva, Senior Lecturer of the Department of KPA and Socio-Political Disciplines, Aktobe Regional University named by K. Zhubanov, Master of Social Sciences. Topic of the report: "Feminization of extremism as a social phenomenon."
Balpanov Nurlan Mukhametkalievich, senior lecturer of the department "International relations" of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named by Ablai Khan, PhD, specialty "Religious Studies". Topic of the report: "Ethno-confessional relations: the experience of forming a culture of tolerance."
Moderator of the republican round table Tutinova N.Ye., PhD in the specialty "Religious Studies". Topic of the report: "The modern religious situation in Kazakhstan: the relationship between religion and state."
The participants of the republican round table were the teaching staff, students and undergraduates of the Department of Social Work and KPA of KEUK.


Career guidance webinar

Career guidance webinar November 5, 2020 A career-oriented webinar was held with parents and students of the final grades of KSU secondary school No. 52 named after E. A. Buketov @sch52_karaganda. Moderated by Ph. D., associate Professor of the Department "BMIR" Saifullin YM participated In the event: Director of the center for career guidance and public relations Ivanilova L. H., head.Department "Bmifr", doctor of Economics, Professor Talimova L. A., Executive Secretary of the admissions Committee Krasnoshchekova E. A., Deputy.Director of UMR Lytkina, A.V., C. the head 11 "And" Izambaeva T. sh., CL. head 11 B Jaksybaeva B. A.

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