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Visit to the Friendship House of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda Region

Visit to the Friendship House of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda RegionOn May 4, 2017, in the framework of the discipline "Interethnic Relations and Separatism" studied, senior teachers Baigozhin GM, Shukusheva EV With students gr. MO-31, MO-32 visited the House of Friendship of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda region. Currently, 74 ethnocultural associations are functioning in our oblast, united in one large family - the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda region. The students got acquainted with their activities, learned a lot about the traditions, history and culture of the peoples living in our region.

72-year-old anniversary of the victory in the great Patriotic war

72-year-old anniversary of the victory in the great Patriotic warOn 4 May, 2017 teachers of the Department of the SW and SPD held a lecture "Kazakhstan in the great Patriotic war (1941-1945gg.), which dedicated to the 72 anniversary of the victory in the great Patriotic war. Purpose of the round table: to honor the feats of people of Kazakhstan on the fronts of military actions and vaccinate generation, respect for the historical past of the country, preservation and consolidation peace and harmony in the country and the world. Victory day - the great national holiday, its historical significance is not subject to audit.

Excursion to the museum of victims of political repression

Excursion to the museum of victims of political repressionOn the eve of the Victory Day the senior lecturer of the chair "World economy and international relations" Musaeva E.A. organized an excursion for the students of the group MO-11k, MO-14c / to the Museum of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression in the village of Dolinka. The museum is located in the building of the former administration of Karlag, built in 1933-1935. Students learned about the most dramatic pages of history, when thousands of people were subjected to severe repression. Invariably a strong impression on all visitors to the museum is provided in detail by the restored installation of the premises, which repeats the real premises of the camps together with the furnishings and figures of the prisoners.

Information about the results of the International Student Meeting “The New Generation-New energy-New Era”

Information about the results of the International Student Meeting “The New Generation-New energy-New Era”In Karaganda Economics University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on April 27, 2017 within the framework of International Students' Meeting “The New Generation-New energy-New Era”, there was a business class and a seminar-discussion on the problems of science and business. With the students, undergraduates and teachers of the University, a dispute "On Business Planning" was conducted by Elena Nikolaevna Tashoni, curator of the group of marketers of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region. The greatest interest was among themes of business development in the agrarian sphere and public catering. The students were interested in the choice of a place for the restaurant business, the size of the initial capital. Individual features that could be attractive to visitors to cafes and restaurants were discussed.
Discussions on the problems of science and business continued with the participation of the consultant on state programs and programs of the DAMU Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC Gauhar Koibagarova and the project manager of the Technopark "Sary Arka" Ernat Abeov. Masters and teachers were the leaders in the number of questions asked and the active participation in the discussion. Most of the discussion participants were interested in the following issues: the requirements for the application for project financing, whether often starting entrepreneurs - applicants - are denied registration; The development of which industries the commission prefers; Why they do not accept technology transfer projects. These and many other issues were the focus of the discussion.
It should be noted that the above-mentioned guests of the forum are often at the Karaganda Economic University, and they always meet with future entrepreneurs in casual conversations, which are one of the links in science, education and business.
The moderator of the meetings is a senior researcher at the Institute of Economic and Legal Studies, Ph.D., Associate Professor Yu.I. Osik.

Сharity concert dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

Сharity concert dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic WarOn 2 May, 2017, Department of Social Work and Socio-Political Disciplines organized and conducted a charity concert dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War at the KSU MSU of Aged and Disabled Persons № 1 of Karaganda City of Karaganda Region". Students of the Faculty of Business and Law of KEUK took part in the concert. Songs and verses of the war years were performed, dances were demonstrated.
Veterans took part in the concert program, sang songs, shared memories of the events of the war years.

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