25 may 2017 in the Central Park of Karaganda held an event dedicated to the last call for graduates of schools of Karaganda. In the framework of vocational guidance teachers of the Department "Banking" docent Borisova E. I. and senior teacher Ermekova K. A. took an active part in this event. The graduates were addressed to the greetings and warm wishes from the persons invited. The graduates presented a memo on revenues and brochures specialties are invited KEU and KEBP.
Department of Information and Computing Systems сongratulates the senior lecturer Dyusekeev Kanagat Abetovich with a successful defense of the thesis for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences on specialty 05.13.10 "Management in social and economic systems" in Volgograd State Technical University of the Russian Federation. The Rectorate, the Dean's office of the Accounting and Financial Faculty, the Department of Information and Computing Systems
The Organizing Committee thanks everyone who contributed to the organization and held a forum. An invaluable help was provided by the heads of all organization departments, the deans of faculties. It would be especially desirable to note the director of CYI - S.A. Bazarbekov, senior coordinator of the DSD - L.K. Ivadilinov, director of the Center for Educational Television - M.N. Tarskaya, head of the publishing center of the University - B.B. Sembayev, employees of the printing department Victoria Kobina and Madiyar Mustafin. Conducting such a large-scale student forum showed that the existing material and technical base of KEUK meets the most modern requirements and allows planning even more ambitious events.
1. Diploma of the winner of the 1st degree and a valuable prize - Islamova Regina Radikovna, Bashkortostan. Ufa. Master of Science of Ufa State Technological University. The author of the project is “an appendix for assessing the functional risk of glaucoma developing”. Scientific advisors are Candidate of mathematic sciences - Zagidullina Aigul Shamilevna, Candidate of technical sciences - Lakman Irina Alexandrovna. 2. Diploma of the winner of the 2 nd degree and a valuable prize - Shokhinova Kasiet, Safronova Alina, Gaisler Violetta, students of SW-32, F-32, F-32 groups - the authors of the project: "Using of the mobile application bussenes mob as a mechanism for the development of small and medium businesses". Scientific adviser is PhD (PhD), senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Management - Omarova Ainur Tuyakovna. 3. Diploma of the winner of the 3 rd degree and a valuable prize - Zholdasova Assel, Sakenova Indira, Abdrash Gulzat, students of TPP-31k, TPP-11k. groups – the authors of the project: "« Development of technology for the enrichment of various additives of the national dairy product». Scientific advisers are Agedilova Mereke Tuyakovna, Abzalbek Meryuert Saparkyzy. 12 nominations were distributed as follows:
Dear Professor Nurlan Adilbaevich! Congratulations on your 60th birthday! In connection with the anniversary, we would like to wish you all your ideas to come true and bring to people, and to you - honor, respect of colleagues! We would like to note that you have done a lot for science, and your works are an invaluable contribution to the development of society! We believe that for many more years you will please us with new discoveries, bold decisions and interesting works! Sincerely we wish you and your family health, family well-being, success! With best regads, Faculty of the department of Social Work and Socio-Political Disciplines.