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Platinum lecture on the topic «Karttarym – asyl kazynam»

Platinum lecture on the topic «Karttarym – asyl kazynam»On 29 March, 2017, in the Centre of Educational TV of KEU was held the platinum lecture on the topic: «Karttarym – asyl kazynam» with the participation of the head of the organization of the cultural and mass event of the KSU «MSU of the elderly and disabled № 1 of Karaganda» Isayinova D.S. The lecture was read by the faculty and students of the specialties of the Department of Social Work and Socio-Political Disciplines.

Congratulations !!!

Congratulations !!!The Department of Social Work and Socio-Political Disciplines congratulates the teacher Manasova Mira Manasovna with the successful defense of her doctoral dissertation in KazNU named after al-Farabi and the award of the PhD degree in specialty «6D020400-Cultural studies» (Order of the Committee of March 15, 2017, № 368).

The project "Public trust" is presented in the KEU

The project "Public trust" is presented in the KEUMarch 29, 2017 on the initiative of the Prosecutor's Office of the Karaganda region in the framework of the project "Public trust" together with the prosecutor's office of the district. Kazybek bi organized a meeting of representatives of state bodies with students of economical specialties. In this event, such state bodies and institutions were involved as:
- The prosecutor's office of the district. Kazybek bi of the city of Karaganda;
- Center for Employment and Social Programs of the city of Karaganda;
- Department of land relations, architecture and town-planning of the city of Karaganda;
- Department of State Revenues for the district. Kazybek bi of the city of Karaganda;
- Chamber of entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region;
- Regional innovation office of LLP "Technopark" Saryarka ";
- Center for Servicing Entrepreneurs of the KF JSC "Fund" Damu ";
- Representatives of second-tier banks.
During the work of this group, students received advice on the issues of opening and registering a business, on tax legislation, on the issuance of land for business and their registration, lending issues also did not stand aside. Most speakers spoke on the main tools of state support for business development and youth entrepreneurship.
Thus, the authorized bodies carried out a large-scale explanatory work on developing the business environment.

Seminar "Hong Kong is your corporate platform in the Asia-Pacific region"

Seminar "Hong Kong is your corporate platform in the Asia-Pacific region"March 29, 2017 teachers of the Department of WE and IR Arystan M.I., Talimova G.U., Shukusheva E.V., and students of the specialties "World Economy" and "International Relations" took part in the seminar "Hong Kong is your corporate platform in the Asia-Pacific region", organized and held by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda region in cooperation with the official foreign trade authority of Hong Kong - the Council for the Development of Trade.
During the seminar were considered specifics of China's economic development at the current stage, the direction of development of China's industrial production and consumer market, the specifics of conducting joint business of domestic enterprises with Chinese companies, the advantages of taxation in Hong Kong, the functions of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council in assisting Kazakh companies in searching Suppliers and business organizations in China.



On April 7, 2017 at 10.00 o'clock the Department of Economics and Management of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz conducts the Regional Olympiad in Economics for pupils of 9-11 forms of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and students of colleges.
The Organizing Committee asks the interested directors of secondary schools to provide a list of participating students before April 5, 2017.
The situation, the scenario of the Olympiad in economics and the application form can be downloaded on the website below

Phone for information: 44-16-34, 44-16-24 (internal 185), mob. 87024669986
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Artist: Zulkharnay Aziz Nurlanuly

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