March 2, 2017 by the Department of Strategic Development was organized a meeting with representatives of KF JSC "Alfa-Bank" and students of 3 courses of KEUK. Representatives of KF JSC "Alfa-Bank" informed our students about available vacancies; about the possibilities of combining university studies and employment of students in a bank that will allow the end of studies already have work experience and acquire practical skills. The meeting caused great interest among the audience, held an active dialogue, asked many questions. Representatives of KF JSC "Alfa-Bank" expressed wishes for further cooperation with our university. The main result of the meeting: "Alfa-Bank" has filled vacancies by our students and gained great staff.
An open curatorial hour on the theme: "Heroes of the 2017 Universiade among us" held on March 2, 2017 group facilitator RD-32 Alekseenko, T. N. invitation Rosata Alimov - master of sports, the judges of the international category at short-track. Demolish the ulama in the Universiade 2017 participated as a judge of the international category at the short track. The students of the groups RD 32, Round of 32, Round of 13C, Tur 11K speciality Restaurant business and hotel business and Tourism with interest listened to the story Alimova R. the high level staging of the Universiade 2017. Students enjoyed an emotional story about the refereeing in short track, and the achievements of Kazakhstan sportsmen at the Universiade in 2017.
Institute of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the period from 6 to 17 February 2017 held a competition among young scientists on the issue of redistribution of powers between branches of government. The competition was attended by students and graduates of the Kazakh Humanitarian Law University, Eurasian National University and Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. According to the results of the competition were the winners, where the second prize won Kuzmenko E., 2nd year student of the specialty "Jurisprudence", the report "On the eve of the constitutional and legal transformation" (Supervisor c.j.s. Au T.I.) 1 place – IlinaV.O., graduate student of the 1st course of "KazHLU "; 3 place – Abdullah A.B., 3rd year student of the Eurasian National University.
March 1, 2017 the senior teacher of "World Economy and International Relations" Nazarov E.Zh. held a visiting session with the group MO-21k in the discipline "Foreign Policy and Diplomacy specialized countries (Middle East)," as well as for the implementation of the student project "Youth against religious extremism" in the message of the President of Kazakhstan in the center of the aid to victims of destructive religious movements "Nurly Bilim". Lecture held the famous theologian, advisor to akim of Karaganda region on issues of religion, the deputy chairman of the Center of assistance to victims of destructive religious movements "Nurly Bilim" Syzdykov Rustem Malikovich.
In honor of the Day of Thanks March 1, 2017 the dean's office of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, headed by the Deputy Dean for educational work Musipovoy LK and activists of the Student Council of the Faculty visited the KSU "Medico-social institution elderly and disabled number 2" of Karaganda. Older people are very pleased by this attention; in conversation with the guests, they noted a tangible concern on the part of employees of the institution. Students and teachers UFPh, in turn, expressed their deep gratitude to the representatives of the older generation for the wisdom and experience of good works, for work invested in the prosperity of the country. For older people, tea party was organized. Boarding Houses Administration thanked the university administration, the rector Aymagambetova EB, Nakipov Dean GE and associate dean Musipovu LK for attention and care, underlined the importance of such meetings and expressed the hope that they will become traditional.