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Vocational work of regional mobile group Abay district, Topar settlement

Vocational work of regional mobile group Abay district, Topar settlement11 January 2017 regional mobile group, consisting of senior lecturer, master of the Department "FNS" Markataeva G. M., senior lecturer, master of the Department PREO Amantay A. and teacher, master of the Department "Banking" Issanov A. conducted professional meeting with graduates of the schools of the village of Topar, Abay district.
The graduates learned a lot about our University: what are some educational programs teach students about the achievements of the University, its infrastructure, created conditions for sports and creativity, the professionalism of teachers, employment opportunities, etc.
The meeting was very constructive and prepodavateley, and for schools. Asked a lot of questions to which responses were received, showing videos about KEUK. Such meetings will continue on and on.

Letter of appreciation from the rector

The rector of Karaganda University of Economics Kazpotrebsoyuz, d.e.sc., professor E.B. Aimagambetov expressed appreciation to Scientific Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies team for active participation in the republican action “25 star days” as part of the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In November-December, as part of this event, the Scientific Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies team organized successful scientific seminars, round tables and actively participate in other activities. These events were attended by representatives of government agencies, universities, NGOs, and involved a large number of bachelor, masters and doctoral students.


CONGRATULATIONS !!!Department of "Social work and social and political disciplines" of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz congratulates group SW-31 to victory in the nomination "The best academic group" on the basis of 2016 year!
We wish you further success in scientific and educational activities, health, happiness, family well-being!


CONGRATULATIONS !!!Department of "Social work and social and political disciplines" of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz congratulates Master of Pedagogy and Psychology, senior lecturer Isina Saltanat Serikkalievna with a victory in the nomination "The best curator" following the results of 2016 year!
We wish you further success in scientific and educational activities, health, happiness, family well-being!


CONGRATULATIONS !!!Department of "Social work and social and political disciplines" of the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz congratulates the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Mulikova Saltanat Altaevna being awarded the title of "Person of the Year"!
We wish you further success in scientific and educational activities, health, happiness, family well-being!

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