02.08.2017 in the 15.00 o'clock (101 aud.) Accounting and Finance Department and dean's office together with the Department of Strategic Development held a training seminar for curators on the theme "Development of reflexive consciousness curators with the aim of saving and defensesof strengthen the psychological health of students."
In January, 2017 Multilingual Education Centre of KEUK organized the course “Kazakh language and culture” for the students who arrived within the academic mobility program from MARA University (Malaysia). Course purpose: development of the state language and acquaintance with national customs and traditions of the Kazakh people. Certificates were given to students after successful completion of the course.
Students of the Technological University of MARA (Malaysia) according the program of academic mobility graduated in KEUK. Upon completion of training, the 1st year student of specialty "Tourism" NADA NADHIRAH ABDUL RAHMAN passed the final exam for fine disicipline "Restaurant and hotel business" under the supervision of a teacher of the Department of Tourism and restaurant business Garipova A. A. in the form of the project.
On 24th January, 2017 Department of Social work and Social-political dislipline of Karaganda Economic University organized and conducted subject Olympiad on History of Kazakhstan, among pupils of 11 classes of secondary schools of Karaganda and Karaganda region. The competition was attended by 108 students from 21 schools from Karaganda. The purpose of the Olympiad: the formation of patriotism among young people, to identify and support talented students. Olympiad was held in two stages: 1 Tour - Computer testing. 2nd stage - intellectual game "Bіlgenge Marjan" ("Believe in yourself"). Targets Intellectual games drawn up in accordance with the level of preparedness of students in the subject History of Kazakhstan. The winners were awarded certificates at a discount on training in KEUK in the 2017-2018 academic year (1st place - 15%, second - 10%, 3rd place - 5%.). Students who take an active part in the competition were awarded prizes. Principals, teachers who prepared students for the Olympiad in History of Kazakhstan were awarded with letters of thanks on behalf of KEUK management.
By the Information system department organized and held a contest remote presentation "Why should I become a IT-specialist"among students of secondary and vocational schools in Karaganda.
At the end of the contest prizes were distributed as follows: