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Intellectual game “EXPERTS OF LANGUAGES”

Intellectual game “EXPERTS OF LANGUAGES”February 25, 2017 the departments of the “Russian and Foreign languages” and “World Economy and International relations” conducted an intellectual game “EXPERTS OF LANGUAGES” for the pupils of 11 classes of Karaganda secondary schools .

The field trip to the climbing wall

The field trip to the climbing wall 23.02.2017 group of the specialty "Tourism" Tour 12 and Tour 14C, the lecturer of the Department "Tourism and catering" Garipova A. A. held a retreat session on the subject "Technique and tactics of active tourism". Lesson theme: "Physical preparation for active tourism activities.
" The aim of the lesson was to familiarize students with principles and methods of physical training of tourists for the active tourist travel. The students were provided detailed guidelines, familiarized with the safety precautions and conduct during climbing, what equipment and what is necessary. Before conquer the top, were warm. Students experienced the importance of physical fitness, as well as successfully conquered the top of the climbing wall.

Platinum lecture "Cross-cultural management in the business environment"

Platinum lecture "Cross-cultural management in the business environment"23.02.2017 a platinum lecture was held for students of the specialty "World Economy" and "International Relations" by the department of IR and WE. Visiting specialist - KulmagambetovaZh who is the head of project management department of the chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region. The theme of the lecture was "Cross-cultural management in the business environment."
Cross-cultural management is essential for building effective business relationships with representatives of foreign companies, enterprises, organizations. It is an essential element of the program of preparation of future international relations to the practice. Lecture was rich with many examples from practice and evidence, aroused great interest among the students and a desire to further explore this aspect of international relations.

"Biology Expert-2017»

1February 11 at the base of the Karaganda University of Economics Department of "Ecology and Assessment" organized Olympiad in Biology "Zatoka biology - 2017", which was attended by 125 secondary school students of Karaganda.
As a result of the Olympic Games have revealed the winners with the highest scores:
Rank 1 - Alpysbaeva Ilana 11 cl - KSU OR №1 Saran
2nd place - Karpushina Alina 10 cl - School №48
2nd place - Rahman Әlіsher 11 cl - OKSHDS №77
3rd place - Aslan Olzhabaev 11kl - OKSHIDS №68
3rd place - Tokin Sabina 11 cl - OKSHIDS №77
The award ceremony will take place on mart 10 at a solemn ceremony at the Department of "Ecology and evaluation."

Meeting to explain changes in the Tax Code

Meeting to explain changes in the Tax CodeThe Accounting and Finance Faculty, on a permanent basis, organizes lectures involving specialists and heads of financial authorities of the Karaganda region. On 21st of February 2017, with the active participation of teachers of the Department of Finance, Taxation and Insurance (FTI), It was organized a meeting of students of KEU with the Head of the Department of Indirect taxation Tahanov Ayan Borisovich, who is a permanent guest of the Department FTI and teaches our students in classes. During the lecture, he emphasized on the changes in the Tax Code of the RK, the interaction of taxpayers and the tax authority, and highlighted the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to improve the tax regimes for entrepreneurs. The students showed a great interest and asked a lot of question which had been answered by a specialist from the Department of Indirect taxation.

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