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Energosintez in games. Organization and methodology of inclusive game

Energosintez in games. Organization and methodology of inclusive gameOctober 29, 2016 based on the branch of the Department of SW and SPD in №27 school was held a practical training "Energosintez in games. Organization and methodology of inclusive games", organized by the Public Fund "Voluntary society "Mercy" together with a non-profit organization "Charitable investment Fund "The Innovative Educational Centre".
The event was attended by the students of the groups of SW-21, SW-23s, SW-31k, SW-32 and teachers of the Department the SW and SPD, after the training were given certificates.

Congratulations !!!

Congratulations !!!A student of the department of tourism and restaurant business, group RD-12 Screamers Artem in October 2016 in the Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan took second place (silver medal) in speed skating, a distance of 500 meters. We congratulate our students and wish them further achievements in sport!

Training Workshop on "Features of management in the restaurant business" - Director CJ brand Company Ospanov Seitzhan

Training Workshop on "Features of management in the restaurant business" - Director CJ brand Company Ospanov SeitzhanDepartment of tourism and restaurant business 2 Nobre in 2016 invited the founder of the Restaurant School KEUK Seitzhan Ospanov - Director CJ brand Company. The audience of 105 at 10 o'clock held a training seminar on the topic "Peculiarities of management in the restaurant business" for the students of specialties "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business."

Сeremony "Zhurekke zhylu syilagan" dedicated to the celebration of the Day of social workers

Сeremony "Zhurekke zhylu syilagan" dedicated to the celebration of the Day of social workers28 Oct 2016. in the Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz Department SW and SPD held a event dedicated to day of social workers.
The social worker's day is a celebration of people who not in words but in deeds demonstrate the best qualities of the human soul – selflessness, compassion, and dedication that are the first to experience the waves of human problems and to the best of their opportunities help to solve them.
3d year students of specialty "Social work" organized the competition in three nominations: "The Best wall newspaper", "Best essay" and "Best video" among students of 1-2 courses.
The participants demonstrated knowledge, practical experience, and also a huge respect and interest in their future profession.
The event was attended by students of the school №86, which showed high activity and interest.
Following the results of competition in nomination:
- "Best video" won by the students of SW-11k,;
- "The best wall newspaper" was won by the students of SW-21K.,
- "The best essay" won the student of the group SW-21k Kanatkyzy Aizhan.
All participants were awarded letters of thanks.

Сongratulations champions of "polylingual teacher" competition!!!

Сongratulations champions of "polylingual teacher" competition!!!25.10.2016 the department of foreign and russian languages held competition on multilinguism "Polylingual teacher" among the teachers. As a result the following teachers of the department "World economy and international relations" won:

1st place - team "POLYGLOT": senior teacher, master Syzdykbekov E.S., senior teacher, master Nazarov Y.Zh.
2nd place - team «NO PASARAN»: senior teacher, master Baygozhina G.M., tutor, master Atabaeva D.T.
The winners were awarded diplomas 1, 2 degrees.
We congratulate the winners and wish them new achievements!

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