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Scientific trip to Balkhash: safety research in mining and construction industries

Scientific trip to Balkhash: safety research in mining and construction industries

As part of the implementation of the scientific project "Criminal law and criminological measures to ensure safety in mining or construction works" (AR OGRN 19675171), from June 25 to June 30, 2023, members of the research group Abiev E.S. (master of law degree, senior lecturer) and Mazhit I.B. (master's student) were sent in the city of Balkhash.


The start of the academic path: Knowledge Day 2024

The start of the academic path: Knowledge Day 2024

On September 2, 2024, a solemn event dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, a symbolic start of the academic path for new students, was held at the Palace of Culture of Students of Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University.

This day has become a real celebration of knowledge, creativity and inspiration. The special atmosphere of this event was created thanks to the creative beginning: the freshmen did not immediately go to their desks, a festive program was prepared for them.

A gathering of first-year students took place on the university square, where Karaganda showman Abrar Aitmetov held an interactive acquaintance for them. The volunteers of the three faculties became a kind of guides, helping to create a team spirit and charge the participants with positive energy.

Organized games required not only ingenuity and logical thinking, but also the ability to work in a team, which became a symbol of how students would move along their educational path — together, supporting each other.

After the end of the interactive segment, everyone went to the Palace of Culture of Students to continue the solemn part. The official ceremony was held in the presence of the faculty and the university leadership, which emphasized the importance of the moment. Rector Yerkara Balkaraevich Aimagambetov delivered an assembly lecture and sincere congratulations, who reminded students of the great importance of education and the role of the university in their lives.

Congratulations to Nikita Abrakhmanov, a first–year student, the owner of the state grant of the educational program physical culture and sports management, have become traditional.

The solemn part was diluted with a concert program organized by activists of the Palace of Culture of Students. The bright final chord was the anthem of the university performed by Gusyreva Tamiris. Activists and participants of the event became a support group. By raising the flag of the university at the end, the students demonstrated their love and dedication to their native university.

After the end of the event, the freshmen went to a meeting with the deans of their faculties to familiarize themselves with the internal regulations.

This day was not just the beginning of the school year, but an important milestone in the lives of freshmen.

Improving the quality of education: Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz at a workshop in Astana

Improving the quality of education: Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz at a workshop in Astana

Representatives of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz participated in an intensive workshop titled "Management in Higher Education: Setting Up an Internal Quality Assurance System" in Astana.

The goal of the intensive course was to develop key competencies of administrative and managerial staff, as well as employees of academic and strategic departments of universities. Participants were trained in the effective design and development of an internal quality assurance system for higher and postgraduate education, which is a crucial aspect for improving the quality of educational services in Kazakhstan.

The workshop included both theoretical and practical sessions aimed at enhancing skills in analyzing and improving internal processes within universities. Participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences with colleagues from other educational institutions, discuss current challenges, and find solutions to overcome them.

Participation in such an event helps strengthen competencies and improve the professional level of the university staff, which will, in the long term, contribute to improving the quality of education at Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

The intensive course for the preparation for the master’s degree in English has been completed

The intensive course for the preparation for the master’s degree in English has been completed

From June 17th to July 13th of 2024, an English course for applicants to the Master’s degree was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz organized by the Multilingual Education Centre and the Center of Career and Professional Development of university. For more than 4 weeks, participants of the intensive course analyzed lexical and grammatical topics, solved test tasks of previous years, did listening and reading tasks. The staff of the Multilingual Education Centre having updated and summarized grammatical topics, vocabulary and regional information, conducted a useful intensive training of basic skills: reading, listening, using basic vocabulary and grammar.

This course gave participants not only deep knowledge and skills necessary for successful admission, but also self-confidence. They learned how to effectively work with academic texts, improved their speaking and writing skills, and also mastered strategies for successfully passing entrance exams.

All participants received certificates of successful completion of their studies. We wish our participants success and good luck in the exam!


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