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Continuing Education and Micro-Qualifications in the Republic of Kazakhstan: The Future is Now

Continuing Education and Micro-Qualifications in the Republic of Kazakhstan: The Future is Now

Education is rapidly changing, and Kazakhstan is actively implementing innovative approaches to learning. Svetlana Borisovna Glazunova, Director of the Department of Strategic Development, explains why continuing education and micro-qualifications are becoming essential tools for professional and personal growth.

Why is Continuing Education So Important?

In a world where technology and the economy are developing at an incredible speed, the knowledge gained in universities quickly becomes outdated. The need for constant renewal and expansion of skills has become a vital necessity. Continuing education allows people to stay abreast of the latest trends, acquire new competencies, and remain competitive in the labor market.

3rd Place in the International Competition on Sustainable Development

3rd Place in the International Competition on Sustainable Development

Our university student Zarina Gataullina, majoring in Economics, prepared a research paper titled "Managing ESG projects in the context of achieving sustainable development goals in the Republic of Kazakhstan," which was awarded 3rd place at the international competition of student scientific works "Management, Social and Behavioral Sciences in the Implementation of Sustainable Development Principles." This event took place on April 25-26, 2024, in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. The scientific supervisor was M.A. Asanova, PhD, a senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, and one of the authors of the module "European practice of sustainable development management towards green transformation" (101082930 EPOS) under the Erasmus + Jean Monnet program 2022-2025.

Zarina's work is a profound study of project management methods in the fields of environmental, social responsibility, and corporate governance within the context of Kazakhstan's efforts to achieve global sustainable development goals. Her research and proposed solutions were highly appreciated for their originality and contribution to the development of sustainable practices.

Zarina's achievement is a bright example of how our university students can make a significant contribution to international efforts towards sustainable development and reaffirms our commitment to high educational standards and global cooperation under initiatives such as Erasmus + Jean Monnet.

Congratulations to Zarina Gataullina on her success, and we wish her further academic achievements!

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Master class "Professions of the future: competencies of a sustainable economy"

Master class "Professions of the future: competencies of a sustainable economy"

On April 30, 2024, within the framework of the international project Erasmus + Jean Monnet (2022-2025, project No. 101082930 EPOS "European practice of sustainable development management towards green transformation"), a master class on the topic "Professions of the future: competencies of sustainable economy" was organised. The event is dedicated to the study of European experience and Kazakhstani practice in managing the sustainable development of urban agglomerations.

The leading speaker was Ms. Kharitonova Irina , an invited expert, practitioner and public figure in Kazakhstan.

Master class objectives were:

- studying the European experience of sustainable urban development.

- discussion of strategies for the development of creative industries and their impact on sustainable urban development.

- shaping the development trajectory of urban agglomerations, taking into account key factors such as human resources and necessary competences.

 During the master class, participants were able to understand the mechanisms for implementing sustainable development goals and had the opportunity to learn how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. In addition, the Center for Multilingual Education organized a training on writing motivation letters and developing soft skills in English, where participants received recommendations and practical advice from experts.

The participants of the master class expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the event, noting its relevance and practical orientation. Many emphasized that the knowledge and experience gained would be used by them in future projects and professional activities.


"Day of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan: the history of the holiday"

"Day of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan: the history of the holiday"

May 1 is the Day of Unity and Friendship of the peoples living in our country. "Where there is unity, there is life," says our people. It is of great importance that various cultural centers participate in the holiday in order to familiarize the people of Kazakhstan with the traditions of other nations.

Within the walls of our university, a round table was held on the topic: "day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan: the history of the holiday". The Round Table was attended by the head of the Department of scientific and expert support and methodological support "Kogamdyk kelisim" of the Department of internal policy of Karaganda region Duman Bazarkeevich Malaev, honorary citizen of Karaganda region Valery Gromov, member of the management board of the NGO "ethno-cultural association of Koreans of Karaganda region" Hegay Asya Aleksandrovna, head of the public Association "Polish Society of Karaganda region" Polonia " Vitaly Khmelevsky, Teachers of the Department of socio-political disciplines and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and students of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took part.

The moderator of the round table was the head of the Department of "Socio-political disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan", PhD, Professor Minzhanov Nurlan Adilbaevich. The conference participants talked about feelings of patriotism, respect for culture, traditions and customs, history and heritage of the Kazakh people, as well as other ethnic groups living in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Visit of the delegation to the University of Santiago de Compostela

Visit of the delegation to the University of Santiago de Compostela

Last Thursday 25th and Friday 26th of April we have had in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the USC the visit of a delegation of 11 universities from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. This visit has been carried out in the framework of the CirculEC project funded by the Erasmus CBHE programme of the European Commission. The aim of the project is to enable these 11 Central Asian Universities to improve training in circular economy and sustainability. The first day of the visit focused on training the attendees on Circular Economy and Sustainability and the different aspects of this topic, which ended with a participatory session to identify the needs of the universities and the subsequent debate. On the second day, a visit was made to the Water Technology Centre, CETAQUA - VIAQUA where the participants had the opportunity to attend the explanations given by Teresa Alvariño, director of the Centre, on the operations and projects of CETAQUA. Also in attendance was Ana Botas, manager of VIRATEC, Clúster Gallego Soluciones Ambientales y Economía Circular (Galician Cluster for Environmental Solutions and Circular Economy) with whom a productive debate on potential forms of cooperation for mutual learning took place. The visit ended with the summary of the visit and the closure of the event.

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