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Мастер-класс өте танымды және қызықты болды. Студенттер өздерін қызықтырған сұрақтарын қойып, өз білімдерімен бөлісіп, сондай-ақ, сөзсіз, жаңаларын ала алды.

Мастер-класс өте танымды және қызықты болды. Студенттер өздерін қызықтырған сұрақтарын қойып, өз білімдерімен бөлісіп, сондай-ақ, сөзсіз, жаңаларын ала алды."Dostyk Coworking Center" organized the participation of students in an online master class on financing startup projects
Within the framework of the roadmap for the implementation of the memorandum of understanding and cooperation between JSC "QazTechVentures" and Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz TBI "Coworking Center "Dostyk" organized the participation of students in an online master class on financing startup projects from the Director of the Department of Marketing and Communications of JSC "QazTech Ventures" Sh. Dosmahanbet.
- This master class helped the participants to learn:
- - How to attract money and find an investor to start a business?
- - What are the conditions for working with an investor?
- - How and by what criteria does the investor choose?
The master class was very informative and exciting. Students were able to ask interesting questions, share their knowledge, and, of course, get new ones.

Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture

Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture

On February 15, 2021, the Department of "Social Work and APK" held a round table "Kazakh national costume-a subject of Kazakh material culture", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of sovereign Kazakhstan, with the participation of teachers and students of the Karaganda Industrial and Technological College.
University students told about the varieties and features of the Kazakh national costume (K. Nazarova); military clothing and equipment of a nomad (V. Kravchenko); wedding dress, jewelry and accessories (Vaskovskaya K.,); women's, men's and children's headdresses (Kikimova D.B); children's national clothes (Trubitskaya E.); traditional elements in modern clothing (K. Khabarova).
The round table was attended by D.B. Malaev, head of the department of Communal state institution "Kogamdyk kelisim"; teachers of the department, university students.

Gratitude letter

Gratitude letterAssociate professor of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, faculty of "Business, law and technology", department of "Social work and ANC" Seifullina Galiya Rustembekovna in December 2020 by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded a letter of thanks "For the contribution training of young specialists in the system of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "from the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.K. Aimagambetov. The staff of the department cordially congratulates Seifullina Galiya Rustembekovna and wishes her success in her future work !!!

Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture

Kazakh national costume - subject of Kazakh material culture

On February 10, 2021, the department "Social work and APK" held a round table "Kazakh national costume - the subject of Kazakh material culture",dedicated to the 30th anniversary of sovereign Kazakhstan.
The participants of the round table got acquainted with the 8 wonder of the world, the main archaeological discovery of Kazakhstan - the Golden Man (Altyn Adam), its military equipment and decoration.
University students told about the varieties and features of the Kazakh national costume (K. Nazarova); military clothing and equipment of a nomad (V. Kravchenko); wedding dress, jewelry and accessories (Vaskovskaya K.,); women's, men's and children's headdresses (Kikimova D.B); children's national clothes (Trubitskaya E.); traditional elements in modern clothing (K. Khabarova).
The round table was attended by D.B. Malaev, head of the department of Communal state institution "Kogamdyk kelisim"; teachers of the department, university students.



On February 10, 2021, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz organized a career guidance event on the ZOOM platform for students of the 11th grade of the A. Kunanbayev gymnasium № 5, the A. Kunanbayev Topar Secondary School, the Karabas Secondary School № 15 and the Kurmа support school.
Was organized by the senior lecturer of the Department "Banking management and financial markets" Isanov, A. S., senior lecturer of the Department "State-local management and economic theory" Yusupov M. T., senior lecturer of the Department "Legal regulation of economic relations" Amantay A. A. and Deputy Chairman of the selection Committee of the University, senior lecturer of the Department "Accounting and audit" named after Nurzhanova I. S.
The purpose of the event is to tell the graduates of our University and its disciplines, as well as about the rules and requirements for UNT.
At the career guidance event, students were shown a special presentation about the university, at the end of which a video clip "Virtual Journey through the University" and links to an online questionnaire were presented in an online format.


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