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March 1 - The Day of Gratitude!

Dear teaching staff and students! Please accept the words of congratulations from the university students on the Day of Gratitude! This holiday, embodying friendship and harmony, is a creative symbol of solidarity and unity of the fraternal people of Kazakhstan. Let the spiritual holiday of Gratitude Day on the first day of spring contribute to the further preservation and enhancement of the main asset of our country — the unity of the people.
We wish your families peace, prosperity, happiness and kindness!

The actions of the population at the signal «Attention please!»

Every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan should know and follow the procedure for the signal «Attention please!» transmitted by means of sirens or other signaling means, launched to attract the attention of the population in in case of a threat or emergency.
Having heard the signal «Attention please!», the population is obliged to turn on TVs, radios and other means of receiving information, carefully listen to the transmitted information and comply with the requirements step by step. The information transmitted can be of various nature: about the accident of a chemically dangerous object or railway transport, about the threat of chemical, radioactive contamination, about natural disasters, about the possible air danger and other emergencies threatening the life and health of people, as well as about the actions of the population in these emergencies.
The text of voice information will be transmitted in Kazakh and Russian languages. In places where due to the distance there is no sound of sirens and no loudspeakers of central radio broadcasting, the signal «Attention please!» and voice information will be transmitted by special cars equipped with a signal-speaker. Inform relatives, friends, neighbors - they may not have heard the information being transmitted. Stop any public panic and spreading of rumors immediately.

Chief of Civil Defense Staff N. Alimkulov

Subject Olympiad on «History of Kazakhstan»

Subject Olympiad on «History of Kazakhstan»On February 20, 2021, the Department of "Social Work and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" held the subject Olympiad "Kazakhstan Tarikhy" among schoolchildren in online mode.
The Olympiad was attended by students of 11 classes of schools in the city. Students answered questions on the text, analyzed the presented theses on the given topics.
The winners of the subject Olympiads will receive diplomas of 1-2-3 degrees and letters of thanks. According to the results of the Olympiad, the students who took prizes among the students of the Kazakh and Russian classes:
11th grade (kaz):
I-place-Bolat Balnur (secondary school No. 15)Karaganda)
II-place-Kamila Nurkenova (Secondary school No. 27)Karaganda)
III-place-Amanzholov Shyngys secondary school No. 15.Karaganda)
11-class (rus):
I-place – Maikenov Kirill KSU "school Support" (resource centre, No. 12)
II-place-Bekezhanova Dana (secondary school No. 59Karaganda)
III-place-Ksenia Sapozhnikova KSU "Support School" (resource center No. 12)
Congratulations to all the winners of the Olympiad.

Military uniforms of Kazakh batyrs

Military uniforms of Kazakh batyrs

On February 12, 2021, the Department of "Social Work and APK" held a round table "Military uniforms of Kazakh batyrs", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of sovereign Kazakhstan, with the participation of teachers and students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
University students of the university told about the varieties and features of the military uniform of the Kazakh batyrs (Akizhanova J); military clothing and equipment of a nomad (Amangeldin N); The connection of the military clothing of the Kazakh batyrs with the program of Rukhani zhangyru (Karimova R).
The round table was attended by Abdakimova M. K, head of the Department of Social Work and the APK, teachers of the department and students of the University.

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