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«Spiritual and moral education among young people»

«Spiritual and moral education among young people»

The Dean of the faculty of business, law and technology held a meeting with the head of advocacy, analytical, counter-propaganda work of the Center for the study and analysis of problems of the interfaith relations of the Karaganda region Dalabaeva Gulnar Bekenovna on the topic "Spiritually-moral education among young people." Moral education of the country's citizens in the future is one of the issues on the agenda today. The formation of their sense of patriotism, high moral dignity, cognitive attitudes, spiritual and moral values is a great necessity. The meeting touched upon the formation of spiritual and moral values among young people, theoretical justification on the way to overcoming any difficulties, an exchange of views with students and answers to questions.


«Kazakhstan's patriotism and religion»

«Kazakhstan's patriotism and religion»

The Dean of the faculty of business, law and technology held a meeting with the theologian of the Center for research and analysis of problems of inter-confessional relations of the Karaganda region Kerimov Aibek on the topic "Kazakhstan patriotism and religion". The webinar addressed the current issues of patriotism and religion. At the end of the webinar, the students concluded: Patriotic education of young people is an integral part of the development of the entire civil society on the way to sustainable and sustainable progress. Thanks to the revival of the national memory of the people, its history and culture, the spiritual component is revived — religion, which accumulates a system of universal values — love, respect, humanism, compassion, honesty, responsibility, which make up the unshakable facets of patriotism.

«The fight against corruption is a common cause»

«The fight against corruption is a common cause»

The Dean of the faculty of business, law and technology held a meeting with the chief specialist of Department of the Agency for civil service Affairs and anti-corruption in Karaganda region Akim Santamarina on the theme "combating corruption – a common cause". The main goal of the event is the formation of an anti-corruption culture, improving the legal literacy of citizens. The speaker explained to the students the importance of forming and improving the anti-corruption culture in society, preventing corruption offenses.

Youth wing " Zhas Otan»

Youth wing " Zhas Otan»

The deans of FBLT, FEME, FFLDT held an online meeting with the Chairman of the Karaganda regional branch of the youth wing "Zhas Otan" Khamitov Yerzhan and members of the youth wing "Zhas Otan" KEUK. The meeting summed up the results of the events, which were attended by members of the youth wing "Zhas Otan". Our students Nurtazinova Zhanerke and Usacheva have Bibliobibuli an overview of the activities organized by the youth wing "Zhas Otan".

A scientific seminar on the topic "Organization of research activities of teaching staff using distance technologies" was held at the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

A scientific seminar on the topic "Organization of research activities of teaching staff using distance technologies" was held at the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

A scientific seminar on the topic "Organization of research activities of teaching staff using remote technologies" was held online on December 23, 2020 at the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (speaker Ph.D., associate professor Kalkabaeva G.M.). The event was organized by the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists. Young teachers, doctoral students and undergraduates of the university took part in the seminar.
Within the framework of the scientific seminar, the issues of organizing scientific research in the conditions of the remote format of the work of universities, the availability of digital resources and scientific data, modern trends in the field of publication activity of young scientists, the development of digital research skills of teachers, government measures to support youth scientific initiatives were discussed.
Such scientific seminars are held annually and are a platform for the exchange of experience in research activities and the development of the scientific potential of the university.

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