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THE OLYMPICS «A CONNOISSEUR OF THE LANGUAGE»On December 5, 2020, the Department of Kazakh Language and Culture of Kazakhstan organized the subject Olympiad "Til bilgiri" among schoolchildren online.
More than 70 students from 11 classes from 19 schools of the city took part in the Olympiad. During the subject Olympiads students answered questions on the text and wrote essays on specific topics.
Besides, the students were informed about the Karaganda Economic University, UNT, the specialties of KEU. Winners of subject Olympiads will receive special certificates from the rector of the university for the cost of training in 2021-2022 academic year. (5% 10% 15%)

Congratulations to the choreographic ensemble "Zhaina" with the victory in the VI international distance festival-competition "Ak - Sunkar"!

Congratulations to the choreographic ensemble "Zhaina" with the victory in the VI international distance festival-competition "Ak - Sunkar"!

The choreographic ensemble "Zhaina" won the VI international remote festival-competition of children's, youth and adult creativity "AK Sunkar" - "White Falcon" (Karaganda)!
The contest "Zhaina" took part in the nomination "Folk choreography" dancing "ITC and Charism", the results of the competition were awarded with diplomas and Grand Prix laureate of the first degree.
Congratulations on your victory!!!

KEU students ' Start-up project was among the winners

KEU students ' Start-up project was among the winners

On December 4, 2020, ENU hosted an international competition for University students and undergraduates: "The Best innovative start-up project".
The purpose of the competition is to encourage young people to engage in science and invention, develop skills for commercializing the results of work, prepare for entrepreneurship and entering the market.
47 teams took part in the competition. The contest start –up project of students KEU Asyltas Ramazankyzy, Shakhrizada Ertaykyzy (GMU-18-1), Aizada Abdrakhmanova (GMU-19-1, Scientific edviser Ertay H.) took 3rd place. They developed a prototype of the "DIGITAL UNIVERSITY" mobile app.
We congratulate our students on their well-deserved victory and wish them further success!

Meeting with successful graduates of the EP "Accounting and Audit"

Meeting with successful graduates of the EP "Accounting and Audit"On 12.08.2020, the Department of Accounting and Auditing held a meeting with successful graduates of the Accounting and Auditing Department in an online format (on the ZOOM platform). The event was attended by the teaching staff of the department and students of the final year of the EP "Accounting and Audit". Graduates of 2018, 2019 and 2020 were invited: Serikova Karina Serikovna - M.E. Assistant to KPMG, one of the world's largest professional services networks and one of the Big Four audit firms; Melnikova Evelina Igorevna - M.E. Deputy Chief Accountant of PromTechnics LLP; Isaeva Tamilla Etibarkyzy - accountant of FE EFES-KAZAKHSTAN JSC; Abbas Gulzhamilya Aytbaykyzy - accountant of "ARAGANDY TAZALY" LLP; Nurbekova Bibigul Nurbekkyzy - accountant of the East Kazakhstan region Ayagoz district of the State Enterprise "House of Culture Kozy korpesh-Bayan Sulu". Each graduate shared their experience in achieving success. The event was moderated by Master of Economics, teacher M.E. Khasenova.

Menin tauelsiz Kazakhstanym

Menin tauelsiz KazakhstanymAccording to the plan of educational work of the departments, master, senior lecturer of the department of "Accounting and Audit" Musipova L.K. held a thematic curatorial hour on the topic "Menin tauelsiz Kazakhstanym", dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan. The event was attended by the teaching staff of the department and students of the EP "Accounting and Audit". The participants were shown material about the achievements of Kazakhstan during the years of Independence, memories of the victims of the December events of 1986, in continuation of the theme, the work of Kalkaman Sarin "Tauelsizdik" was performed and the song "Kazakh Eli" was sounded.

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