A webinar was held in an online format on the topic: Say YES-life without drugs! Speaker: Anastasia Astashova-Psychologist on Addictive behavior (dependent behavior) Renaissance drug treatment center. The seminar was actively attended by students of the faculties of Fflict, Fefp and Fbpa. Drug addiction is a painful attraction to the use of harmful and dangerous substances that paralyze the nervous system, causing a temporary blunting of the senses of consciousness. Drug addiction is a problem of our time. At the webinar, students received theoretical knowledge about the consequences after application. Real-life situations were described using examples.
In his messages to the people of Kazakhstan, the President has always set the task of creating, first of all, his own independent and effective system of telecommunication services, competitive in the future with similar infrastructures of the developed countries of the world. “Information technology is invaluable for the health and education sectors, as well as for the preservation and improvement of the environment. Another positive aspect of an easily accessible and fully operational telecommunications system is the guarantee that the entire population, despite the poor condition of roads, remoteness of certain regions and high tariffs for passenger transportation, will have access to information, ” the annual message says. In accordance with this, every year for the improvement and convenience of human life, in our country, programmers, designers, marketers, specialists in specific areas and other specialists introduce various high-tech equipment into production, develop software. Fulfilling such tasks, LLP “I2NIK” has developed a mobile application “Darmen”. For the development of "Darmen", the experience of notifying the population through a mobile application in Japan and the USA was studied. The application was created for the Android and iOS operating systems and “allows for a few seconds to massively inform the population about the threat and emergencies” in our region. The application "has shown high efficiency" and has been used by our citizens since November 2019. Will school classes be canceled or roads blocked, is it possible to go out of town or is it ice, snowstorm, blizzard today? This important information, which is needed here and now, can be instantly obtained in this application. Bus, train and plane timetables are also available here. Any entrepreneur will be able to register a company, promote his business and give the user the opportunity to book a visit to him. You can download the Darmen application in the AppStore and PlayMarket app stores for mobile phones. Darmen - is everything you need in your pocket.
In winter, the potential danger of emergencies is especially high. Our Karaganda region with its sharply continental climate is no exception. All winter with its frosts ahead. Therefore, we must be constantly prepared for new trials that the coming winter may bring us. Neglecting the rules of safe behavior in any situation and not paying attention to constant warnings is knowingly pushing yourself to death. But our citizens are constantly being warned about the consequences of reckless behavior. And apparently the experience of one person in trouble does not always become an example for others. There are several general simple rules that should be followed when going on the road in winter: - try to follow the weather changes by listening to weather reports or observing the surrounding nature; - do not neglect excess clothing; - do not lay new roads, do not cut corners; - do not travel in unfamiliar areas at dusk; - try not to walk alone; - in cold weather, especially with strong winds, constantly monitor your condition, avoiding general or local hypothermia; - warm up frozen limbs in all available ways. Be prepared for the weather to worsen and the road to skid. Clothing should not hinder movement. Shoes should be loose in any case.
Social protection is a system designed to ensure a certain level of welfare and well-being of citizens who cannot provide themselves with income for any reason (old age, disability, health status, loss of a breadwinner or job) and other legal reasons. Social assistance is intended for additional protection of certain categories of citizens at the expense of budget funds. Within the framework of this topic, in platinum lecture, an invited specialist explained in detail: senior specialist of the department for ensuring social benefits No. 1 of the city of Karaganda of the branch of the state corporation "Government for Citizens" Saginbekova A.M. for students of 1, 2, 3 courses of the specialty "Social work" of our university. Teachers and students asked topical questions and received comprehensive answers. Based on international experience, it can be concluded that the most effective and comprehensive social protection systems, as a rule, include such basic elements as: 1) government benefits; 2) compulsory social insurance; 3) accumulative pension provision; 4) social assistance.
On November 19, 2020, the republican scientific and practical conference "The Philosophical Heritage of Abai" in an online format, dedicated to the World Day of Philosophy, was organized by the Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata. Several professors and teachers have contributed to the disclosure of the significance of this topic. Following the conference, it is planned to publish a collection. The conference was attended by 3rd year student of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz Sh. Azine (supervisor, master Bazarbayeva MM) and was awarded a letter of thanks. We wish our best teachers and students to see the fruits of their labor.