Judge master class

Judge master class

On November 17, 2022, under the organization of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Relations, a master class was held by the judge of District Court No. 2 named after Kazybek and Karagandy Alshinbekova Aray Amantaevich on the topic: "Judgment and jurisdiction". The master class was told that civil cases for filing claims for disputes arising from civil, family, labor, housing, financial and economic, land relations and other legal relations belong to the courts. The actual issues of jurisdiction based on the choice of the plaintiff, exclusive jurisdiction, contractual jurisdiction, and jurisdiction of several related cases were touched upon.

Forum "Year of Children: state priority - children"

Forum "Year of Children: state priority - children"

On November 16, 2022, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted the forum "The Year of Children: the state priority is children", organized by the Department of Education of the Karaganda region, the RNPC TO "Saryarka Daryny", the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work, I.B. Kiseleva, the Commissioner for Children's Rights of the Karaganda region.
The purpose of the forum was to create conditions for an open dialogue between children, parents, public figures, teachers and psychologists on the safety and well-being of children in the modern world.
The guests and participants of this event were students of 20 schools in Karaganda and Karaganda region, college students and our university, parents, teachers and lecturers, psychologists and social workers, representatives of law enforcement agencies and non-governmental organizations.
Within the framework of the plenary session, the opening speech was made by the head of the Department of Education of the Karaganda region Kozhakhmetova G.Sh., Dean of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology of the AU T.I., Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Karaganda region Kiseleva I.B., as well as the head of the laboratory "RNPC DO "Saryarka Daryny" Lyubchanskaya T.V.
6 dialogue platforms were organized, where invited speakers discussed topical issues of human rights in the modern world, children's safety, their health and other important aspects of child protection in the modern world. At the end of the speakers' lectures, the guests of the university were able to participate in interactive events, including forum theaters, allowing them to find a way out of difficult life situations, in which the central person is a child.
Such large–scale events are not only an opportunity to create new active and strong ties between educational institutions and organizations working in the field of children's rights protection, but also to involve modern youth, their parents and mentors in solving urgent social problems. The Forum participants noted the special role of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz in the implementation of youth policy in the region.
The Forum has become a launching pad for new youth leaders – builders of New Kazakhstan!

The university students were told about the rules of admission to the civil service

The university students were told about the rules of admission to the civil service

On November 11, 2022, our university hosted a meeting of students of the OP "State Local Administration", "Jurisprudence" with representatives of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Karaganda region, including the head of the Zholdangar E.K.
Representatives of the ADGS spoke about the prospects of graduates wishing to enter the civil service, the creation of a new model of public service based on the principles of meritocracy.
Students actively participated in the discussion, questions were asked. Representatives of the ADGS gave all the necessary information for admission to the civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They explained the mechanism of submitting an application for testing, submitting documents for participation in competitions, showed active links to the official website of the Agency for full information.
Issues of further cooperation within the framework of the work of the School of a Young civil servant were also discussed.

Republican scientific and practical conference "Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work: Theory and Practice of Interaction"

Republican scientific and practical conference "Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work: Theory and Practice of Interaction"

On November 5, 2022, the Republican scientific and Practical conference "Psychology, Pedagogy and social work: theory and practice of interaction" was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, which was attended by practicing psychologists, teachers, social educators, social workers, scientific and pedagogical workers, heads and specialists of education departments, students.
The online conference actively discussed the results of scientific research in the following areas: "Current trends and prospects for the introduction of teaching methods and learning technologies", "The current state and development trends of psychological practice in education and the social sphere", "Case management as an integrated approach to activities multi-teams of general education schools”, “Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work in the New Reality: Development Strategies (Scientific Research of Students”).
More than one hundred and fifty conference participants from Akmola, Aktobe, Almaty, Kostanay, Pavlodar, Karaganda, North Kazakhstan, South Kazakhstan and Ulytau regions, as well as from the Republic of Belarus shared their scientific and practical experience in introducing innovations in education, in the activities of psychologists and social workers. Another important result of the conference was the unification of the scientific potential of young researchers to solve urgent problems in the development of the social sphere.
The scientific and practical conference organized by the department "Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work" gave a new impetus to the interaction of theory and practice of psychological, pedagogical sciences and social work.



In the period from 3-5 of November 2022, teachers of the department «Management and Innovations» Associate Professor Salauatova D.M., teacher Blyalova A.B. completed a refresher course in the profile of teaching disciplines on the topic «Technological Entrepreneurship», organized by the Corporate Fund «International Technopark of IT Startups «Astana Hub» (Kazakhstan, Astana).
The author of the course is Margarita Zobnina, Ph.D. in Economics, professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russian Federation, Moscow), author of the books Startup Guide and Business Astana Teens. Course program: Fundamentals of teaching entrepreneurship. Tools for teaching entrepreneurship. Logic and construction of the project course. Cases.
As a result of the course, teachers mastered new methods and techniques that will help each student build their own START-UP project:
Customer discovery
Creating an MVP: types and tools
Work with B2B clients
Startup finance: cash flow
Turn sheet and many others
Teachers will share this knowledge within the disciplines «Entrepreneurship», «Project Management», «Risk Management» in the form of business games, meetups, pitches, etc.
The purpose of the course is ideal mental anticipation of the result of entrepreneurial activity. This is a subject of aspiration, a predetermined final goal, an expected result of an entrepreneur's action. The main goals of business activity can be:
- obtaining profit from capital, financial, resource and material resources invested in this or other business object;
- meeting the demand of the society for specific needs of its members or country, region.


The round table on the theme "Youth in science: problems and development prospects".

The round table on the theme "Youth in science: problems and development prospects".

The round table was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the topic “Youth in science: problems and development prospects” On November 2, 2022.
The round table was held under the auspices of the Council of Young Scientists of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz in the light of the implementation of the Science Development Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026.
The round table was attended by teachers and students of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz:
The guests of this event were:
- Professional experts:
Tasbulatova Balsulu Kuvandykovna. Certified Coach (Erickson College Coaching International, Canada, Vancouver), founder and head of the expert analytical association "Prof-Dialog", Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) made a presentation on the topic "Science and technology create a modern civilization."
Upasheva Asylzhan Amanzholovna. The head of the business incubator of the Innovation Cluster of Nazarbayev University NURIS, MBA made a presentation on the topic “Support for technology start-ups in Kazakhstan”.
- Chairmen of the Council of Young Scientists of the leading universities of Kazakhstan: Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after G. Daukeev, Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov, KarU named after E.A. Buketov, KarTU named after A. Saginov, Academy "Bolashaq".
It should be noted that this kind of event provides a unique opportunity for initiative, talented and motivated young people to exchange experience, establish business contacts and acquire new knowledge.

Signing of an agreement on the opening of a branch of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the basis of "QazTehna" LLP

Signing of an agreement on the opening of a branch of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the basis of "QazTehna" LLP

On November 3, 2022, Rector of the University, Doctor of Economics, Professor E.B. Aimagambetov and Deputy General Director of "QazTehna" LLP Omarov E.K. signed an agreement on the opening of a branch of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the basis of a large industrial enterprise of the region "QazTehna" LLP (Saran).
On the same day, the heads of organizations signed a roadmap of cooperation between the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and QazTehna LLP, which provides for close cooperation.
The roadmap defines specific activities for 2022-2026, including the organization of internships and internships for university students, conducting courses of additional professional education, developing a dual educational program, conducting joint research and more.

Republican Research project competition among school students of Karaganda region

Republican Research project competition among school students of Karaganda region

On 01.11.2022, within the framework of career guidance work, the Head of the PhD Department, Professor of the Department of Management and Innovation Orynbasarova E.D. took part as a member of the commission in the Republican Research competition of projects among school students of the Karaganda region, which was held at the Daryn specialized school for gifted children.
Students of such schools as "Kokpektinskaya secondary School", "Zhambyl Akylbayev Gymnasium School", "Secondary School No. 25", "Secondary school named after him defended their projects. Nurken Abdirova", "Gymnasium School No. 95", "Gymnasium No. 97" , "Specialized boarding school of information Technologies" "Specialized boarding School named after Zhambyl".
A conversation was held with school students on the choice of a higher educational institution and specialty. We also invited them to our university for an open day to introduce them in detail to educational programs.

Cooperation with the Moscow State University named after S.Y. Witte

Cooperation with the Moscow State University named after S.Y. Witte

Prospects for long-term cooperation were discussed at the meeting of: Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and Moscow University named after S.Yu.Witte.
The meeting was held on November 03, 2022 in an online format on the initiative of our long-time partners from Moscow. Vice-Rector for Development of the University. Vitte Ermolaev V.V. and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Strategic Development Abeuova S.T. outlined specific ways of international cooperation, interaction in terms of academic mobility of students, the introduction of joint educational programs, etc. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the Centers of International Programs and Projects of the two universities, Departments of Academic Development of the Higher Educational Institution.
The prospects for students and teachers of partner universities are great, focused on success and mutually beneficial cooperation.

The project "Silver University" was launched at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

The project "Silver University" was launched at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

On November 1, 2022, the university launched a project within the framework of the concept of Lifelong learning ("Lifelong learning"). The implementation of the Silver University project will create conditions for the creative and professional development of older people

Today, 10 people are studying at the Silver University. They are given the opportunity to attend classes in the Kazakh language, digital and computer literacy for free.

The project provides for improving the quality of life and social activity of older citizens, strengthening physical and mental health.

Classes are conducted by experienced university teachers: senior lecturer of the Department of QI and IT Analytics Tsitsina A.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Kazakh Language and Culture of Kazakhstan Zhukeev T.B.

Students who have successfully completed training will be issued certificates of the "Silver University".

Decade of the Department of Marketing and Logistics-2022

Decade of the Department of Marketing and Logistics-2022

The Department of Marketing and Logistics held an annual Decade of the department dedicated to the Day of the Marketer on October 27.
October 22, 2022 – Opening of the Decade. On this day, a business game "Logistician's Route" was held for 1st year students of OP Logistics. The guys together with senior teachers of the department Raiymbekova A.K. and Tomashinova A.E. performed interesting tasks of the game on the territory of the Central Park of Karaganda;
October 26, 2022 – Creative DIY workshop (Do It Yourself) – "Do it yourself". Three teams of two colleges took part in the workshop: the Karaganda Commercial College and the College of Economics, Business and Law of the KARA Kazpotrebsoyuz (responsible – senior lecturer Shakhshina A.K.). On the same day, an eco-tour "Take care of your planet" took place, which was attended by students of the Logistics Department headed by a senior lecturer of the Department of Marketing and logistics Kuanyshbaev A.B.;
October 27, 2022 – the day was held under the name "Day of Science and Education". At 10.00, a meeting of the debate club was held with students of 1-3 courses of OP Marketing and OP Logistics (responsible – senior lecturer Raiymbekova A.K.). Later, first-year students visited the library to participate in a review of new educational and methodological literature (responsible – senior lecturer Krasnoshchekova E.A.). The day ended with the VII International Conference "Forum of Young Researchers" (responsible – senior teacher Kasymova B.T. and teacher Konyrtaeva K.B.);
October 28, 2022 – the representative of the company "OPTIMUS KZ" Pilyuta S. held a master class for students of 1-4 courses of Marketing and Logistics (responsible - senior lecturer Kuanyshbaev A.B.). Then the closing ceremony of the Decade of the department was held, at which all participants of the Decade were awarded.

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