Medical center

The main tasks and functions of medical center:
- timely first aid to students, PPS, staff;
- the organization of constant examination of temporary disability of students and freeing them from classes with the issuance of a certificate of health state;
- in the direction of the local doctor provides anti-relapse treatment, carry out physiotherapy and injections;
- conducting health education through lectures on AIDS, drug abuse, sexually transmitted diseases by inviting leading experts and environmental protection, the release sanbulletins on various topics;
- providing an X-ray examination of students, PPS and staff.

The main activities of practitioner:
- organizes the work of the medical center staff to provide timely and high-quality medical and medication assistance to students, PPS and staff of the University;
- examines temporary disability of students and free them from classes by the end of the school year with the issuance of a certificate of health state;
- provides 100% x-ray examination of students and staff (to detect pulmonary tuberculosis);
- intended by local doctor provides anti-relapse treatments, issues physiotherapy treatments, selection of treatment according to the established diagnosis, writes the methodology of procedures, explains the mechanism of action of physiotherapy to a patient, introduces patients with safety measures.

The main activities of infirmary nurses:
- provides infectious safety (in compliance with the rules for sanitary and anti-epidermal mode, aseptic, right stores, processes, and uses sterilized medical devices);
- performs all phases of the nursing process of patients care (initial assessment of the patient's condition, interpreting the data, care planning in conjunction with the patient);
- timely and accurately performs preventive and therapeutic and diagnostic procedures prescribed by the doctor;
- provides emergency first aid in acute diseases, accidents and various types of disasters and call the doctor to the patient or his direction in the near health care setting;
- introduces drugs, anti-shock means (anaphylactic shock) patients for health reasons (if you can not timely arrival of the doctor to the patient) in accordance with the established procedure of action for a given condition;
- ensures proper storage, accounting and writing off of drugs, adherence to the rules of medication by patients;
- approves medical reporting documentation;
- conducting health education work for health promotion and disease prevention, promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Medical center

Medical center

Medical center

Medical center


Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ